Define Tough

Summary: Maurecia can only show tough with her skates on and violence. But Todd can prove otherwise. one-shot!

Author's Note: I was watching Wayside on V Fios and I was inspired by MaureciaxTodd and other stories, and this cute little idea popped into my head, but he is some BACKGROUD INFORMATION for you all:

They are in the 7th grade, Todd has braces (Finally!), Todd's hair is grown out, like longer, and combed. The school is more normal, and Maurecia has temporarily lost her tough.

Disclaimer: Sorry, I don't own Wayside!

Wayside School

6:45 P.M.

Omniscient POV

Maurecia walked towards her school awkwardly. She wasn't wearing her skates, the had broke while jumping over Todd the previous day. She pulled out her cell phone from her sweatshirt pocket, and saw the message the mysterious person left.

234-091-0020 – Meet me at Wayside at 6:45, it is really important.

She lifted her hand up to scratch her head, except her helmet was still there.

"Shit," she muttered to herself quietly. She swiftly tossed the helmet behind a tree and fluffed out her curls. She pulled out her 'emergency Todd beautifying kit' that Dana had once packet for her and pulled her hair into a bun with a few of her purple strands hanging over her shoulder. Before she knew it, she had reached the school's recess lot. She turned around, examining the area. No one had showed up.

She kicked a can and said, "Damn pranks," she really had thought someone had cared about her.

A soft bang erupted from the side of the school. Quickly, Maurecia had run over where Todd was laying against the school, his soft orange hair blocking parts of his eyes.

"Hey," said Todd, glancing into Maurecia's direction. He was taken aghast by her appearance. Her usually helmet – pony tail do was replaced by curls and a bun. She was now wearing skinny jeans and a small blue sweatshirt. This wasn't the girl Todd had sent out to see. He wanted to show her he was tough.

Maurecia walked a few more feet over and smiled, "What's up?" then brought her fist up to punch him, but never did.

"What's the matter, lost your toughness?" questioned Todd in a mocking tone, smirking.

"Define tough," I smirked back. It showed on the outside, but on the inside I was just a love sick loser.

"Uh… well…" Todd struggled to find his words.

Maurecia stole his thoughts, "I was only love tough with violence. But, I can be tough a totally different way."

Todd slumped back, thinking about what Maurecia had just said. Drifting out of his current thoughts, he looked up at Maurcecia, who was gazing off into space. Under moonlight, he thought she looked beautiful.

Todd stood up, and slowly walked towards Maurcecia. Standing face to face with her he started, "So, if you're tough a different way…" he was cut off. Maurcecia had leaned in and placed her lips to his. Todd's lips moved with hers as he pulled her waist to his. She lifter her arms over onto his shoulders. Before Todd knew what was happening, she pulled away, saying;

"I can be tough like that."

A/N: Aww… I loved that. I know I didn't portray Maurecia's style that well, but I wanted her to be like that. On a funny note, while I was in the middle of typing the kiss, my phone rang, and my friends Becca and Ayesha were prank calling being Elmo and selling ponies. But being such losers they are, they prank called their friend in stead of other losers in our grade. And I fell out of my chair. Ow.

PLEASE R&R! I hoped you liked it!