Disclaimer: I own nothing, it all belongs to the wonderful Stephenie Meyer

Snow White, Rose Red

It is no secret in the Cullen household that Rosalie wishes she were dead. It is also common knowledge that she resents Edward's pet human – Bella, she corrects herself (she's trying to get used to using her name) – for having everything that she cannot.

Bella can walk around in the sunlight, can eat what she likes, can change her appearance when she likes (Rosalie tried to cut her hair once and ruined a pair of scissors), can sleep, can dream.

Rosalie decides the reason she dislikes Bella is because she is innocent.

Bella has never seen her eyes turned from brilliant blue to blood red. Has never seen herself blood-spattered and out of control during a hunt. Has never looked down on her own grave (Rosalie has one in Rochester, solid and marble like herself). Has never felt human life being extinguished with her own hands.

Rosalie wishes she were still that innocent.

Bella has no idea what she will be giving up. All she sees is what Edward has shown her: incredible powers, never growing old, looking perfect all the time. Bella knows nothing about the irresistible pull of bloodlust, the strength that requires every touch to be feather-light, coming back forty years later and seeing that everyone she knew is gone.

Rosalie knows these all too well. The feeling of loss is the worst. Of all of the Cullens, Rosalie remembers her life the best. Staring blankly out into the countless nights, Rosalie dreams – daydreams, technically – about what could have been. She decides, knows, that there would be children, Rosalie has always wanted children. In her imagination they always resemble Emmett, even though Edward is quick to remind her that if she were not a vampire she never would have met Emmett. She ignores him. After all, Rosalie is free to imagine. There would also be a beautiful house (although she grudgingly admits that Esme's decorating skills are unmatched), friends, parties.

Rosalie misses being able to relate to people. Nowadays, the Cullens are the only people she associates with. All the humans are intimidated by her, by her presence, by her beauty. They are all plain, pure, white like snow ,while Rosalie is a vibrant red, sticking out like a sore thumb. Emmett jokingly calls it 'Rose Red' when they she brings this idea up one night. Rosalie isn't so sure.

In the daylight, it may be rose red, dazzling, but at night, when she is staring blankly out into the countless night, Rosalie decides that it is too dark to be rose red. No, at night, she decides it is red like blood.