Won the Battle, Losing the War

Disclaimers: I do not own Dragon Ball Z or any of the characters. If I did Great Sayian-man wouldn't exist.

Chapter One- Premonition

The coldness of the memories floated about like wandering souls that had no place to go. Just like the memories. They always stayed with him. They never ever go away. Their intentions were just to cause pain. He had done terrible wrong and when you die that is what haunts you when you rest.

Gohan. The name of a child. The powerful child of the powerful Goku. But everything changed. Gohan was no longer child. That made sense. Time had passed. Unfortunately, he was probably even stronger now. He was the strongest fighter in the universe when Cell died. Yes. If only he could get his hands about the kid's throat he could change all of that. Quickly. So quickly. No. Slowly. Gohan had to die nice and slow. No need to rush things…Strongest person in the world. Strongest then even Goku. Stronger then Cell…

'No. Not again.' Cell's mind cried as he was tortured by a another dream of his past. His death unfolded out before him like a book. The pages flipped with the wind bringing the visions to life again. Cell's heart beat wildly as the bright white of the ka-ma-ha-ma-has clashing together came into focus. His own drawl drew his attention.

'You can't win, Gohan!'

Oh. But he did. How it still befuddled him. That child. His golden hair bushing across his bruised and bleeding face. The boy's gold eyebrows frowned into concentration. He kept muttering to himself. His blue tunic was ripped and stained with dirt and blood. He had gone through a lot…

Gohan stood. His good arm outstretched controlling the beam while his right arm lay limp and bleeding at his side. Cell never knew what it could be like without regeneration powers. He never knew what kind of pain Gohan might be in. It never really concerned him then. And it still didn't concern him now. He just hoped it really hurt him.

"That's what got you here in the first place, Cell. That attitude."

Cell couldn't tell where the source to the voice was. He ignored it. He had to watch Gohan. The source to his power was here somewhere. Some flaw. Some error he had made to make it so Gohan could win. He knew Vegeta had caused some of it…but something here had to help him beat Gohan next time!

Why didn't he fall? Was something propping him up? Why could Gohan still stand? Why didn't he die?

The stinging sensation on his side. Yes. It wouldn't be long now. Vegeta had just hit him. But why? Vegeta didn't care for the boy. He never stuck his neck out for anyone.

Something about Gohan… Gohan screamed as the wind encircled about him. Yes. That power inside him rose incredibly. But how?

Pain rippled through his body making it hard to breathe. He was going to die…yet again. He didn't get anything out of this vision. He cast one look at his opponent. That eleven year old boy that had killed him. No one else had managed it. But he had. Something more. The outline of a warrior behind Gohan. The outline surged into focus… Goku? But that made no sense!!! Then the white blinded away everything…

'You enjoy that trip, Cell?'

Cell blinked his menacing purple eyes several times. He was still dreaming. He was standing before a black cloaked figure in the middle of flower covered field. The figure was laughing at him silently under the cloak. Cell's shock quickly turned to rage. Before he could answer the figure spoke,

'Gohan is dead.'

The figure did not move his mouth which was visible under the black cloak. The words echoed in Cell's own thoughts as if he had made them.

"What do you mean? Gohan can't be dead!"

The creature stayed silent amused by Cell's rage.

"What happened? Who killed him? My revenge can not be complete this way!"

The figure dropped his head in shame. Cell guessed it right off the bat,

"You killed him?"

The figure did not answer. It was then that Cell heard some whimpering behind him. Cell spun about seeing the young child. He had messy black hair and wore a outfit closely resembling Goku's. The same Japanese symbol. Goku's colors of orange and blue. Except he wore long sleeves. If Cell wasn't mistaken he could of sworn it looked like a mini Goku standing before him. Tears were spilling down the child's cheeks,

"No. Gohan can't die!"

Cell face twisted into a evil grin. He stared at the child in amusement,

"What kind of trickery is this? You set before me Goku as a child? This is too much."

"The name's Goten." The child snapped whipping away his tears quickly.

"Goten huh." Cell smiled, "Yes. If you really wish to be called that."

The child's face turned into a look of spite towards Cell. The boy was trembling with rage,

"Oh! I'll make you pay, Cell!" The child screamed, "You got what you deserved when Gohan destroyed you!"

The boy got into a fighting stance. Cell couldn't laugh or make fun. The last time he did that he was almost beaten. This was a mini Goku. No use letting his guard down. He too got ready for a good fight.

'Enough,' A voice echoed, 'This is not meant to occur. Not now. Not yet.'

Everything went black… Goten was faded from his sights…

The sky was lined with dark clouds. The black clouds hung damp with ready-to-fall rain. Rain was like tears to Goten. Useful to cleanse the pain but not useful for the strong… Trunks never cried or so he said. Goten wish he could say along the same lines. Goten's chest sagged with painful dread as he heard Gohan leave the house. It was if the world was foreboding this day, just as Goten had.

"Bye Mom." Gohan called out to his Mom as he took into the air.

"Bye Gohan! Be careful!" Chichi's voice rang out after him.

Gohan had hardly gone more then a couple of feet when he heard a rustle of wind behind him. The disturbance in the current could only mean that Goten was following. This never bothered Gohan. Goten was a very nice companion. He constantly helped Gohan cheer up even up in the gloomiest days. Goten was also a great sparring partner. Although the tournament was a long way behind them, Gohan, Goten, and Trunks sparred every now and then. Gohan was starting to worry Goten was gonna pass him in levels. He wondered how that would work. He could hardly imagine Goten up against Cell. He was only seven.

Goten was so much like his father. He had the same feeling about him. Like the feeling that when he was around everything would be alright. That feeling was always wanted when Gohan grieved about his father.

It had been at least three weeks after the World Martial Arts Tournament. That was the last time Gohan had seen his father. He was missing him already. Those moments still stuck blissfully in his mind. He never remembered being so happy. Goten and Goku immediately stuck together. You would of never guessed that it was they had never known each other in till that day. It seemed as if nothing had changed. Cell had never hurt their perfect lives. But as good things often do, they pass. Goku and Vegeta managed to get disqualified in their fight. It was not unusual. They did this a lot. This ended Goku's trip. Gohan was winner of the tournament but to some expense. His cover had been revealed during his fight with Hercule. His glasses had slipped but only Hercule saw it. The oaf didn't hesitate to tell everyone that Sayian-man was the boy Gohan that was hanging bout his daughter. But that was only after Gohan knocked him clear out of the ring. He hardly wore the outfit any more. Only the green and black training suit. The bandana and glasses were no longer of use. And Videl wanted Gohan to lose the cape. Other then that, he still was considered as Great Sayian Man. The identity of the Golden Warrior was still hidden…but it would only take some time before that would leak out as well…

Goten hadn't made any attempt of conversation. This was quite unusual. Gohan tried to hid the questioning look from his face as he looked Goten over. Goten was very tense and extremely nervous. Gohan thought better than to ask. Time will tell. If Goten is worried he would tell him about it.

Although Goten was allowed to follow Gohan a little ways he had to stop once the mountain range opened out to the city. This rule was established by Chichi once Goten learned how to fly. Poor Goten was disappointed that he couldn't follow Gohan to his school. As they neared the parting point, Gohan got a slight feeling of unease. A flash of something…his death? Gohan shook it away. He halted in midair and turned to see Goten do the same thing. Before Gohan could open his mouth to say a goodbye, Goten interrupted,

"Gohan." Goten said in a somber tone which was not like him at all, "Do you think Mom will get terribly mad if I go the whole way to school with you?"

Gohan blinked his bright amber eyes in utter confusion. Goten never tired to break his mother's rules unless he had a good reason to. What would cause Goten to want to follow? Did he feel something coming that Gohan didn't? Gohan scanned Goten over once more and was surprised when his eyes met Goten's who was doing the same. They looked at each other briefly before Gohan spoke up,

"If you really wanna come, Goten, I see no harm in it. Mom doesn't need to know." Gohan smiled.

Goten's eyes lit up considerably. Was that relief surging through his eyes? Gohan thought he must have been mistaken cause the next second it was gone from his gaze.

"I do have to make a pit stop though." Gohan said, "There is valley not far from here that I need to check out."

This seemed to annoy Goten,

"You're just gonna pick flowers for Videl."

Gohan blushed and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly,


"Gohan." Goten scowled, "How do you know Videl will even like things like that? She is a strange girl."

"These flowers are special." Gohan protested.

Goten let out a irritated sigh,

"You and girls. You'd think they were something real important. Like food or something."

Gohan and Goten lowered into the small valley that Gohan had indicated. There was indeed something special about this place. It looked like something out of dream. The flowers of all color simmered with a strange light draining the fear out of Goten. The lake that spread out in the middle of the valley glowed in the flowers light. It was so heavenly. He had suddenly lost concentration. Goten found himself squealing with panic as he plummeted into a huge pile of flowers. When he reemerged from the sea of flowers, Gohan had already landed next to him. He pointed and laughed at Goten who had flower petals showered all over him. Goten laughed along, shaking himself off. He sent petals in every direction. Gohan had to shield his face with his arm, still laughing,

"When did you become a girly Goten."

"Hey! That's mean Gohan. You know I didn't mean to fall!" Goten snapped.

Gohan still continued to laugh. Goten got to his feet and helped Gohan pick out flowers for Videl. Not after long, had they both made a nice bouquet.

"Even the tomy-est of tom boy's couldn't resist that, Gohan." Goten grinned.

Gohan nodded in agreement. His eyes trailed over to his watch. Fear flooded him,

"Shoot Goten. School is gonna start in three minutes! We are still ten minutes from my school."

"What happens when you are late?" Goten asked curiously.

"Nothing good." Gohan moaned thinking on how his teachers would react.

Gohan was drawn into thought for a second. Maybe if he went super speed he could make it there well before the bell rang. He was just about to ask Goten how fast he could fly when a chill swept down his spine. Gohan looked over at Goten. The look on Goten's pale face clearly showed that he had felt the presence as well.

"No. My dream…it's true…" Gohan heard Goten gulp.

"Goten," Gohan said in a hushed whisper, "I want you to high tail it out of here right now."

This prospect seemed to frighten Goten more the chill did. He looked at Gohan pleadingly,

"But Gohan- No. I can't just-"

"Go!" Gohan snapped. When Goten still refused Gohan sent out a low power blast straight at him. It hit Goten in the stomach and sent him hurling up a good distance from Gohan.

"NOOOOOOOO! GOOOOOOHAAAAAAAN!" Goten screamed in protest as he flew backwards.

Gohan waited patiently for the enemy. He wouldn't have to wait long…

Goten pulled Gohan's limp body out the lake and across the lake's sandy beach. Both of them were drenched to the skin, with sand sticking to their wet bodies and clothes. Goten wiped his wet bangs out of his eyes as he struggled to pull Gohan up more. Exhausted, Goten slumped down by Gohan's side. Goten gazed over his brother's still body. Gohan's face was a ghostly white. His eyes were clamped shut and his mouth was slightly opened. Goten felt the burning panic raise in his chest. Maybe he was too late….

"Gohan." Goten said softly, "Can you hear me?"

A light wind blew ruffling Goten's wet hair. Just like Gohan used to do… Goten lifted Gohan's limp arm and hugged it to his chest. He shivered not with cold but sadness,

"Please wake up, Gohan." Goten whispered, "How can I go on without you? Please Gohan. Don't leave me."

Gohan's form remained empty and silent. Tears began to streak Goten's cheeks. He laid his head down on Gohan's chest to listen for Gohan's heart beat. Where once a steady strong beat sang was nothing but sad silence. Goten felt numb and helpless. The warmth that Gohan had once had was gone. Goten hugged Gohan close,

"GOHAN!" Goten's scream filled the small canyon echoing off the wall… the rain began to fall…

To Be Continued…
Please Read and Review!

This story is ultimately discontinued. I'm sorry for any disappoint this may cause. But I ultimately grew out of this idea.