Chapter 13- The Lieutenant's Revenge Part 1

"Well, that was fun!" Kisame said as they came out of their makeshift portal.

Itachi sighed, "Do you really have to make that little tremor? That was not necessary."

"Itachi, lighten up! At least we have the Flamberge Sword, you should be happy."

"I'm not. Morpheus did not get any more abilities to absorb. All we have are Zabimaru and Tobiume."

Morpheus nodded in agreement.

Kisame sighed in frustration, "So, now what? We scare a few more school kids and ask them what we know?"

"Let them come to us," Itachi said, pointing at a couple of students heading their way.

Soul Society- 4th Division Relief Station

Momo was walking down the halls of the Relief Station of Squad 4. She was holding a small bouquet of flowers for Renji. She was worried about him. Even though he recovered from the beating he received from Itachi, it seemed that he was furious. She knew what was on his mind, and it troubled her.

Momo wondered if he was going to do what she thought he would do.

As she made her way towards Renji's room, she saw Izuru Kira, Lieutenant of Squad 3, coming out of the room in a panic.

"Izuru? Where's Renji?" Momo asked.

"I don't know, Momo," Kira replied, "I went to talk to him just now and...he was gone!"

Momo's eyes widen at his words.

No, he could not have gone after...

"I have to warn Shiro-chan!" Momo yelled as she took off running in the opposite direction.

"Momo wait!" Izuru yelled out after her.

10th Division Barracks

"Sir! Head-Captain Yamamoto requests your presence!" a messenger called out to Captain Hitsugaya.

"Tell him, I'm on my way," Toshiro replied.

As he was heading towards the 1st Division Building, his Fifth Seat came up to him.


"Bowser, find out anything?" Toshiro asked.

Bowser groaned, "Still nothing on the Vorpal Sword's whereabouts. I've checked everywhere!"

"Calm down, Bowser. I'm sure you'll find it."

"I will, sir. By the way, has there been any word of the Akatsuki appearing in Karakura Town?"

"Not yet, but if that Arrancar, Morpheus shows up, they will, too," Toshiro said.

Bowser nodded, "I hope so."

"Thank you for coming here in such short notice," Head-Captain Yamamoto began.

The captains listen carefully to what Captain Yamamoto had to say.

"Renji Abarai, who was defeated at the hands of this Akatsuki group, has disappeared from the Fourth Division Relief Station."

"WHAT?!" Most of the captains said in unison.

"Why would Renji just disappear without anyone noticing?" Captain Ukitake asked.

Bowser's eyes narrowed, "That fool!"

The captains all turned to see Bowser shaking his head.

"Do you know anything, Bowser?" Captain Komamura asked.

He nodded, "He's most likely going after Itachi. He's just asking for a Death Warrant!"

"Who found out about this?" Captain Byakuya Kuchiki asked.

"Lieutenants Hinamori and Kira did. They came to me and informed me about it," Captain Unohana said.

Bowser was getting furious, "We have to stop him. He is in no condition to fight!"

Captain Yamamoto nodded, "Captain Hitsugaya, you and Bowser will head to Karakura Town and find Lieutenant Abarai and bring him back here."

The two Soul Reapers nodded, "YES, SIR!"

Karakura Town

"So, our Ichigo has a full name, Ichigo Kurosaki," Itachi said.

The students they confronted told them about Ichigo. The only thing they did not get was where he lived. It was a pain, even though now they know what he looks like, it will be a matter of time until they got what they came here for.

"I saw them come out of school and headed in the northeast direction! Let's go after them!" Kisame yelled in delight.

"Wait a minute, Mr. Itachi, 'them'?" Morpheus asked.

"There was a midget girl with him. We'll have to get her out of the way in order to get to our target," Itachi explained.

Morpheus nodded.

"Now, if we are ready--"

Itachi turned his head to see Morpheus push him out of the way. He looked and saw a skeleton of a snake lunged at them. Itachi and Morpheus dodged the second lunge before the snake retracted back to its owner.

Itachi smirked, "Lieutenant Abarai, we meet again."

Renji smirked back at him, "I'm surprised you remembered who I am."

"I'll give you credit for encountering us a second time," Itachi said, "but once again, you will fall before us again! There will not be a THIRD confrontation!"

"Don't worry, I'll make this quick!"

Kisame was about to engage Renji, until a hand smacked him in the back. Kisame turned towards the Arrancar.

"Morpheus? What are you doing?" Kisame asked.

"I apologize, but I cannot allow this Soul Reaper to interfere with our plans anymore," Morpheus replied.

"I was hoping to fight you, Arrancar. I'll make you regret giving me this bruise on my neck!" Renji said, showing the mark to Morpheus.

"You weak, spineless fool. I did that for a reason. Allow me to show you a demonstration..." Morpheus said as he reached for his zanpakuto, " releasing my zanpakuto!"

Renji, with Hihio Zabimaru at the ready, was prepared for what Morpheus had in store for him.

"Transform, Morpha, Primera Forma!" (First Form)