i just HAD to do this pairing! i have been dieing to do so for ages! yes it is talaxkai. dnt like dnt read basically. the song is i dont care by delta goodrem. this story will only be 2 or 3 chapters... depends.



They don't see through these eyes, they don't feel with this heart,
They don't know what it's like, oh-oh-oh.
They're not kissin your lips, they're not touching like this,
I feel the passion and the fire ignite me.

Tala yawned and stretched out on the couch, looking up to where his boyfriend was perched casually on the back of the couch.

Crimson eyes were focused on something outside, slightly covered by slate bangs. One leg was propped up while the other hung down the back of the couch. Both pale arms were reaching behind, resting on the back of the couch and supporting the lithe body.

Crimson eyes flickered over to Tala.

Tala smiled up at his boyfriend, and his boyfriend sent a small one back.

As Tala studied his boyfriend, he smiled again. There were only two words to describe him.

Gorgeous. That he definitely was. But he was totally, "Kai."

Kai glanced down at Tala then looked back out the window. "Mm?"

Tala followed Kai's gaze. "What are you thinking?" he asked quietly, more to himself, but Kai heard.

"…The other's will be back soon."

Tala's face dropped. He sat up and twisted his body so that he was facing the television and put his chin in his hands.

Kai lay down on the back of the couch then rolled down. He landed sprawled out behind Tala. He curled himself around Tala, like he often did.

Tala smirked and looked down at Kai, who blinked innocently.

Tala shook his head. It still amazed him how someone who had been through so much torture and pain in their life could be so innocent.

Straightening out so that Tala could lay next to him, Kai wrapped his arms around Tala's waist.

Tala pulled Kai's arms around him tighter. "How much longer?"

Kai's eyes glanced over to the clock on the wall before he shut them with a sigh. "Not much. They'll have stopped for ice cream so… we've got about five minutes."

Tala nodded. He turned and rested his forehead against Kai's chest.

A few minutes later, Tyson's loud voice echoed through the dojo.

"Is it safe?!"

Kai growled threateningly and Tala laid a hand on Kai's arm.

"Its still G rated!" Kai yelled back through clenched teeth. He wrapped his hand around Tala's and gripped it tightly.

The Bladebreakers walked into the room.

"Ah! My eyes!" screeched Tyson as his hands flew to cover his eyes. "Thirty centimetre rule! THIRTY CENTIMETRE RULE!!"

Tala sighed and lifted his head to look over the couch at Tyson. He stole a quick kiss from his raging boyfriend then sat up, pulling Kai with him.

"Is it safe?" Tyson asked again. He slowly and hesitantly pulled his hands away.

"Leave them alone Ty'." Max smiled and walked over to sit in the armchair.

"Its my house my rules! Thirty centimetres! G rated!" Tyson folded his arms over his chest and huffed indignantly.

Tala glanced down to where Kai's nails were piercing into his skin. He looked at Kai's face in worry. He didn't think he'd ever seen Kai get mad so quickly. Though he was still pretty upset after this morning…

"G rated? Then explain why I found you and Hilary snogging the other day? Thirty-centimetre rule? Care to elaborate why I saw you rubbing your hands up and down Hilary's sides and whispering filth into her ear? And what about that pink tongue of yours coming out to lick the shell of her ear before you started nibbling on it? Hmm?" Kai looked at Tyson, daring him to go against everything that Kai had just said.

"That's different!" protested Tyson.

Hilary covered her face with her hands, blushing furiously.

Kenny, Diachi, Rei and Max watched quietly from the other side of the room.

Tala began to whisper Russian to Kai, trying to coax him to calm down.

"Why do you have such a problem with us being gay?" hissed Kai, his eyes slits. He stood and pulled away from Tala so that he could march over to Tyson. "You wouldn't be like this if it was Max, and you know he's bi. What if it was Rei? Would you treat him like this? No, you wouldn't. I tell you what would be funny, watching your face when Hilary told you she swung the other way."

Tyson's mouth dropped open in shock.

"Oh don't worry, she doesn't." Kai yawned lazily. "But it'd still be funny to see your face. Why do you treat Tala and I differently then? You're ok with it if it's anyone else but why not us?

Is it because you hate me, and you can't stand the sight of me? If so then don't direct that anger at Tala!"

Tala stood quietly as he noticed his boyfriend's knees shaking. This was it; Tyson had pushed Kai too far.

"Well you know what?! I don't give a shit! You can go fuck your little prostitute all you want! Just try to keep it down next time will you? Not everyone likes to be haunted at night by the sounds of you and her!" Kai jabbed his finger into Tyson's chest.

"But stay out of my life! I love who I want to, and you can't change that! I'm sick and tired of all your smart comments! Fucking hell Tyson! Grow the fuck up!" Kai drew his fist back ready to strike Tyson but Tala was there and ready.

He grabbed Kai's arm gently and forced it down.

Slowly the anger drained from Kai's face and he fell weakly against Tala with a sigh.

"K-kai…" stuttered Tyson, finding his voice again. "I'm really, really sorry. I didn't know that you felt that way. I truly have no problem with which ever way you choose to swing." He smiled. "Actually, when you and Tala hooked up all I could think was, 'finally!' You two should see how cute you are together."

Kai sighed tiredly. He felt so tired and didn't really care for Tyson's apology right now. He turned and wrapped his arms around Tala's waist and rested his head against Tala's collarbone. Curse his damn insomnia.

Tala wrapped one hand around Kai protectively and the other went to stroking the younger Russian's hair. He glared at Tyson. Personally, he thought Tyson had gotten it easy.

Almost as if to annoy Tyson, Tala grabbed his phoenix under the chin and forced his head up before pressing his lips against Kai's gently.

The Bladebreakers doubted Kai too much.

Kai smiled against Tala's lips. He believed that Tyson was truly sorry but he was still mad at the dragon holder.

I don't care what they say, I don't care what they do,
They can lock me up forever, try to stop me loving you (they can't stop me),
They tried to keep Romeo and Juliet apart,
Babe, it doesn't matter what they say, I only listen to my heart.

Kai pulled away, murmuring a quiet apology as his phone started ringing. He plunged his hand into his pocket, still gripping Tala tightly with one hand.

Tala smirked and kissed Kai again.

Kai batted him away, smiling.

"Tal-aaaaaaaaaaaaa!" he whined playfully. "It could be import-aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-nt!"

"Dear god! You sound like Tyson and Diachi when demanding food from poor defenceless Rei." Tala looked horrified.

"Hey!" came Tyson's voice from the opposite side of the room. The team were watching telly, having decided to give Kai and Tala a bit of privacy. "We're still here you know!"

Kai smiled and shook his head. Finally, he answered his phone.

"Kai Hiwatari."

"Mr Hiwatari?"

Kai rolled his eyes. "I just said that didn't I?"

"I'm Doctor Idstein."

"What's the problem Doctor?"

Tala frowned and looked down at Kai. Doctor? Had Kai finally gone and seen someone about his insomnia?

Kai was listening intently when suddenly, his face paled and he grabbed at Tala for support.

"Wh-what?" he choked out.

Tala held Kai tightly. Alarmed by the look on the phoenix's face, he pulled Kai closer to his body.

Rei had muted the telly and now everyone was staring intently at Kai.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll be down right away." Kai hung up and stood there staring at the floor.

"Kai?" Tala asked quietly.

Kai didn't answer. He slipped his phone back into his pocket and headed silently for the front door. He slipped his shoes on, grabbed his jacket and walked out of the dojo, not caring if the others were coming or not.

He looked up when he felt a warm hand wrap around his own, and smiled sadly.

Tala smiled back and swung their joint hands back and forth a few times.

"Everything ok?" he asked eventually.

Kai leaned against Tala and kissed him on the cheek before pulling away again. "As long as you're with me, everything will be."

I don't care what they do, nothing's gonna stop me loving you,
I don't care what they say, I'm gonna love you anyway.
Your body feels so right (feels so right), laying by my side,
And if the world should end tonight, baby I'd be satisfied.
I know you're a better man, I'm sorry they don't understand,
You make me feel like I, like I never felt before.