I am guilty of falling to the fever of publishing a story on Feb. 29. So, I present to you, this story. And to make thing clear, Bella has been changed for around 25 years. And the whole story isn't going to be like the first chapter- it'll get more serious.

The day was dawning as Edward and I returned to the house after hunting. We were both in good moods- he had gotten that mountain lion, and I'd managed to get a big elk.

Edward groaned. "Bella, do you know the date?"

"Um, no. Why? What is it?" I replied. We didn't really care about time anymore- we had an eternity together. We celebrated some days, like our wedding anniversary, but that was about it.

"Well, Alice has realized it's Leap Day today. And she's set her mind to preparing something big and over the top."

I gulped. I still remembered the last leap day we let Alice plan, 20 years ago. She firmly believed Leap Day was a day to things you'd normally never do, which was how we'd all found ourselves involved in extreme sports- boulder throwing contests, avalanche surfing, and tree jousting. We were lucky that we were living in the far north at that time, away from humans, or the Volturi probably would have paid a visit.

"What's she planning this time?" I asked nervously. I still remembered, all to clearly, the results of me being paired with Emmett for tree jousting.

"You'll hear soon enough. But don't worry, it's not as bad as the last one." He rubbed my pale hand soothingly.

We walked into the house, an almost exact replica of the one that had been in Forks. The rest of the family was already seated around the dining room table, with Alice at the head.

"Oh good," she said as she saw us walking in. "You're right on time, we're having a family meeting. About Leap Day. Want to know the event?"

I dropped into a chair. "Why not? I'll find out anyway."

Alice smiled and clapped her hands. "We're going to be playing a worldwide game of tag!"

"Tag!?" spluttered Emmett. "What happened to extreme sports? Those were fun!"

"Only for you," Jasper pointed out.

Alice cleared her throat. "Sports WERE fun, but we've been there done that. This will last longer, anyway. The whole week." Her eyes glittered excitedly. "One couple will be 'it', and have to hunt one of the other couples down. No tag-backs- so if Jasper and I tagged Rosalie and Emmett, they'd have to go after Edward and Bella or Carlisle and Esme. Everyone can go anywhere; though keeping away from Volterra would probably be a good idea. Once someone new is 'it', the other players must be informed by cell phone."

Right away, Edward asked, "How about using our powers?"

"Well, we can't really turn off your mind reading or my visions, so powers will be allowed."

I couldn't quite believe that in less than 10 minutes my entire plans for the next week were changed. "So, we're actually going to chase each other around the world?"

"Yup!" Alice replied. "Jasper and I will be it first. The rest of you have one hour to pack, and then an eight-hour head start to get running. May the best team win!"

"This is rather sudden, Alice," Carlisle pointed out.

"Not really. I've been planning since last year," Alice replied. "I just..maybe...forgot to tell you all until today. I've gotton too used to not thinking about it so Edward wouldn't pick it up."

No one had anything better to do, and everyone else was starting to get excited over the idea of tracking their family around the world. So, the game had begun.

Two hours later, Edward and I were on a plane, heading far away from the house. We were going for Paris- it was supposed to be cloudy.

I was barely breathing. I'd only been on a plane once before, and all the humans, pulsing with blood in the enclosed space, was hard on my self-control.

Edward noticed. "Don't worry, the flight will be over soon. And this game will be fun. Between my mind-reading and your barriers, we'll never get tagged," he said, soft enough for no human to hear.

I knew he was right. When I had been changed, I gained the ability to erect invisible walls. No one had been able to touch my mind before, and now no one could touch my body either, if I didn't want them too.

"But Alice will see our every move."

He sighed. "That's true. Too bad we aren't on good terms with werewolves-we could have hidden there. But she'll probably go after the couples without supernatural powers."

I laughed, and relaxed.

We got to Paris without incident. We strolled straight out- we were flying light, with only carry-ons. We then proceeded to make ourselves comfortable. We rented a nice hotel room, and picked up tourist pamphlets, most graced with a cover picture of the Eiffel Tower. They were packed with things to do while waiting. Edward had also gotten a list of nearby wildlife parks.

After settling in and changing clothes, we went to one of the wildlife parks to hunt. As we traveled back to the hotel, eyes golden, the cell phone in my pocket went off. "That was fast- I wonder who's been tagged?" I mused.

I flipped open the phone, to see a text message waiting for me.

'B and E are now it.'