A/N Sad to say this has come to an ending. But it was a great ride, thanks again for all your reviews. And thank you Fritolays! Thanks for some ideas on this one, you're awesome.

Lilly's POV

"Alright, where are we supposed to go from here?" Oliver asked as we were standing in the middle of the street."

"Oh uh, do you know where any of them live?"

"Oh right, yeah Max lives this way. Let's go." Oliver pointed right, so we darted down the road. It was just a block up the street and we were there in no time. "Well it doesn't look like anyone's home." Oliver said as we looked in some windows. "Oh I think there's a window that leads to the basement in the backyard."

"Great let's go." I said and ran to the backyard. I quickly found the window on the bottom of the house. We both peered through it, looking all through the basement. "Ok, she's not here either. So that must mean she's at Brick's place, where's that?"

"Another block up." Oliver pointed and we ran until he stopped me at another house. The windows were bigger on this house, we looked through a few.

"No it doesn't look like…" Then I suddenly saw the two jocks opening a door and then making their way towards the front door. "…wait Oliver, hide quick there they are." We hid behind a tall and thick branched tree, just next to the house, then watched them walk out the front door, talking with each other in low voices. They stopped and then turned around and went back inside. "Ok, this must mean she's in here, do they have a window in the back?"

"Yeah I think so." Oliver said as he led me to the backyard. Then I saw a window just lower then eye level. I looked in and far down there she was sitting on a chair. Miley was gagged and had her hands tied behind her back.

It was a small window so I gestured for Oliver to come over. "Oh my gosh, Oliver there she is look!" I moved so he could see, he gasped. Then I moved him out of the way. Miley's back was facing us, so I knocked on the window. She turned her head around as much as she could, once she saw me her eyes widened in surprise and she smiled as best she could. But then whipped her head back around quick, as the door had opened again and in walked the two tall jerks. I walked away for a second. "Oliver what are we going to do now?"

"I know we found her, but I mean Jake threatened-"

"Hey! Threat or not, this is Miley we're talking about and my girlfriend. So I don't care what he'll do, we just have to get her back ok? Don't you realize how important to me she is? Now that I've met her, I couldn't stand to live without her."

Once he heard the break in my voice, Oliver walked up to me and put a comforting hand on my shoulder. He spoke softly. "You're right Lilly, she's my friend, she means a lot to me too. I can't imagine how you must be feeling, so I'm sorry, I guess I was just scared."

"It's ok, thanks. But it'll all work out, so you don't need to be scared."

"Yeah, but what about those guys in there, that decided to hang back? How are we supposed to get passed them?" Oliver wondered and looked back over at the window.

I had a sudden thought, I looked at him. "Oliver are you friends with those guys?"

"What, are you kidding? They hate me."

"Why don't you be a distraction and I'll figure a way, on how to bust Miley out."

"W-what do you mean distraction? Do I have to repeat myself?"

"Ok, I know they hate you, but they could be so focused on wondering why you're there, that I could slip in unnoticed. How does that sound?"

"Well…I don't know. I mean I'm not afraid or anything, but how will you get out?"

"I know you can think of something, so come on let's go." I wasn't too confident that Oliver could think of something that fast, but since I told him he could I knew he probably would be confident himself. Right now I was just too anxious to get Miley out of there before anything happened to her. So then I pulled Oliver's wrist and dragged him to the front of the house. "Ok, I'll wait behind the side of the house while you knock on the front door. Then try and lead them somewhere else in the house."

"Alright, got it." Oliver said and then hurried off.

We both walked over to the front of the house. I stopped at the side while Oliver continued to the front door. I peeked around the corner to see what was going on. He knocked a few times and then the door opened.

"Hey, what do you want?" a slightly deeper voice said, it sounded like Brick.

"Hi guys." He said nervously. "I uh, I just had a question about one of your jokes. Yeah one of your jokes I didn't get." Oliver smiled at what he thought was clever, I just rolled my eyes, but they seemed to have bought it. The two guys walked out and Brick's face seemed to have lightened up for some easy conversation.

"Well sure, which joke?"

"Alright, it's the one that you were saying about the tree…" Oliver pointed to a tree in order to get them to turn around. I quietly stepped behind them and slipped inside the house, their voices fading away as I walked further towards the basement door.

Once I was a few steps down the basement I heard voices. I stopped dead in my tracks and listened.

"This isn't funny you know, this is called kidnapping." Miley's voice echoed off the cement walls of the basement.

"True you're right but who's gonna find you?" I heard a chuckle from the evil blonde haired teen. Now this wasn't part of my plan, how did he get away from school so fast? This was going to make things a whole lot harder.

"When Brick's, Mom gets home, she'll figure I'm down here sooner or later." Miley told him. Then I heard a small slap. "And that is called abuse. Jake what is your problem?!"

He had slapped her. That set me off. I ran downstairs and around the corner to make my presence known, but it was only to Miley, Jake was standing in front of Miley. Once Miley saw me, she didn't say a thing and I stayed silent as well.

His voice sounded, coming through gritted teeth now. "My problem is you and now Truscott. And on top of that, I have to deal with Oken from making his secrets known." As Jake continued his rant, I looked around the room for something hard, something that I could knock him out with. Miley must have noticed my head movements and began rolling her eyes from side to side, in search for something as well. "What are you doing?" Jake stopped as he noticed Miley's odd behavior.

"Just uh…rolling my eyes. I'm annoyed at you, you know."

"Oh yeah of course I know, but you seemed…different just then." Jake said in a curious voice. Uh oh, he might be on to us soon. "Miley, is anything wrong?" he asked her slowly.

"No I'm fine." Wow, she sure could put on a great poker face when she needed too. Especially considering the fact that she was tied and bound and hovering over her was Jake. I was impressed at her being serious, so I gave her a thumbs up from behind Jake. I knew she saw it, but she continued to look straight at Jake.

"No something's wrong isn't there? Is someone here or something?" My eyes widened as Jake was about to turn around, but Miley said something else to stop him.

"No, and since when do you care?"

"I've always cared." Even though I couldn't see his face, by the sound of his voice, I knew he was giving her that annoying, signature smile of his.

"Oh please, why don't you think about what you just said? Look at me tied up to the arm rests of this chair, in a basement and guarded by those jerks you call friends. How is that caring?"

"You and Lilly? She's a girl Miley, that's just wrong."

"It is not, and having me down here will only prove how much we love each other more. I know she's coming to get me Jake." I stopped and smiled at her at this sweet statement. And thank goodness Miley had been stalling for time, I still couldn't find anything.

"Oh come on Miley, you know we're supposed to be together. I mean don't you remember when you were popular just last year?" he went on obviously ignoring her comment.

"Yeah I remember, but I also remember that you're the one who cheated on me, so how does that show you care?" she pointed a finger, but not directly at Jake, more like next to his side. I knew it was a sign. I looked behind me; a little further back was a pool table. One of these long sticks would be perfect. I gently picked one up from off the table and then lightly stepped back up to the main scene, just a few feet behind Jake.

"I care because I want to be with you again, so you don't keep doing the wrong thing."

"I told you it's not wrong."

Now it was my turn. "She's right, it's not wrong to love whoever you want to. I love her more then you ever have and now I've found her sooner then you thought." I said in triumph. Then I saw Jake glance up and down the pool stick. He chuckled.

"Is that all you've got Truscott?"

His bright white grin was making me angry, so I just swung it towards him. He blocked it with his arm. That wasn't too impressive, as it was a bit of a slow swing, so I whipped around the other end of the stick fast. He didn't just block this, he snapped the end of the stick off.

"Whoa, that was thick. How'd you do that?" I asked him.

"Well when you're in a gang, you gotta learn how to look out for each other's backs. In this case it was just mine." he said with a cocky smile. He was being obnoxious again, so I gave him a good punch in the nose. "Geez Truscott, why'd you have to do that again?"

"Well, like I said earlier, you may not have heard me, but Miley did. When you're living in the ghetto streets of New York, you gotta learn to look out for yourself."

Jake rubbed his nose and found blood on his finger. "What the hell Truscott, not again! You know what? I know more then you, I know…" He started walking at me, but I kicked him this time. Now he fell to his knees and wouldn't be up for a little while. It was a little too sensitive for him.

"You really don't know that much Jake, drinking doesn't help you." I had the last word and then ran over to Miley. I stepped over the doubled over Jake, who was on the floor and holding his crotch in pain, groaning. "Miles, you ok?" I asked as I untied each wrist from the arms of the chair, and then her legs as well. When they were untied her wrists were red, she rubbed them.

"Yeah, it's just a little sore. Thanks a lot Lilly." she smiled and stood up real quick to embrace me in a tight hug. Then she pulled away and made our lips meet each others, first it was hard, then it became soft and passionate. She spoke to me in between kisses. "I was scared….I didn't know what to do.…but then I saw you...I knew I was safe." she breathed heavily into the longer lasting kiss, then I had to pull away.

"I know, I'll always be here and I know you'd do the same." I told her, looking her deep in the eyes. "Sorry to break this up, but I think we'd better see how Oliver's doing. He's the one who distracted the other two, so that I could get down here."

"What? Hell yeah, we'd better go and see if he's ok." Miley agreed and lead the way upstairs.

We turned around the corner and looked at the front door, no one was there. Then we stepped out into the entry way and looked outside. A police car was in front of the house and the two jocks were in the back seats. In the meantime Oliver, was talking with a few police officers.

"Oliver! What happened, how'd you do this?" I asked as I ran across the front lawn, Miley following.

"Oh yeah thanks. Well all I did was…" then he saw Miley come up behind me. "Miles, are you ok?" he asked as he gave her a quick hug.

"Yeah thanks I'm fine. So what's going on?"

Oliver looked at both of us while he talked. Obviously repeating the same story as the officer walked off and talked to the other one. "Oh right, well I got them distracted by saying to Brick, that Max spread some bad rumor around the school about Brick. Of course Max acted like he didn't know he said anything, because he didn't, but Brick believed it and started wrestling with Max. Well this gave me just enough time to whip out my cell phone and dial 911." Oliver finished with a triumphant smile on his face.

"Eeep…" Miley squealed and hugged Oliver. "You did great Oliver, thank you so much."

"What about Jake, how did he get in there?" I asked.

"Oh I didn't know that, I guess he must have come through the back door. Where is he now?"

"Oh don't worry, I gave him another punch and then a good hard kick in his-"

Miley cut me off. "Oh ok Lilly, that's good enough. He just won't be getting up off the ground for awhile." Miley smiled at a chuckling Oliver.

I went over to one of the officers and told him that Jake was in the basement. Him and his partner ran inside the house. Then I turned back to Miley. "You better not do that to me again."

"Don't worry, we won't see them for a long time. It won't happen again."

I walked up closer to her. "Good, 'cause I need you here with me." I smirked then gave her a kiss for a few seconds.

"And I would never let anything happen to you either."

Then an officer came walking out with Jake, cuffed hands behind his back. Jake smirked at Miley with an evil glint in his eye, but only for a moment, then he was shoved in the car next to his buddies.

Then an officer told us what was going to happen. "Well you won't be seeing them for awhile. It's court and then I'm assuming Juvenile hall for awhile. And are you ok Ms?" he asked Miley.

"Yes sir, I'm fine thank you."

"Alright, well we'll let you know what the court date is and contact your parents."

"Thanks man." Oliver said to him. "Uh officer…sir." Oliver corrected himself. Then the officer returned to his car and they drove off.

The three of us looked at each other and then got the same idea as we started walking toward the beach together. Soon we arrived at a large flat rock. It was big enough to fit more then three people and also facing the ocean. "Hey Oliver, you remember this place right?" I asked him.

"Yeah…good times, good times." He sighed and looked out at the beach.

I turned to Lilly. "This is where Oliver and I met and where we used to hang out together."

"That's cool, I'm glad things are finally settled now." Lilly said as a slight breeze whipped through her glistening, blonde hair. I couldn't resist her now. I pressed my lips upon hers. After several seconds we were interrupted.

"Ah guys, not in front of me." Oliver protested

"You're such a dork Oliver." Lilly waved a hand at him.

"Well we'll just have to find someone for you then." I told him with a smile.

"Thanks Miles." He said sarcastically.

We watched the sunset on the ocean. In the meantime thinking how in trouble we would be for skipping the rest of school.


A/N Well I hope you all enjoyed it. I thought you deserved a longer chapter since it took so long to get this one up. Anyway, please review…