Chapter 8:

When they got back

"I'll kill him!" Neji shouted walking into the front yard. They had left the beach early because Hinata's father had got drunk and couldn't get the door open! On the phone he said her mother was in the hospital!

"Neji you just got him to sleep. Stop shouting!" Hinata said.

"Were gonna get going." Shikamaru said. He grabbed hold of Ino's hand.

"Yeh, us too!" Sasuke said.

"See ya later." They said and walked out. Ino and Shikamaru walked up the street and Sakura and Sasuke walked the other way.

"Don't do anything I wouldn't!" Shikamaru shouted.

"So nothing then!" Sasuke shouted back.

"Hey!" Shikamaru shouted. Ino dragged him away.

Sasuke and Sakura arrived home. Itachi was laid half on the sofa with his head on the floor and cans all over the floor around him.

"Geez Itachi." Sasuke said. Itachi looked at the two, they were holding hands. He narrowed his eyes.

"I'll get a cloth or something." Sasuke said and walked into the kitchen down the hall.

Sakura walked over to Itachi and knelt next to him. She grabbed his shoulders to push him on to the sofa. He grabbed her wrists and pushed her on to the floor. He pressed against her and went to kiss her.

"Itachi?" Sakura asked.

He kissed her. Her eyes widened. He kissed harder, but when she didn't kiss back he realised what he was doing. He pulled away. His eyes narrowed. "I'm sorry." Sakura didn't say anything, but her face was red. "Forgive me?" He asked.

"Uhh...y-Yeh...Err... what?" Sakura asked. Itachi put his forehead on hers.

"Ha. I'm sorry. I've been drinking a lot. Sorry." Itachi said again. Itachi climbed off of Sakura. "I guess you told him. Did you tell him what I told you?" Itachi asked.

"About what? Oh... You mean what you told me? No I didn't don't worry I won't!" Sakura told him.


Sakura was sat on the rock at the beach and Itachi stood in front of her. "Sakura I love you." Itachi said.

Sakura looked at him; her eyes were wide. "Ohh...Itachi...I...But I lo..."

"I know you do. I just wanted to let you know just in case you change your mind." Itachi joked.


"Thank you. I'm sorry, again." Itachi said and kissed her forehead. He then collapsed on the sofa and fell asleep.

Sasuke walked in. "Great he's asleep."

"Yeah." Sakura said and then yawed. Sasuke walked over to her and put his face in front off hers.

"Let's go to bed." Sasuke said. She yawed again. He picked her up and carried her up to their room. She was falling asleep. He pulled her skirt off, then undid her top and pulled that off. He sat on her lap and pulled her short black lacy night gown on over her head. He moved her hair out of her face, she kissed him. He pushed her back on to the bed and kissed her hard, she kissed nearly as hard back. His right hand slid up her nightgown. She moved her hands to take off his shirt. He pulled away and took his shirt off when he put his lips on hers she was asleep.

"Ha. Just my look!" He said and kissed her head. He laid on top of her and fell asleep.

The next few weeks went on as normal, they skived their first few lessons on the field with the others, and then they would go to class in the afternoon and go home at night. After they all graduated Ino and Shikamaru were the first to tie the knot, then it was Hinata and Naruto. TenTen and Neji may not have got married but she was only 18 and pregnant but they didn't care they would look after it, and with all the money Neji's family have it would never want for anything! Sakura and Sasuke were engaged they were only 17 and 18 so they weren't too fused about getting married just yet. They all lived the next few years happily, they stayed friends and all stuck together when people said their marriages and friendships wouldn't last, but they were wrong! At least they were about there friendships ending, they would have to wait to see about there marriage's!

That's the end of this fic, Please tell me what you thought about the whole fic and what coud be improved. Thanx for reading : )