I know, I haven't finished my other stories yet and I'm already making another one. Bleh! I HATE PLOT PANDAS!!! XD They're so cute, so adorable and irresistible you just cannot ignore them! arggH!!!

I don't own Naruto and any of it's characters.

note: some characters are OOC.

On with the story!

It's been three years since the declaration of Orochimaru's death and the news of the Akatsuki being wiped out. Orochimaru was killed by surprisingly, his two apprentices, Sasuke with a little help of Kabuto. And the Akatsuki fell after Itachi and the leader's defeat. Whereabouts of the remaining members have not yet been found.

Konoha and Suna have been successful over the years of Tsunade and Gaara's leadership.

It's a very quiet winter day at our favorite village, Konoha.

The village was like covered with a cold white blanket ans still, snow was continuing to fall from the gray skies.

Christmas is just two weeks away and everyone's busy preparing. At the Hokage's office though, four ninjas were still busy with their mission.

"I know the holidays are coming and this mission will take you two and a half weeks to finish. But know that this is a very top secret, S-class mission." Tsunade said as smoke came out of her mouth due to the cold weather.

Team Kakashi was standing in front of her. They were wearing their 'winter ninja' clothes. Kakashi, Naruto, Sai, and Sakura. The new team Kakashi.

"Kakashi, take this." Tsunade handed him a small red scroll. Kakashi took it and placed it on one of the pockets in front of his vest.

"The Village of Snow." Kakashi looked at his team.

"Great. For a second there I thought we're gonna be sent to some place warm!" Sakura's lips were chapped and she was still freezing cold even though her clothes were very thick.

"Y-yeah..." Naruto was rubbing his arms while his teeth were chattering.

"Well, good luck and Merry Christmas." Tsunade said. "Dismissed."

The four nodded then left the office.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the world... (haha. i just love that sentence.)

The Village of Sound was silent as a cemetery. What made it more gothic cemetery like was the thick snow covering it and the countable number of people walking in the streets.

On some hidden lair in the deepest, darkest part of the forest in the village, Sasuke's team, Team Hebi that is was doing nothing.

Akatsuki as gone. Orochimaru's dead.

Sasuke was sitting on his bed thinking of something better to do than sit. Now was a good time for Naruto and Sakura to drag him back but with their last battle, the chance of him seeing them again were one to one million.

Naruto already let him go. Sakura was with him that time, they fighting together. Sasuke was with his new team. Sakura was badly hurt and she almost died due to loss of chakra and Karin's doing with the help of Suigetsu.

Sasuke didn't admit it. But sometimes when he's alone, he misses them. Naruto's loud mouth early in the morning. Kakashi's puffy smoke and stupid excuses when he's late and Sakura's sweet smile that greets him every time she sees him.

Sasuke shook his head as he remembered those times once again in his 'alone time'.

Then his train of thought were ended when he heard three knocks from his door.

"Sasuke-kun!" It was Karin.

"Leave me alone." He said plainly.

"But don't you want to decorate the Christmas tree with us? The two already said yes." Sasuke knew that Karin would bug him to no end until he says yes.

Thinking that he has nothing better to do and with his conscience and thoughts of his old team begun flooding him through his silent room, he opened the door and walked pass Karin.

Karin smiled then ran to catch up with Sasuke.

At Konoha's gates, Team Kakashi stopped for a few more mission reminders.

"Okay. We're heading for the Village of Snow which will take us three days by boat and one week by foot." Kakashi said, his mouth smoking due to the heavy cold.

"So?" Sai asked, wearing something that covers the whole of his body for a change.

"We'll need 100 each for the boat ride and five gallons of hot water each if we decide to walk." Kakashi smiled under his mask.

"Boat!" the three said in unison.

"I thought so. Let's go to the harbor then." Kakashi said as they took off and headed for the nearby harbor outside of Konoha.

After a few runs, they reached the harbor.

"Wait here, I'll go buy us some tickets." Kakashi said as the three gave him 100 each.

"Man, what a mission!" Sakura was shaking in cold.

"Tell me about it. Tsunade-sama sucks!" Naruto sneezed.

"Well, since we're the only team that has no family to celebrate Christmas with, then we're the best candidate for this mission." Sai crossed his arms.

"I have a pet cat you know!" Sakura said.

"Oh yeah, the evil pussycat from outer space." Naruto chuckled.

"Well, it's not my fault that she hates you both for nearly beheading her while you guys were arguing about something stupid inside my house, right?!"

With that look in Sakura's eyes, Sai and Naruto knew they should shut up or else they're not gonna celebrate this year's Christmas.

Naruto was about to say something when Kakashi came over them.

"Let's go guys. There are no passengers. We're the only ones." Kakashi said as he hand them their tickets.

"Finally! I wanna stay in some place warm even for just a minute!" Sakura hurried towards the boat followed by Naruto and Sai. Kakashi was the last one to enter.

As they entered, the captain signaled his crew then they started to leave the harbor.

The four split up and headed to their separate rooms.

Inside Kakashi's room...

Kakashi placed down his backpack and sat on the small bed on the right side of the small cabin. He placed his favorite book on top of the small dresser beside the table then he looked outside through the round window. Snow was still falling.

Inside Sai's room...

Sai lied on his back on the bed. He took his gaze upon the small light bulb on the ceiling. His mouth released smoke as he took a deep breath then exhaled. He closed his eyes and wandered his mind on something else.

In Naruto's room...

Naruto dragged the small chair in front of the dresser then placed it in front of the window. He rested his chin on his folded arms that were in front of the window then he just stared outside.

And last but the least, Sakura. After fixing her things on the cabin, she quickly went out of her room and went to the small cafeteria and took some hot water and made some hot chocolate to drink.

"See Sasuke-kun! Decorating for christmas is fun!"

"Whatever." Sasuke stood up from the chair and left the room where Karin, Juugo and Suigetsu were.

"Don't piss of Sasuke Karin." Juugo said.

"What? I'm just trying to bring the Christmas Spirit to him!" Karin stood up to follow Sasuke but was stopped by Juugo.

"Let him be."

"Fine." Karin returned to her seat.

Sasuke was heading for her room when a look out came inside, running. Sasuke stopped and the man stopped in front of him.

"Sasuke-sama, I saw him. The Prince of the village of snow."

"Where is he heading?" Sasuke asked.

"To the shores. He's going back to his Village. According to our source there, he's gonna meet with some ninjas at his country to get some forbidden scroll which only the prince knows." the man explained.

"You can leave now." Sasuke said.

The man quickly headed outside. Sasuke turned around and headed back to the room where his team are.

"I see you've changed your mind Sasuke-kun!" Karin smiled.

"Everyone get ready. We have to leave for the Village of Snow. Now." And with that Sasuke turned around again and headed for his room to prepare some stuff.

Three days have passed and the boat where Team Kakashi rode was stopping on the shores of the Village of Snow. As the four stepped outside, more snow hit them.

"God, this stinks." Naruto crossed his arms.

Sakura sighed then looked at Kakashi for instructions.

"From here on, we'll proceed with caution. It turns out that Team Hebi, is also after this scroll together with other criminals and such." Kakashi rubbed his hands though he was wearing gloves.

"Let's go before the sun sets." Sai pointed at the sun which is nearing the horizon.

"Sai's right." Sakura nodded. "We're gonna have a hard time getting to the village proper if we don't hurry."

"Okay." Kakashi said.

"Let's go!!!" Naruto and the others ran from the harbor towards the forest and headed for the Village proper.

Okay. It doesn't tell much yet but I sense that this story will be interesting.

So um... review! please? there's the magic word!!! thank you!!! -- see? another magic word!