What Do You See?


A Full Metal Alchemist Fanfiction.

Roy x Edward x Roy


I do not own Full Metal Alchemist- the Anime, Manga or characters. Only the plot and the following writing am I able to hold to my name.

Note: This story, the store mentioned in actually my work. I no longer go to school, so I work about 35 a week. During one of my longer days this idea just came to me. Everything written about the store is pratically exactly the same as the one I work in, although there will be some changes, just so it fits in with the plot.


Chapter One:

In Which A Door Is Opened


"So… The newbie starts today, huh?"

Roy Mustang just glanced up from his desk where he sat placing the daily allowance of money into the register tray. A nod of agreement was the only reply the other man, who was casually leaning against the desk, fixing the collar of the navy blue work T-shirt. It was exactly 8am, and the grocery store didn't open until 8:30am- but Roy, being the Boss and all had to arrive an hour earlier to start the paperwork and make sure everything in the store is ready for the nine hour day. Although Maes Hughes didn't start on this particular morning until opening time, on the odd occasion he'd arrive earlier just to help out his friend, since the store was in fact short staffed.

"He starts at 9, so I suppose we'll have to train him up," groaned the dark haired boss, placing the money-filled try to the side and reaching for another one, with the number '3' written clearly on the side. "He's only 16, and is starting out doing part-time since he still attends school. But during the interview he said that he might quit school and work for more than the 15 or so hours that after school staff work."

Maes just gave a throaty laugh, "That means that you'll have to come out of this office to train him! You're going to finally grace us with your appearance. Quick! Alert the media!"

Roy just cast his worker a steady glare. The only time the said man would come out of his office was when it was exceptionally busy, but now that school had gone back, it was pretty quiet during the day time, with everyone at work. Although during the after school rush, when Mothers would quickly drop in to buy some vegetables or meat for dinner, Roy would escape his shell and help out- although that was only for about half an hour though.

RaeWard Fresh, a small store that specialized in Fruit and Vegetables, although there was a small section of meat and the casual sugar-filled energy drink and fatty crisps. Since the store held such a reptuation, restraunts would take orders of fruit and vegetables, and early in the morning, one of the staff out in the back shed would deliver the requested items to the location. As the store was small, on a average day only three tills were open- so daily, there were only around three casual staff plus the boss. There were two truck drivers, although none of them were normally seen as they would normally start early in the morning and end around morning dinner. Like the checkout, there were three produce staff, who were currently fixing up the bins of fruit and pricing the items in the barging bin. Two staff also worked in the meat department and they swapped between attending to the meat and helping produce.

"Why aren't you doing something productive? Go help the produce people instead of bugging me. You know I have work to do." His voice came out as a quiet growl, although it may scare other people, Maes just smiled and waved his hand. Just because Roy was his boss didn't mean he had to listen to him. The two boys had been friends since College ( New Zealand College, so those in America or whatnot, it'd probably be High School to you ) and Maes probably knew more about the younger male that Roy himself.

"Yea, work that you have nine hours to complete," scoffed the taller waving around a ten dollar note he's withdrawn from the tray labeled '2', only to receive a warning look from Roy as he sighed and placed the money back in it's space. "Honestly, take a chill pill. If you're going to act like this when the newbie comes in, you'll probably scare him, and you and I both know that we need him, 'cause Lord forbid you actually come out of your office for more than a hour to do our job. What's he like anyway?"

"The newbie?" It was obvious, although Roy was off in his own world, counting some coins silently.

"No. The lobster that was swimming in the pool of that restraunt we went to a week a go. Of course the newbie!"

Roy just shrugged, "He seemed fine. A bit quiet though, and short to add to that. His application was perfect. This is his first job, not including random stuff like paperboy and lawn mowing for the next door neighbor. Quiet a character, he is. Although I guess we'll have to see how he is at work before judging." Roy had learnt from pass mistakes not to judge a book by it's front cover. This Edward kid (although he requested that the name "Ed" be printed on his name badge) was alright. Not perfect. He was nervous, as anyone would of been during the interview, although his emotions never showed though, which was one of the traits why he hired him. Other applications that he'd called in for an interview would fidget nervously and stutter, but Edward had taken it in his stride and answered the questions with confidence. He only lived about a ten minute walk away, which was easy and he seemed the type to get into his work, and complete it to the best of his ability.

A sharp knock on the tinted window of one of his two offices, one that was on the lower floor so he could keep an eye out on all of the staff and store while the costumers couldn't see clearly into the small room, pulled the dark haired man out of his thoughts as both him and Maes looked out of the window startled.

Havoc Jean stood there, leant forward so he was able to get a better look into the darkened window, a loose cigarette hanging from his mouth as he gave the two men a stern look, absently pointing at his watch, "It's almost opening! Get a move on you two!" he cursed.

"Havoc, you better take that damn smoke outside before you stink up the whole store and set the alarms off!" roared Roy, standing up from his seat and glaring at the produce worker.

Havoc just rolled his eyes, "But cigarette smoke is too thin to set off an alarm. I don't ge--"


And as quick as one would with the grim reaper on their heels, Havoc was sprinting out into the produce shead, and hopefully, outside into the cool Autumn wind. Sighing, Roy unlocked the office door, carefully balancing all three trays on his hand as he walked towards the registers, yawning loudly as he did so.

"Long night?" the friend asked, placing himself behind checkout one, which was placed right next to the door and placing down his keys and whatnot under the table which held the touch screen computer, recite printer, table cleaner, window cleaner (for the weighed and scanner) and lots of other bits and pieces, many of which were pictures of his young daughter and smiling wife.

"Suppose so. Had to get a uniform and badge made up for Edward, and also more damn paperwork," replied the Boss, placing the tills in their place and messing around with the computers until they were all up and running. It was already five minutes 'till opening, but as there were no cars outside the store at that time, they concluded it was going to be a slow Saturday- something it was on odd occasions. Although, it wasn't exactly a good thing, as the nine hours would go slower than a snail attempting to slither a mile.

Maes just laughed, feeling no pity for Roy, "Well you knew it'd be like that when you got the promotion." It was true, but Roy was thinking more of the power he'd be getting than the actual work that was behind it. With a sigh, Roy just leant on the till that Maes was standing at, a bored expression on his face.

"Well, I better get back to the damn paperwork before Riza gets here at 9:30am and screams her head off at me. When Edward arrives, he's short, long blonde hair that was- when he came in for the interview tied in a plat, although he should already be in his uniform- just tell him to come and see me in the office and we can get him sorted." Without waiting for a response, Roy walked over to the door and turned the 'CLOSED' sign to 'OPEN' and pressing a simple button on the doors which automatically opened them when sensing someone getting closer. His feet expertly dragged him back to his office where he attempted to burn holes in the mountain of paper, which didn't work thus he grabbed a pen and got to work, waiting for the newbie.

xXxXxXx For The First Time In My Life... I'm Flying xXxXxXx

Buzz... Buzz... Buzz... Buzz

"Shut that God damn thing up before I come up there and do it my bloody self!"

That woke the blond up from his sleep and automatically his arm reached out and slammed down on the 'SNOOZE' button before retreating back to shield his eyes from the morning light which creped though a gap in the curtain. A scoff escaped his dry mouth, his fathers yelling was more effective at waking him up then the actual alarm clock. The teen didn't allow himself to ponder on that thought as he sat up, and cradling his left arm to his chest , holding the arm lightly over the arm band that screeched from his wrist to the elbow. Already he could feel the bruises forming under the cotton bands, and a deep show of purple could be seen on his upper arms. Edwards right arm creaked lightly, the automails way of telling the blond that it needed to be oiled. With a grunt he swung his legs, one automail, one real off the side of the bed and waddled, still plagued by sleep into the bathroom, grabbing his uniform on the way.

He was still tired from what small amount of sleep he'd gotten the night before as he turned on the water to scalding hot- one that he'd gotten use to growing up. He stripped slowly out of his sleeping clothes (singlet top and boxers and arm bands), out of the corner of his eye he could see himself in the window but he kept his view on his face. Not because he was modest, but because of the canvas his body had become over the years. Some scars never heal, some would say- they didn't know how right they were.

His hair was practically falling out of the braid that he'd slept in. Long golden locks that reached his mid back in slight waves, not once had he cut his hair since his mother passed away, and he didn't think that he'd ever get the courage to cut it himself, or to let someone else do it. His mother had always done that for him, and it just didn't seem right if it was tampered with, the life old tradition. Bloodshot golden eyes stared back at him, and his skin looked slightly blotchy, probably from lack of nutrition. The steam floated from the shower, fogging up his image until he could only see a slight blur of his slightly tanned, but still pale for the fact that summer had ended only a few months ago, was seen.

The water felt good upon his skin, it allowed him to relax and sink into the warmth. He had around a hour before his shift of work started. Turning around so his back was facing the stream of water, effectively wetting his hair as he ran his hands through the locks before thoroughly washing out all the grime and oil that had gathered there since it was last washed. He was 16 now, and he knew that he needed to have money of his own, but that wasn't the only reason. He'd try as much as he could to spend as little time as he could at home. His father wasn't exactly someone that he wanted to be around- and although he had a brother, full brother that is; Al- the said younger boy was currently living with Winry and said girls grandmother out in the country.

The younger to the two took the mothers death full on, and unlike Edward, he balled his eyes out and Edward recommended that he go and stay with Winry's grandmother, a good friend of their mothers, for awhile. It was now three years on, and Al still lived over there, whenever he mentioned coming home, Edward would tell him not to. He didn't want Al to see the monster their father had become. But on the holidays Al and Winry would travel to the city and stay with Edward for a few days before going back to help Granny attend to the farm.

Once the blond was satisfied that he was clean he stepped out of the shower and quickly dried his body, wrapping his hair up into the towel until he was able to fix it into it's usual plat. The uniform T-shirt which was a navy blue, and the stores logo sowed onto the chest of it hung limply off his body. Although he didn't mind so much as he'd prefer to hide his figure than to show off his thin build to the world. Even though it was still warm he pulled on his arm bands, wincing as the fabric sifted across the tender skin before pulling the dark blue long sleeved sweat top overtop. After that was done he simple pulled out some clean looking black jeans and tied them in place with a belt. By the time he'd finished getting dressed the window was less fogged so he was able to see himself more clearly.

Roughly he dried his hair before skillfully tying his hair into a simple plat that dripped slightly down his top as it hung down his back. While he was quickly washing his face a loud thump sounded on the bathroom door, 'causing the teenager to jump out of fright. The knockings continued, each one getting more rough. Opening his mouth, nothing came out- swallowing nervously he opened his mouth and let out a loud, but shaky, "Y-yeah?"

"Hurry up will you! You're not the only damn one that has things to do today. Move your bloody ass before I kick you out of there!" The shouting was followed by heavy foot steps as his father descended down the stairs, cursing as he did so.

Edward was still shaking, his hands submerged in the basin which was filled with water. Shaking his head slightly he quickly washed his face before cleaning up the mess he'd made. He had half an hour to get to work he told himself as he entered his room and glanced quickly at the alarm clock. Remembering that the item was still on Snooze he turned off the alarm in full with a quick motion before packing his bag with a drink bottle, house and locker keys, wallet and a small tin filled with pre-rolled smokes. Quickly, but quietly, the sixteen year old scaled out of his window and landing with experience on the soft grass just below. He'd gotten into such a habit to jump out of his window, than to face the wrath of the man who called himself his father. Sighing, he turned on his heel and while lighting a smoke walked towards his new work, silently excited although his face remained stoic of all emotions.