If I owned Death Note, this pairing would be cannon. Satisfied? Good, now please just read it.

He really did care for her.

Misa's heart, of course, belonged to Light Yagami, to the current L, but that didn't stop him from caring for her. He liked to think of himself as a kind of knight; her bodyguard and protector. It was rather silly, but a comforting image when she was sighing over the fact that she couldn't see Light, or pretending to smile and acting like being apart from him wasn't slowly killing her.

Oh, how he wished to ease her pain.

He wouldn't ask anything in return, he simply wished to make her happy. That was why the image of himself as a silent knight was comforting. He could serve and protect her, noble and true.

It was so childish...

And he hung onto it even still.

The feelings had begun after L had died, not immediately of course. When he had started acting as her bodyguard, staying with her in a hotel, watching over her, then he had felt like a knight and he had realized he wanted to be one, for Misa, for her.

Even he smiled a little at the image of himself all got up in amour. He'd look ridiculous, of course.

He didn't really know why he loved her. She was cute, to be sure, but there was something more. Maybe it was the way her nose wrinkled when she was thinking, or the way she glared when she was angry and actually thought it was scary. How she would upset the checkers board when was about to win.

Some still deeper. Perhaps her childish glee at the smallest things, her optimistic confidence, the way she smiled even though she was aching inside. Her joy, her laughter, her mischievous cleverness disguised wide-eyed innocence and cute bubbly chatter. The fierce loyalty to the things she committed herself too.

No matter the reason, he could not stand to see her hurt. He knew that Light was Kira. With the things that Aizawa had unearthed, the conclusion was inevitable. He also knew that either Light or Near would die in this fight. There was a good chance it would be Light.

She would be in pain, and there was nothing to do about it.

Kanzo Mogi stood in the damp, dusty atmosphere of Yellowbox Warehouse and knew he couldn't protect the one he loved.

Once again, based on the manga.
MogiMisa is so unloved. I don't expect to get any reviews on this one, but whatever. Heck, I don't even expect more than three people to read it, and maybe less. But, last night at midnight the plot bunnies returned.
Anyway. I hope I kept Mogi in character, because he's cool. Do you know, I searched him and there are no fics for the poor guy, at least at the time this was published? None! At all! Task force needs attention. Even the SPK gets more than this.
Anyway...if you actually read this silly little fic, would you mind reviewing? Just a word or two will be sufficient. Please? -shot for begging-
Man, that was a long A/N.
Edit: Wow. This is getting wai more reviews than I thought it would. O: