
The slab slid shut with a thud, kicking up a cloud of dirt. The Pharaoh stood staring at it, his wife and three sons standing with him. The sun was setting behind the tomb, casting a red glow on the sands.

"He will be with her once again," the Pharaoh said softly, putting an arm around his wife.

"It breaks my heart to think that it took so long," the Queen said softly, a tear slipping down her bronze cheek. "He was such a sweet man. He deserved more."

"They are together now for eternity. Anubis will see him safely to her. Love that could not be broken by death will last through anything."

The Pharaoh turned back to the river, his tall form casting a long shadow in front of him. His family soon followed, leaving the sands to blow gently against the new tomb. The sun sank below the horizon, letting darkness fall like a blanket over Egypt.

Below the earth, in the still air of a sealed chamber, two figures lay in sleep, cut off from the rest of the world. Surrounded by earthly possessions, the two slept together in their stone room, a stone lioness at their feet. Inside was what had once been the most noble of creatures. Though separated by beds of stone, locked away from each other, their souls danced together in the afterlife, and never would any force be able to separate them, for no power could break the eternal bond that was the love shared by them.

I hope everyone enjoyed my story! Hurray, I finished it! Please, rate and review! I love to hear from you readers.
