
Well I needed a break from OROHOB. This idea just came to me, so I decided to pen it down. Won't be a long fic, although I say that about all of them lol.

Anyways it's obviously based on The Wizard Of Oz, although it won't progress the same way the original does as I only vaguely know the story.


I don't own Mai Hime/Otome or The Wizard of Oz.

Chapter 1

Mai held her hand to her head. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. In front of her stood fifty chibi-Midori-like munchkins! They were all so small and so cute. She looked around bewildered as she had no idea how she got here. Last thing she remembered she had been at home, in the Fuuka district with her beloved dog Takumi. Now she and Takumi had just stepped out of what seemed to be a house wreckage of some sort. As she looked down she saw two feet sticking out from under the wreck. Mai gasped as the realization set in.

"Were not in Fuuka anymore Takumi..." Mai began, before being interrupted.

"Woohoo!" yelled the first chibi-Midori.

"You killed the witch!" grinned the second chibi-Midori.

"Let's sing a song about it!" said another random chibi-Midori.

Before Mai could stop the tiny group of Midori-like little people, they rolled out their small karaoke machine and began to play the hits.

"Ding Dong! The Witch is dead. Which old Witch? The Wicked Witch!" sang the first Midori happily, as she strutted her stuff across the makeshift stage.

"Ding Dong! The Witch is dead!" chorused the Midoris in unison as they began to do the Macarena, The Twist and The Mashed Potato all at once.

Mai rubbed her eyes again as she watched in awe as the Midoris continued to sing and dance gleefully, doing The Sprinkler, The Swim and the Cabbage Patch.

"Can I try?" asked Mai as she picked Takumi up from the ground and set him into her large purse-like bag. Where she accumulated the purse-like bag she had no idea but she was the type to go with the flow, so flow she did.

"Sure!" chorused the Midoris.

"Just read off the teleprompter." smiled Mayor Midori.

"Wake up-sleepy head, rub your eyes, get out of bed." Mai shook her groove thang with her brand new entourage of chibi-Midoris.

"Wake up, the Wicked Witch is dead. She's gone where the goblins go--" Mai trailed off as she was interrupted by a wonderful blue light shining in her direction.

"What's that?" she asked the chibi-Midoris, who were a little upset at their big dance number being cut off.

"Awww it's Natsuki the Semi-Ok Witch of the North." said Coroner Midori.

"Semi-Ok?" asked Mai, once again confused.

Natsuki appeared in the middle of the blue light, looking kick ass and awesome as always. She was wearing a black leather biker suit, complete with helmet. As she removed the helmet, her cobalt hair waved dramatically, even though there seemed to be no wind.

"Why is your hair waving? There's no wind." observed Mai.

"Because I'm Sexy." replied the Semi-Ok Witch, nonchalantly.

"Ahhhh I see." Mai said shrugging.

"What do we have here?" asked Natsuki, surveying the damage.

Mai realized she was referring to the legs sticking out from under the wreckage. She had momentarily forgot about that, as Karaoke had seemed much more important only a few moments ago.

"You've killed Tomoe the Wicked Witch of the East!" Natsuki exclaimed.

The munchkin Midoris cheered again. Apparently she had been causing them trouble for quite some time. With her out of the way, the chibi-Midoris were free to practice their singing and dancing routines whenever they felt like it.

Before Mai could reply to Natsuki another blinding light appeared. This time it was green.

"No! My sister! My poor sister!" came a voice.

"ACCCK!" cried the chibi-Midoris as they all cowered behind the Semi-Ok Witch Natsuki.

Mai and Natsuki turned their attention to the voice.

"You will pay for killing my sister!!" screamed Haruka the Wicked Witch of the West.

"Haruka-chan she was actually your third cousin, twice removed." came a smaller voice behind the Wicked Witch.

"Who are you?" asked Mai curiously.

"I am Haruka the Wicked Witch of the West." the Witch boasted and puffed her chest out.

"And I am Yukino The Apprentice Wicked Witch of the West/ Sex slave to Haruka-chan." the smaller brunette said.

Haruka, Natsuki and Mai looked at Yukino with their mouths open.

"Err---ok I made that last part up." she admitted softly.

"Anyways" Haruka continued ignoring Yukino's comment. "You killed a family member of mine and that shall not be taken lightly. To be a Wicked Witch you must have strength, skill and what else Yukino?" quizzed Haruka.

"GUTS!" yelled Yukino enthusiastically.

"That's right." Haruka nodded matter-of-factly. "And my guts are telling me that you're finished."

"Wait just a minute Haruka." said Natsuki smiling. "You have no power here in the East. Your power is only good in the West. Therefore you and your guts need to take this someplace else." she finished.

The chibi-Midoris then broke into a great rendition of "You Can't Touch This" by MC Hammer, complete with parachute pants and saying things like "Word To Your Mother." Even though that was a Vanilla Ice thing, they didn't care because the witch was no threat.

"Fine then!" yelled the Wicked Witch defeated.

"Haruka-chan are you gonna take that lying down?" asked Yukino, as she then pondered that thought. "Mmmmm Haruka-chan lying down..." her mind slid into the gutter.

"Hells no!" yelled Haruka, as she jumped on her broomstick.

"Haruka-chan aren't you forgetting why we came here?" asked Yukino snapping out of her dream like trance.

Haruka thought. Then she thought some more. Natsuki and Mai played "I Spy" while the Wicked Witch tried to remember what she was supposed to remember.

"I spy with my little eye something that is red." said Natsuki thoughtfully.

"Ummm is it the hair of one of the chibi-Midoris?" asked Mai grinning.

"SHIT! Your too good at this game." cried Natsuki angrily.

"Oh yes!" smirked Haruka remembering what she ought to have remembered in the first place.

"The Firestring Ruby Red slippers if you please!" she commanded to Natsuki.

"Ehh sorry I already gave them to Mai." the Semi-Ok Witch shrugged.

Mai pranced around in front of Haruka as if to add insult to injury.

"Ooooh shiny!" commented Yukino distracted by the glow of the Firestring Ruby slippers.

The chibi-Midoris began to sing "Diamonds on the soles of her shoes" by Paul Simon.

"Enough singing and dancing!" ordered the Wicked Witch, who by now had a migraine.

"She's just jealous." whispered Mayor Midori to Mai.

"Yeah can't sing or dance, poor thing." mentioned another.

"I can so sing and dance!" Haruka angrily replied, the vein in her forehead ready to pop.

"C'mon Haruka-chan, let's go plot your revenge in the privacy of our own evil lair." suggested Yukino.

"BWAHAHAHAHAHA!" the blonde laughed loudly. "Watch your back Mai." Haruka continued. "Cuz I'll get you my pretty! And your little dog too!" she finished pointing at poor Takumi.

Then in a flash of green light, both Haruka and Yukino were gone.

"Uh-oh it's dinner-time." commented Natsuki looking at her watch. As she said that the blue light once again appeared and began to swallow her up.

"Wait! How do I get home?" she called out to the fading Semi-Ok Witch.

"Follow the Yellow brick road." Natsuki called back before being engulfed in the light.

"Yeah follow the Yellow brick road!" the chibi-Midoris chorused behind her.

"Where will that lead me?" asked Mai cautiously.

"To The Shiz!" exclaimed Mayor Midori.

"The Shiz?" Mai questioned.

"Yes the most powerful, pleasurable, magical, mystical, super, awesome, cool, hip, happening person in all of Oz!" spat out another random Midori.

"At least that's what her fangirls tell us." shouted another.

"If anyone can get you home it would be The Shiz." agreed the chibi-Midoris among themselves.

"Well then I guess we better be going right Takumi?" Mai said looking down affectionately at her chihuahua.

Takumi the chihuahua just barked and wagged his tail in response.

"We wish we could come along, but it's not safe for us, cuz well ya know the witch and everything..." Police Officer Midori trailed off.

"I understand." Mai said as she thanked the Midoris for their help and headed off toward the golden yellow path.

End Chapter 1

Next chapter: Mai meets Tate the Scarecrow, Kazuya the Tinman and Takeda the Cowardly Lion! Plus Flying Perverted Monkeys and Nao-chan!

Please Read and Review.

Thanx ;)
