I walked into my room, satisfied. I had done something good. Very, very good. I opened my drawers and pulled out my clothes. I folded them all and put them into my dufflebag.

I put my picture of Max safely in my dufflebag, next to my favorite sweatshirt. I smiled. There was really no reason to smile. Well, yes there was. I, Syl, had done something wonderful. No, magnificent. Hell, there were no words to describe what I had done.

I looked around the room looking for anything I forgot. I took my few posters off the wall and put them in my dufflebag. There was nothing more of mine left. I zipped up the dufflebag and slung it over my shoulder.

I didn't know where I would go. I would most likely go to Mexico to be with Krit and Jace. Yeah, that seemed like the right idea. I put my hand on the doorknob and turned around. I took one last look at the room I had been living in for the past three months. Good job, Syl.

I walked into the kitchen, where Logan and Max were standing and whispering. When they noticed me, they abruptly stopped.

"Aw, that's cute." I said sarcastically.

"Ha ha, Syl." Max said sarcastically.

"Uh, get some new clothes Max." I said with a fake 'ugh' expression. Max just gave me a sarcastic look.

"I've just been informed that my clothes were all packed away." Max said. "I won't have any for at least a week."

"Well then," I said and opened my dufflebag. I pulled out my favorite sweatshirt and pair of jeans and handed them to Max. "Here you go. Clothes."

"Syl, I can't-"

"Take them." I insisted. "Hey, I will be back to get them sometime."

"Promise?" Max asked, accepting the clothes.

"Promise." I said and smiled.

I left the penthouse and walked a ways. I subconsciously knew where I was going, but it didn't hit me untiI was standing in front of the Space Needle.

I picked a tulip that was growing and smelled it.

'See, I take time to just stop and smell the flowers.' I thought, then smiled. I climbed up and crawled through the same window. I walked to the edge, just as the sun was setting.

"To happily ever something or other." I said and threw the tulip out to the city.