A/N: Well every review said that they wanted me to do the sequel. This takes place four years where Midna's Quest ended, and after Link's transformation he and Midna have the perfect life, they have a son and are expecting another child, but they soon find their perfect life threaten by some of Link's old friends. I had a friend write this with me, so I can't completely take credit for this, but he dosen't have an account here, but he's talking about getting one. I kinda have some bad news though, with Midna's Quest I had daily updates, but there is no way this fic will have daily updates, maybe weekly.

The Beast of Ordon

Chapter 1

It was almost the crack of dawn, and all was silent. Everyone in the world could have been asleep, lost in dreams until the morning call of the cuccoo awoke them to harsh reality. Even Link was off in his own world, dreaming about his wonderful memories of the past.

There he stood at the edge of a cliff, small and dark-colored. Link had just used his one and only wish to become a twilight imp. He had just altered not only his body, but his entire life as well. Resembling a dark being, he could never mingle with his friends or live a normal life. Link didn't care though, he traded his old life for a future with Midna, the woman he loved, and he'd have given so much more for that.

Midna was shocked by his decision, that he could have really loved her that much. She wanted to say so much at that moment, but then a kiss was shared between them. Link explained everything in that single kiss, that he loved her and had gotten the better end of his risky trade.

"Now for this to work Midna, you're going to have to teach me how to hide in the shadows and float like you do." Link told her as they started to walk hand in hand.

"Well I'm not exactly sure how I do it, it just comes natural. But I'll see what I can do." Midna said playfully while they continued to walk hand in hand. Then Link turned around to face her and grabbed her other hand in his as she stared at his face eagerly awaiting to hear what he had to say.

"Hey Midna."

"Yes Link?"

"Happy anniversary." Midna smiled.

"Happy anniversary, Link." Midna said as her and Link went for another kiss, easily being the happiest moment of both of their lives. After they broke their kiss Midna realized that Link was right about one thing.

"You know Link I think it is actually a good idea that you learn how to use Twili magic. That way you have a better chance of defending yourself, now that you're an imp." Midna told Link.

"If you insist, Midna. I'd be happy to learn and for you to teach me." Link said, accepting Midna's offer Teaching him to float and hide in shadows was a snap, but it took a while for him to learn how to warp. After her successful lessons, Link and Midna floated back to the ledge where Epona stood.

Epona was expecting Link, but not this shape of him. In fear, she began to panic as this unfamiliar face approached her. She recognized Midna though and that was enough to distract her while Link floated up to her face. She began to panic even more until she got to smell this new imp and by it scent she discovered that the other imp was, in fact, Link. After they mounted Epona, Midna began to summon a portal but was interrupted by Link.

"Midna, can I try to warp us since I just learned how? Link asked, feeling confident that he could do it. "Well…" She hesitated. "you've only just learned. For all I know you could warp us to the moon." She shrugged. "But go ahead and try anyway." Midna replied, approving his request.

Link puts his master sword along with his Hylian shield in a sack and tied it onto his noble steed. Before Link attempted to create a portal, he took a few seconds to accumulate all the information that Midna had taught him. After his review, a portal was finally opened. Like ages ago, their bodies deconstructed as twilight matter and were sucked into the dark void.

After reconstructing, Link along with Midna and his horse appeared in Kakariko Village. Epona once again went into a panic because of the sudden change of location and began sprinting to Ordon as soon as Link and Midna had dismounted her.

"Well at least you were able to warp us at all. I told you you'd get the wrong location though." Midna said as she began to form another portal.

"Did I? Well since we're here...let's stop by our old friend, Renado." said Link with a strange look on his face with a giddy grin.

"Okay..." replied Midna, very skeptical of Link.

They walked up to Renado's hut and when they were at the door Link turned to face Midna "Here why don't you knock on the door" Link said as he started to go to the side of Renado's house

"What are you going to do?" Midna asked Link, wondering what he was up too.

"I'd like my new appearance to be a surprise to him. Just talk to him for a while and then I'll come in" Link said, hiding as Midna just shrugged and knocked at the door. Renado opened his door and saw Midna, who gave a little wave.

"Midna! How have you been? Did you give up your quest for the Monster of Dreams?" Renado asked.

"Well, not exactly." Midna said sheepishly.

"You didn't kill it, did you?" Renado asked, he was very interested in what she said next.

"No, I didn't kill it." Midna told him

"Wow, even though you didn't kill it, you're still the first person to ever escape from it. Unfortunately, it will still claim many greedy lives." Renado said with a hint of sadness in his voice.

"Actually, it is dead, so it won't be claiming any lives at all." Midna reassured Renado.

"But you said you didn't kill it. If you didn't, who did?" Renado asked curiously. Then he saw something had crept into his house. Renado was at shock to see another imp before him. Link walked up to Renado and showed him the back of his hand. The triforce appeared on his hand and glowed a bright gold. Renado smirked, recognizing who this was.

"Hello Renado. I was the one who killed the Monster of Dreams. I used my wish to get my new image." Link told Renado as he rotated his body.

"I guess if anyone was going to kill the Monster of Dreams, it would have been you." Renado said to his old friend. Link bowed.

"Anyway, I appear before you for a favor." Link stated.

"Link, you have saved this village as well as this world. I will accomplish any task you ask of me." replied Renado.

"I have always viewed you as a holy man, Renado. So will you marry me to Midna?" Link requested while looking back at Midna. Midna's eyes grew large and her mouth dropped open. Link walked over to her and knelt down in front of her.

"Midna, will you marry me?" Link asked as he kissed her hand and then looked up to stare into her eyes. Midna took a long pause just staring back into Link's eyes, she could feel her heart exploding with the purest joy she'd ever experienced before.

"Link...I..I..love you! Yes, I will marry you; you were the reason I stayed behind in the light world." answered Midna as tears swelled into her eyes. Link stood up and kissed her, and Midna began to kiss back but then pulled away quickly.

"Is something wrong Midna?" Link asked, confused why she pulled back.

"My sister and all of my close relatives and friends won't be here for my marriage. I won't see them ever again." Midna said, collapsing to the ground as she started to cry.

"Midna, I'm so sorry, but we can still be happy." replied Link as he tried to grab her hand but she pulled away.

"You don't understand!" She moaned. "I'm never going to see the beautiful sight of the twilight ever again. I'm never going to see my people again. They love me so much and depend on me for their protection. How could I just be so selfish, when everyone needs me. What if another usurper appears and turns them into slaves? I don't deserve to be happy. I don't even deserve you, Link." Midna said, now crying hysterically.

"Hey! Listen to me, Midna. Don't ever say you don't deserve happiness! You deserve more happiness than anybody else in this world. If it was not for you, I would have still been trapped in that dungeon and your people as well as mine would have became slaves or even been killed. Don't ever say you're selfish for wanting happiness. In the end, I don't deserve you Midna, but I know I can make you happy and maybe that's all it takes for me to deserve you. I love you Midna!" Link said, comforting her.

Midna stood up from the ground while letting the last few tears drain out of her. Link wrapped his arms around her and looked into her moist eyes. Midna then realized how blessed she really was. She began to cry again but out of happiness this time.

"Thanks Link, I love you too." Midna whispered as she wiped the tears from her face.

"Well, if you would come before me?" suggested Renado.

Link and Midna looked to see that Renado had set up everything while they were talking. Link looked at Midna, and she nodded her head. Link smiled at Midna and took her by the hand. They walked up onto a small platform that Renado had set up and faced each other.

Through the whole ceremony, Link and Midna just stared at each other, lost in each other's souls. Renado eventually got to the end and asked the final two questions.

"Link, do you take Midna to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do." replied Link. Renado smiled at Link and then turned his head towards Midna.

"Midna, do you take Link to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

Link was extremely worried that Midna was going to have another meltdown and gazed nervously at her. Midna smirked at Link's nervous face and took a deep breath.

"I do." replied Midna not focusing her eyes on anything else but Link, who grinned.

"By the power invested in me and the land of Hyrule; I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

With passion, Midna and Link had greatest kiss they have ever shared. While still kissing, Link picked up Midna in his arms and floated towards the exit.

"Good luck, my good friend." called Renado as they left. Link broke the kiss and looked back at Renado.

"I don't need luck, I'm holding my future right here in my arms!" replied Link while looking down at Midna. Midna giggled as Link opened a portal in the sky. As there bodies deconstructed, Link kissed Midna again. They appeared in front of their home in the peaceful town of Ordon Village while still holding their kiss.

"I think this would make a great place for our honeymoon, don't you think?" said Link, looking up at their glorious house.

"Home is just where I want to be right now," Midna remarked.Link floated up to their home with Midna snug tightly in his arms. There they had the most romantic honeymoon in their cozy little tree-house.

A few dayss later, Midna got up early in the morning to prepare eggs for Link. She usually just lets Link make breakfast, but she wanted to suprise him. As she cooked them, she began to feel nauseated. She eventually felt so sick that she could not finish the eggs and ran to Link to tell him of her discomfort.

"Link, please wake up!" Midna said shaking Link in bed. Link awoke staring up at her worried face.

"What it honey? Is everything alright?" Link asked out of concerned.

"I really don't feel good and I fell like I could….." Without containing herself, she vomited on top of him. "I was trying to make you breakfast this morning for once, but I felt really sick and-" Midna broke off, trying to keep herself from vomiting again.

"Well get in snug in bed while I clean myself up. I want you to rest all day, and I don't want you to leave this bed unless you need to relieve yourself. If you get hungry I'll bring you something to eat and you can eat it here." At Midna's disappointed face, Link added "Tell you what, if it would make you feel better, after I'm done cleaning myself up, I'll come back up and rest with you." Link replied, floating down to the kitchen to wash himself.

"Thanks Link, you really are one of a kind." Midna said weakly from their bed.

As Link was cleaning himself, he heard Midna vomit again. He climbed up the ladder to see her leaning over the bed.

"I think I know what's going on, Link. Have you noticed that I've been getting a little fat?" Midna insinuated.

"Well I wasn't going to say anything…but yeah," Link replied cautiously.

"Do you see where I'm going with this?" Midna asked insinuatingly.

"You're eating too much???" Link remarked without giving it any kind of thought. Midna glared at him angrily as her hair hand smacked him.

"No you idiot, I'm pregnant!" Midna yelled.

Link was speechless. The first thought that came to his mind was how he was going to be a good father when he had no father growing up. He could picture himself ruining his kid's childhood. But then a different thought came to his mind: he could picture Midna being a great mom and her teaching Link how to be a good parent.

I am going to learn the secrets of good parenting and become the greatest father of all time! he thought to himself.

"Well Midna, I don't think I can raise a child unless you help me along the way."

Even though she was feeling sick, she managed to bring a smile to her face and mouth the word 'okay'. Link smiled at her, and just like he promised, he spent the rest of the day with her as they both rested in bed.

Link awoke from his dream of the past to the sound of the cuccoo's morning call. Midna was also awake and she was eight months pregnant with her second child. She's been very irritable lately, so Link was on constant alert not to upset her.

"I swear I'm going to kill that bird if that wakes me up another morning!" Midna growled.

"Good morning my beautiful love!" said Link gleefully.

"It'd be a good morning if that bird would just drop dead!" snapped Midna.

Link put his hands on Midna's stomach and started to rub it.

"How's it doing?" Link innocently asked.

"Oh, so now our baby's an 'it'," yelled Midna as her hair hand smack him.

"No! I'm sorry I forgot that you don't want me to call the baby an it because it sounds demeaning. I'm going to check on Azarael, okay?" Link explained.

Midna got out of bed with Link to help check on their first-born, their four year old son, Azarael. To there surprise, the bed was empty. Midna went into a frenzy as the two began frantically looking for him. Suddenly a red hair, blue eyed imp, who looked like a smaller Link, arose from Midna's shadow, causing Midna to fall backwards from surprise onto Azarael's bed, this was their four year old son, Azarael. Azarael started to laugh until he noticed Link's face turned red hot and Azarael could tell Link was bursting with rage.

"Do you have any idea that you could have harmed Midna or the unborn baby?! Did you even realize that hiding in your mom's shadow was stupid?!" Link shouted at his son.

"No……I-I-I….didn't know!" Azarael stuttered, scared and upset that his father was yelling at him while he stuttered his words.

"Guess what? You can think about it as you do up these chores. I want you to pickup around the house, do the dishes, sweep the porch, and no toys for a week!" Azarael's jaw dropped halfway, but he quickly closed it before Link could notice. "Now go down to the kitchen and wait for breakfast!" Link shouted at his son.

Azarael did as instructed and went below to wait for his breakfast. Link went to Midna's aid to see if she was okay. Midna was fine and there didn't seem to be any damage to her or the baby.

"Link, I don't think you should have been so hard on Azarael, he's just a kid." Midna stated.

"If he doesn't learn responsibility and discipline, then he's going to grow up spoiled with no morals." Link responded.

"We also shouldn't punish him for every little mistake he makes; he didn't mean to make me fall, after all. Besides you know he has no friends." Midna added. Link sighed.

"I'm sorry Midna, but that not much of an excuse. I'm through discussing it for now, so I'm going down to make breakfast." Link climbed down the ladder.

As Link cooked some eggs and sliced some bread, Azarael tried to avoid eye contact with his father completely. Midna came down a few minutes later and sat next to Azarael at the dining table. Link handed his wife and son each a plate of eggs and bread. Azarael started to cry a little bit and hugged Midna.

"I'm sorry Mommy, I didn't mean to hurt you!" Azarael cried.

Midna looked over at Link to make sure he saw that Azarael was apologizing and gave him a look that said 'Forgive him or else!'

"Have you learned your lesson Azarael?" Link asked staring his son in the eyes.

"I won't ever scare Mommy again." Azarael replied, giving Midna another hug.

"Well then your only punishment is to sweep the porch, and I expect it to be done today." reasoned Link.

"I'll do it right now!" Azarael replied enthusiastically and he grabbed the broom and ran to the door. Midna looked at Link and winked. Link smirked and put the empty dishes in the sink and kissed Midna's forehead on the way.

"He's a good kid." said Link watching his son sweeping through the window.

"We're doing a great job raising him." replied Midna.

"So you think I'm a good dad?" Link asked.

"Of course you're a good dad, Link. Just go easier on him." Midna said as she stood up from the table.

"Here, let me help you get to the couch." Link insisted. Midna rolled her eyes.

"I'm not completely helpless, you know." she chuckled.

"I know, but I feel better when I help." remarked Link.

Link led Midna to the couch and gently laid her on it. A cool breeze passed through the house and Midna shivered.

"Look at that, you're cold! I'm going to go out and get some wood for a fire." Link said as he kissed her and then hastily went towards the front door.

"Thanks, a fire sounds nice. Make sure to be careful." Midna insisted. After Link left his house, he noticed that his son was nearly done with the porch.

"Good work son, remember to hide if a human approaches." Link enforced. Azarael nodded his head showing he understood.

"Make sure to take care of your mom for me." Link added as he went into the woods. Azarael waved goodbye as Link left.