A massive thank you to everybody who has stuck with me throughout this story! I cannot tell you how much it means to me!

Many, many thanks to hurricane1714, LostWitch5, Caomhe of Tyrone, Scarlet Rose Petal, Bookish0278, grecianxpiratex07, yurface9311, willabeth0906, Telcontar Rulz, Genevieve05, and Magical Faerie for your totally awesome reviews!

As of yet, there are no plans for a sequel. I've got several stories that I'm enormously excited about writing so those will take precedence over anything else right now. But if I ever get an idea for a sequel, it will likely show up on this site. ;) Thanks again, everyone!

Chapter 14: Back Home Again

Mum said that goodbyes don't always mean forever and that you have to say goodbye before you can say hello again. I think that means that I get to say hello to my father again someday.

And that is a good thing 'cause I've got lots and lots of questions for him. Do you know? I forgotted to ask him if he could play toys with me. Mum does sometimes.

My father left yesterday. I asked Jack where he was going and he only said that it was to a very far away place. I wondered if that was what all big people tell little people when they don't want to answer. Mum must be the only 'xception 'cause she knowed everything.

I tried to tell Jack what I thought but he was talking to Gibbs for a long time, an hour probably and Mum doesn't like me to in'rupt. He didn't look happy and he kept pointing at the big white cloths.

I runned after Marty to ask him what they were doing. But do you know something? He can run real fast. I thought I'd talk to Cotton next but when I got close that meanie parrot squawked real loud.

I didn't like that noise so I left. Mum needed to give him one of her talks. It was being a naughty boy. Didn't it know it was supposed to be nice?

I didn't know where I was supposed to go now. Jack was in a pouty mood and he was going to his cabin. That meant I couldn't go there. Bettie didn't let me go in her kitchen when she was in a pouty mood. I think it's the same with Jack.

That meant that I had to stay out on deck. I sighed. There wasn't anything to do out here. I sitted down hard and gave that meanie parrot a Mum look. Nobody here would play with me.

I waited there a long time. Jack still didn't come out of his cabin and so I still couldn't go in. I started to get sleepy so I lay out on the deck. The sky was the color of Mum's blue Sunday dress. And then I thought of something I could do.

Every Sunday afternoon Mum and I walk out to our beach and we lie on our backs and found shapes in the clouds. Mum was very good at it. She found a whole ship once.

I decided I was going to beat her today. I was going to find the bestest thing ever. I didn't know what yet but that was 'cause I haven't found it.

So, I stared and stared and stared at those fluffy clouds. And do you know? I found something.

It was a bird, a big one with its wings all out. I got up quick to go tell Gibbs. He'd like to see that. I knew he would. He was standing by the spinny thing that Jack was always at. "Gibbs! Look what I found!"

Somebody was yelling something at the same time but I didn't care very much. I wanted Gibbs to see my bird. I pointed up to show him where it was but he was looking a different direction.

"No, it's not over there. It's up." I tugged on his sleeve. That black line was boring. My bird was much more inter'sting.

"Lad, see that?" Gibbs pointed to the black line.

I nodded, feeling pouty. Who wanted to see some stupid line?

"That's where you live."

"Says who?" I asked.

Gibbs looked confused. I don't think anybody ever asked him that before. With mums you had to be careful about that sort of thing. "Well, uh-"

"Says I, me, 'n meself."

I turned around.

Jack was out of his cabin. "Tha's where your Mum is, savvy?"

"Mum's there!" I liked the sound of that. "Can we go there?"

"I think that could be 'rranged. Oi!" Jack waved a hand at Ragetti and Pintel. "You two! Get the dingy! Young Turner and I are going ashore."

In just a little bit we were all ready to get in the boat. I was very excited to see Mum again. I had lots and lots to tell her about. Jack helped me get over the side 'cause it was very tall.

He got in after me and then Gibbs told somebody to lower us. I'm not sure what that means but the boat started going down to touch the water. There was a big bump when we touched it. Jack didn't look surprised though.

He picked up two of the big sticks and began to dip them in the water. "Where's Mum? 'cause I can't see her anywhere."

"She's there." Jack's voice sounded funny. I think those sticks were heavy. "Owes me a bloody lot of rum…"

I waited and waited. I counted as far as I could with my numbers and slowly that black line turned into what's called the bay in town.

"Mr. Jack! It's my home!"

He nodded.

"Where do you think Mum is?" I kept asking questions all the way until the little boat bumped the sand on my favorite beach. Jack didn't answer any of them. I don't know why.

"Come on, Mr. Jack! I'll show you my house!" I grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the boat. I showed him how to get all the way up to my house. I even showed him my shell collection. Mum didn't want me to keep it in the house so I kept it safe in the front yard behind the flower bed. It was a secret place and Mum didn't even know where it was.

Then I took him up to the door and opened it. "Mum?" I wondered if she was playing hide and seek.

And then I heard her voice, "not in there. It's…" She stepped into the hallway and her eyes went wide when she saw me.


"Hullo Mum."

Mum ran faster than I ever saw. She lifted me and hugged me tight. "Willie…" her voice sounded funny.

"Mum." She smelled good. Mum always smelled good.

"Willie, I was so worried! You were gone for three days! I thought something happened!" She spoke all in a hurry. "Thank the Lord you're unharmed!"

"I went on a ship with Mr. Jack!" I told her proudly.

"What?" She behind me and saw Jack standing in the doorway.

"Jack Sparrow! You?" Mum didn't sound happy. "You've had him all this time! And you didn't bring him back? I was sick with worry!"

"Well, see, i's like this..."

"I don't want to hear it!" Mum's face suddenly went happy again. "You kept him safe. Thank you." She held out her hand.

Jack made a face but he shook it.

"How did you find him?"

"He's a Turner. They have an unnatural ability to stay alive." He and Mum smiled.

"Mum! Guess what I saw?"

"What did you see?"

"I saw a splashy ship! And do you know? My father is on that ship!"

"Wha…" Mum's face looked surprised. She glanced at Jack.

He nodded. "The whelp sends his love."


"I like him, Mum. You picked a good Father for me."

Mum's hand covered her mouth and her eyes went all red and shiny.

"Mum?" I had another question.

"Yes, Willie?"

"Do ships have fathers?"


Another massive thank you to everyone!