Toushirou had moved in with them after being let out of the hospital and had immediately had a brand new alarm system installed in the house

Disclaimer: Do not own Bleach, but it would be awesome for me if I did!

Warnings: This is an AU story.

Pairings: Mainly HitsuHina and IchiRuki

A/N: Many thanks to my beta, ForeverSam, for everything.

Astounding Revelations

By: akirk85029

Toushirou had moved in with Momo and Kiyomi after being let out of the hospital and he had immediately had a brand new alarm system installed in the house. He was not taking any chances of anything similar happening again.

It wasn't until six months after Toushirou had moved in that he had married Momo and he was finding that married life was extremely satisfying. He was enjoying something he had denied that he had wanted for so long.

A year and a half after Kiyomi had been kidnapped found her at four and a half years of age and to look at the girl one would never know that she had experienced such an ordeal. Kiyomi will be starting kindergarten soon as she had been accepted early so that she would be in the same grade as Rukia and Ichigo's daughter, who is now five.

Toushirou, at the moment, was taking a small nap on the couch and therefore was unaware of two small sets of eyes peering at him from the end of the couch.

Two small girls, one with orange hair and one with white, crept forward, items held tightly in their little hands.

They quietly placed their items down on the coffee table and got to work.

Momo came walking out of the bedroom. She knew something was up. It was too quiet. She stopped as soon as she walked into the living room and had to clamp her hand over her mouth to keep from laughing. She tried to run back to the bedroom, it was hard to run when you're very, very pregnant, but she needed the camera.

Both girls were startled when Momo walked up to the couch.

Momo brought a finger up to her mouth, telling the girls to keep quiet. She brought the camera up and snapped a few shots. She grinned, it was perfect blackmail material.

Toushirou started slowly opening his eyes. He could hear two soft giggles next to him on the floor and as he sat up he saw a flash. That was what had woken him up in the first place. He looked over and saw that Momo had a camera. He wasn't sure what was going on but it couldn't be good.

Momo walked back to the back of the house to hide the camera before Toushirou figured out what was really going on.

Toushirou looked down at his daughter at her best friend as they were applying make-up to each other.

Ichigo's daughter was holding a fire-engine red lipstick and his daughter was holding a small sample of bright blue eye-shadow.

Soon Toushirou's groggy mind started to wake up and he put two and two together. He shot up from the couch. "MOMO!"

Momo sat on their bed waiting for him and laughed as he walked into their room. "You look so pretty, Shiro!"

"Where is it?" Toushirou demanded to know.

"Where's what?" Momo asked in all innocence.

"The camera!" Toushirou grumbled.

"What camera?" Momo asked sweetly.

Toushirou mumbled under his breath and walked into their bathroom and nearly had a heart attack.

Momo followed him and tried not to giggle as she watched Toushirou scrub his face.

After five minutes of scrubbing, Toushirou sighed. "What kind of freaking lipstick was that? It won't come all off!" Toushirou said looking at the faint hint of red still imprinted on his lips.

Momo handed him some of her cream that she used to take her make-up off when she wore some.

Toushirou looked at her and cursed silently. "This isn't funny!"

"Sure it is!" Momo said grinning.

"I'm going to get those two! And when I do…." Toushirou stopped his rant when Momo clutched her stomach as if in pain. "Momo, are you okay?"

"Shiro, I think we need to head over to the clinic!" Momo said trying to steady her breathing.

Fourteen hours after arriving at the clinic found Toushirou holding his one hour old son for only the second time after his birth. Ryutaro had his mother's hair, but his father's eyes. Toushirou kissed Ryutaro on his small forehead. Toushirou looked over at Momo who was watching the two of them with sleepy eyes and a deliriously happy smile.

In the morning, after Kiyomi woke up, Toushirou brought her into the room and placed her next to Momo on the bed. "Do you want to hold your brother?" Toushirou asked her.

Kiyomi nodded her head in the affirmative.

Toushirou placed Kiyomi arms into a position to hold the baby and then he took Ryutaro from Momo and placed him in Kiyomi's arms.

Momo wrapped her arm around her daughter. "So what do you think of him?"

"His head looks funny!" Kiyomi said causing her mother to laugh and her father to smile.

"That's because he was born not too long ago, his head will round out." Momo said softly to her daughter.

"Oh!" Kiyomi replied.

Rukia came walking in with her camera and ushered Toushirou to sit on the edge of the bed and took a couple of pictures for the new family. Momo had told Rukia about having to hide her own camera because of the pictures she had taken of Toushirou and asked Rukia to take some pictures for her. Rukia had laughed at the story and told Momo that the girls had gotten Ichigo just the week-end before and Rukia had great fun getting those pictures done.

Ichigo came walking in soon after followed by his eight year old son and five year old daughter. He was carrying his eight month old daughter in his arms. The other kids wanted to take turns holding the brand new baby.

A week later Toushirou and Ichigo received the news that Sosuke Aizen had managed a daring escape from prison. Both men made sure all media outlets were alerted, with Toushirou hoping that Nanao might see the broadcast and contact him. They also made sure that both of their families were in constant contact with each other in case Sosuke went after them.

Toushirou knew though that Sosuke wouldn't do that. Sosuke's ultimate revenge would be to get to Nanao before he could, to make him fail in protecting her again.

A month later Toushirou was stopping at home for his lunch break. He rarely had time to come home during lunch but when he could he tried to enjoy it. He had just picked up his mail and was going through it at the kitchen counter when his cell started to ring. "Hitsugaya."

"Hey, Toushirou, we've got a lead on your sister finally!" Ichigo said.

"What?!" Toushirou said almost not believing what he had heard.

"When you get back we can go check it out, I just thought you would like to know right away." Ichigo commented.

"Yeah, thanks." Toushirou said, hanging up his phone. "Momo."

Momo came walking out with Ryutaro in her arms. "Taro eats so greedily!" Momo said, smiling.

Toushirou smiled and embraced her from behind staring down at his son. "I'm sorry I've got to go. Ichigo said they found a lead on Nanao."

Momo turned slightly in his arms. "I understand. Go."

Toushirou kissed her softly. He kissed Taro on the top of his head. "Give Ki a kiss for me when she gets home from school." Toushirou said as he headed out the door.

Toushirou waited until Momo locked the door behind him and then headed to his car. Once inside he realized that he still had some of the mail in his hand. He found one piece of mail interesting. There was no return address, nor any kind of stamp on the envelope. He opened it and a photograph slipped out.

Toushirou's eyes widened. On the photograph was written the words 'Finders Keepers.' Toushirou flipped open his cell and he pulled quickly out of the drive. He waited impatiently for Ichigo to answer his phone as he sped down the street.

"Kurosaki." Ichigo answered.

"Ichigo, he's found her! The bastard found her!" Toushirou yelled through the phone.

"What?" Ichigo said surprised.

"He placed a letter in my mailbox with her picture in it. How the hell?...He found Nanao!" Toushirou said fear seeping into every fiber of his being.

A/N : Okay, so how was that? This is the epilogue for this part of the story. I will write about Nanao and it will conclude from her side of things. Please review and let me know what you think. I want to thank everyone that has reviewed my story so far - you don't know how much I really do appreciate it!