Hello, this is the start of what will become my version of Resident Evil the movie. Two things that lots of people say is wrong with the first Resident Evil is that the fact there was a lack of game characters in it and Rain and Alice should have kissed at the end, in my version, one of the game characters will take the role Alice had in the movie(guess wich one) and Alice will be part of the commando team that goes into the Hive also it will have new scenes like the one below, hope you like the idea, enjoy

Alice woke up.

Rubbing her tired eyes, she started to look around the dimly lit bedroom, trying to see what had woken her up. Her eyes rested on the small, black pager resting on the bedside drawers on the other side of the king size bed. She leaned over to grab the small device, making sure not to wake up the person curled up under the covers of the bed and that was snoring slightly. She grabbed it and looked at the small screen. It simply read, "Report in immediately, new mission."

Alice snapped wide awake. She worked for the umbrella corporation as vice captain for its number one sanitation strike team, lead by a man simply known as One. If umbrella had assigned her team the mission it must be important as well as dangerous.

Sighing, Alice got out of the warm, inviting bed into the cold air of early morning. Rubbing her arms for warmth, she trudged across the carpeted floor of the room, towards the medium sized wooden wardrobe. Opening the wardrobe doors, she puled out two sets of clothes, one for herself and one for the person who was still fast asleep in the snug confines of the bed. Walking back over to the bed, Alice quickly put on the random clothes she had picked out of the wardrobe (she knew she'd just have to change into her combat gear when she got to the umbrella facility) then she poked the lump in the bed and whispered softly, "Time to get up Rain."

From underneath the covers of the bed, Rain mumbled,"Go away or get back into bed." Knowing that she couldn't get the sleepy, bad tempered commando out of bed by asking nicely, Alice smiled evilly, then gripped the bottom of the bed sheets and yanked, sending it flying off the bed and leaving Rain's semi naked form exposed to the harsh cold of early morning.

Alice threw the pile of clothes on the bed and said, "Get changed quick babe, we have a new mission." Rain scrambled to pull the clothes on to cover herself from the cold.

She then asked, "Do we even have time for breakfast?" the blonde woman smiled, leant over and kissed her on the cheek, then replied, "No."

Vice Captain Alice Abernathy and Rain Ocampo walked down one of the many corridors of the umbrella security force facility, the sound of the their boots hitting the floor echoing off the walls. They both stopped in front of the door with the sign "Changing room A" on it, then they entered.

Inside the large room, the two women saw their teammates Chad Kaplin, Olga Danilova, Vance Drew, Alfonso Warner and JD Hawkins (because there were only 3 female members of the team, umbrella thought it would be a waste of money to build a woman's changing room, which in Rain's opinion made Umbrella tight bastards) they all greeted the two women, then carried on changing. They all knew One would not tolerate them chatting on the job.

The team filed into the Armory as Rain went straight for the MP5K. Grabbing the cold metal of the submachine gun, she checked over it over in her hands and loaded it with ammo. JD turned to Alice, "I think she loves that gun more than she loves you."

Overhearing what he'd said, Rain turned around and called out "Bite me." The marksman shook his head and walked off to retrieve his sniper rifle. Alice laughed at the two commandos, then walked over to a shelf in the far corner to collect her mission gear. She pulled a bullet proof vest over her normal one then put on a jacket identical to everyone else's apart from her name was displayed on the front. Then she grabbed the standard mission equipment needed aswell as a double barreled sawn off shotgun and a grenade.

When Alice and Co. arrived in the briefing room, they saw One was already waiting for them. Taking their seats they listened as One started talking, "Umbrella has lost contact with one of its top secrete research facilities called the Hive, located underneath a mid western town called Racoon City. Before contact was lost, there were reports that the facilities main computer system, the Red Queen, had turned homicidal and had turned on the 500 members of staff living in the underground facility. Our mission is to go down into the Hive and shut down the Red Queen, search for any survivors, and find out what whet wrong. Any questions?"

Chad asked, "How long do we have to complete the mission?"

One answered, "From when we enter the facility, we'll have 2 hours to complete the mission and get out before the Hive seals itself for good, under no circumstances can we be still inside that facility at that time, understand?" One looked around the dull, metalic room. Seeing that every single member of his team nodded in reply, he pointed at Vance and Warner and then to a duffel bag next to him. The two men stood up and picked up the bag, then One called out, "Its time to move out."

Did you like it? The next chapter will be the group getting to and entering the Hive

Review and tell me what you think, all opinions are welcome
