Note – Please read the Author's Note at the end. It's got some cool stuff in it that my TRG and Nohnny loving friends are sure to love.

The Right Girl Epilogue

At Crimson Manor…

"Thank you, Reivers." Claudia smiled and took the sheet he extended, setting it down on a growing pile on her desk before handing him another. "Will you tell him to sign this one on all the marked lines, please?"

The butler took the paper and shot her a wry look. "I trust the next thing you'll want me to take up to him will be the Sunday crossword?"

Her dark eyes lit up. "Good idea. I knew there was a reason I kept you around."

"Always happy to earn my keep, Miss," Reivers drawled as he left the office, closing the doors behind him.

Claudia hummed to herself and went about rearranging her files. With Johnny now in control of the business, there was little else for her to do but keep everything organized. He let her keep the larger offices and did most of his work upstairs, so she could spread out all the documents and the contracts and files the way she wanted to without worrying.

Her new, somewhat secretarial role didn't bother her in the slightest. With more time now to devote to this sort of thing, she was able to monitor the family's holdings and profits better. Whenever she found a more effective way of doing something, she set about fixing it and informed Johnny once it was all taken care of, which he appreciated.

Besides, Claudia didn't figure she'd stick around forever. She left the business back in Milan in capable hands, and her Uncle Rudy was getting on in years and just wanted to get rid of it, anyway. The business in Italy was already pretty much legitimate, anyway; she'd dismantled the worst of it and distributed the rest to loyal associates there, leaving just enough for her uncle to comfortably control with one or two of her right-hand men there. If she ever felt like returning to sun-kissed Tuscany, that part of the business would be waiting for her and she'd be more than happy to run it again.

The business here was picking up well. It was still a little shaky, a little unstable, but the Zacchara siblings found that once they worked together, they were a formidable team. Claudia had the experience and the inside knowledge while Johnny had the sharp instincts, charisma, and the ability to play things cool and cautious until he saw his advantage and took it.

He settled into his new role as the head of the family very well despite Claudia's concerns. Johnny was getting serious with Nadine, but that wasn't saying a whole lot: he'd been serious about her even before they first slept together. He made even more frequent trips to Port Charles 

and Claudia knew that if Johnny wasn't anywhere to be found, she only needed to stop off at the fifth floor hub at General Hospital to find him bunny-kissing his girlfriend.

It was disgusting.

But, to be fair, he was a little too macho to bunny-kiss Nadine. Ever.

But it was still disgusting. Public displays of affection had never been Claudia's thing, and when John indulged in that sort of thing, it made her gag. Probably because she'd never be able to look at him without seeing the cherub-faced but deathly serious little boy hunched over his wooden piano, his newest penned melody both innocent and beleaguered.

That serious little boy, though, had come a long way. He found balance in his life and did what he could to maintain it. And Claudia figured that if anything, his new girlfriend only helped matters; Nadine was a very grounded, moderately sensible girl with a good head on her shoulders. She wasn't into melodramatics, she wasn't fanciful, and she wasn't materialistic, nor did she crave danger and excitement so much that she actively went about creating it for herself. She complemented Johnny perfectly, and they had already settled into a comfortable routine.

So much so, actually, that Claudia had taken to calling them a cute little agoraphobic old couple. Neither one seemed to mind. Either that or they were ignoring her, which was never acceptable.

"All done, Miss." Reivers let himself back into the office and walked toward her, holding the signed sheet. "Here we are, then."

She took it from him and added it to the pile without glancing at it. "Okay, here, take this form next. Wait about four minutes. Or, you know what? You decide how many minutes. You're a pro at this by now."

"Assuredly, Miss," he drawled. "Harvard University is considering conferring upon me an Honorary Doctorate in the Canooding Habits of Young Adults. I consider it an exceptional honor."

Claudia laughed, but the sound died in her throat when the doors to her office were kicked open and an irate Johnny stormed in. He was wearing socks, no boots, and his green hoodie was rumpled and looked as if it had quickly been pulled on.

"What the hell is your problem?!"

She blinked at him innocently. "What? I'm just trying to help you run the business. There are things you need to sign."

"Now?!" he burst out, throwing his hands in the air. "Nadine just got back from a week-long conference in the city, and you're telling me that all these forms need to be signed now? The last one was a credit card application! I don't need a new credit card!"

"My mistake," Claudia allowed graciously. "I thought you did. Oh, well. You wouldn't need a student loan by any chance, would you? Or new windows and siding? Or…let's see…twelve issues of Glamour for 1 each, along with a free purse?"

Johnny scowled ferociously at her. "Don't push me, Claudia. And stop purposely trying to sabotage the time I spend with Nadine."

She rolled her eyes. "I'm not purposely sabotaging anything. Do I think that you two should hold hands and put two straws in your milkshake instead of going at it like junkyard rabbits in our house? Sure. Am I trying to sabotage you? Absolutely not. You have to sign this."

"I don't want a free fucking purse."

Claudia frowned and pitched the card over her shoulder as Reivers looked gravely back and forth between the warring siblings. "Fine. Then sign this."

"That's a coupon for a nine dollar haircut."

"Oh." She pitched it over her shoulder as well, and this time actually looked at a paper before she held it out to him. "This one. Definitely."

"This is the last one I sign, Claudia," he warned her, reaching for it. He glared at both her and his butler, his message clear. "And Reivers, as the head of the house, you take your orders from me. Do not disturb me for the rest of the day. In fact, take the day off. Understood?"

"Yes, Master John."

"That means," he continued, snatching the pen she held out to him as he turned back to his unrepentant sister, "that if you want some stupid form signed, you come deliver it yourself. And if you do that, you'll regret it. I promise you. What the hell am I signing?"

Johnny frowned at the form, skimming quickly, and signed his name on the line before tossing it at his sister. When he turned, Claudia stopped him by holding out another and batting her lashes pleadingly.

"No, Claudie. Remember what I said. Reivers, dismissed."

She stuck her lip out in a pout as the butler removed himself from the room, but Claudia's dark eyes danced with mirth.

"You're awful, you know that? Bald, tumor-riddled children are crying even harder than usual because you want to kiss your girlfriend instead of buying them a new play place."

Johnny scowled and yanked the form from her, blindly scrawling his name on the line, and the one underneath it, as Claudia tented her fingers and smiled.

"I win."

"Shut up, Claudie. You win nothing."

At the Emily Quartermaine-Cassidine Memorial Foundation…

"First off, I would like to thank all of you that came tonight to help me honor my late fiancé, Miss Emily Bowen Quartermaine, and give tribute to her memory by supporting our foundation."

Nikolas raised his champagne flute to the room, and all the gathered guests smiled back at him. "Especially those among our esteemed guests that made arrangements to fly into town to be here tonight. It means very much to me, to the people of Port Charles, and, I'm certain, Emily."

Claudia Zacchara, dressed in a long black gown with bronze embellishments, smirked to herself as she and one of her many business partners, Edward Quartermaine, surveyed the room. Almost all the guests that had flown in from out of town – rich executives, socialites, philanthropists, all part of the Cassidine Prince's extensive network of well-heeled associates and acquaintances – were staying at the Port Charles Hotel instead of the MetroCourt. With Claudia's backing, Edward was able to renovate and expand the hotel and restaurant, and being the marketing genius he was, he ran an excellent campaign to make sure it was the best-rated hotel in town. Claudia spread the word through various social circles that the upper echelon was said to be slumming by staying at the blandly decorated MetroCourt, and so the wealthier guests made sure to make arrangements with the Quartermaine-owned hotel before flying out.

Carly's hotel saw a 19 loss in profits with projections showing that number to only increase if the trend continued, and that made Claudia very, very happy. Edward wasn't all that upset, either.

"I would like to thank the wonderful, talented, and compassionate staff of doctors and nurses here at General Hospital," Nikolas continued, smiling in particular at Elizabeth, Robin, Leyla, and Patrick, "for their endless expertise and their selfless eagerness to help me see this project through to what it is today. Mrs. Elizabeth Morgan, one of my childhood friends, Doctor Robin Scorpio, soon-to-be-Drake, a trusted advisor, and Doctor Patrick Drake, one of the most respected young neurosurgeons in this country and someone I respect and admire personally. I am indebted to this fine group of men and women, as are the people of this town."

Jason and Johnny, who somehow had ended up standing next to each other, clapped along with the rest of the group.

"And I would like to give particular thanks, along with my heartfelt gratitude, to two very special people in the audience. Mister John Zacchara and Miss Nadine Crowell."

A few months ago, Nadine's first instinct at being called out like that in public would have been to cringe and try to hide. But she'd learned a few things from her charismatic boyfriend and among them was how to graciously accept praise and attention. She and Johnny smiled graciously at the evening's host as well as all the gathered guests.

"As most of you are aware, I was diagnosed with a potentially deadly brain tumor which I had removed three months ago," Nikolas continued. "It was a risky procedure, and Nadine Crowell was among the medical staff at this hospital that risked her career and her freedom in trying to save my life. She was my nurse during my initial diagnosis and treatment as well as during my post-operation recovery and rehabilitation. I consider her a valued, cherished friend, and she was a big inspiration for this project and never stopped encouraging me to find a way to honor the woman I will love for the rest of my life."

He turned slightly, refusing to let his emotions get the better of him, and tipped his head at Johnny. "Mister John Zacchara, one of my fellow board members here. He helped ensure that all my proposals passed through the board with little to no fuss or delay, and shared my eagerness in opening this foundation to the public as soon as possible. He worked closely with me since I outlined my proposal, and offered legal advice as well as additional funding for the venture. His dedication, his focus, and his inability to accept anything less than required will not be forgotten."

Johnny looked down at Nadine, smiling when she beamed up at him, as the guests clapped their hands together once more. Nikolas was known for his lengthy speeches and toasts, and no one ever held it against him. In this case, his verbosity was appropriate: there were so many people involved in getting Emily's foundation up and running and ready to serve the underprivileged people of Port Charles.

He slipped his arm around her waist, careful to keep the gesture discreet and low-key, and felt warmed when she leaned into his embrace as much as was proper at an outing like this.

The past two months after he got back from his self-inflicted sojourn had been wonderful. They'd taken their relationship public almost immediately, neither one concerned about how it would make them look. The gossip columnists and townspeople would still whisper about how he unceremoniously dumped Lulu and moved on so quickly, and they would still twitter about how she was always keen to sink her hooks into the youngest Spencer's man, but none of that mattered to either of them.

Johnny and Nadine knew the truth about their relationship and how they came together, and that was good enough for them. And they had their core group of almost-friends including Spinelli, Maxie, Claudia, Elizabeth for Nadine and even a reluctant Jason for an equally wary Johnny. Everything had come together quite well and neither the mobster nor the nurse had any complaints or any thoughts on how they would have done things differently.

They came to each other in their own time, after a few false starts and premature endings, and it worked for them. It was their business, so the rumblings truly didn't bother them. They still got strange looks sometimes, but for the most part, people were used to seeing them kissing at the 

hub or letting their legs brush together under their table at Kelly's. In a few more weeks, they wouldn't even merit a second glance and the gossips would move on to their next target. That was just how things worked in their sleepy little ocean-side hamlet.

This evening was just one of the many public events they attended together. Nadine was now slowly getting used to being expected to appear at such things and found that she rather enjoyed it. She never had much of a reason to get dressed up before and lived comfortably in her rut, going from her apartment to the hospital and back again without a second thought. Now, she was wearing designer dresses (that Claudia MADE her buy using Johnny's money no matter how much Nadine tried to resist) and mingling with different people at least once a week. And it was kind of fun, really.

Nadine had even attended her first business function the week before. Johnny had given her basic pointers – smile politely at everyone, let the men kiss her hand, never give away any kind of personal information about him, herself, Claudia, or their relationships – and left it at that, but Claudia had worked with her tirelessly. She selected Nadine's outfit, a pretty champagne-colored silk gown with a sweetheart neckline and a pair of killer heels that, amazingly enough, brought the whole look tougher, and even decided how she'd wear her hair. Once those details were ironed out, Claudia gave her a quick rundown of all the people she'd meet there and even role-played a couple different scenarios with her until Nadine was a little more confident that she could handle herself among the mobsters and racketeers.

Galas like this one weren't even a big deal anymore. This one was surprisingly intimate, and she always felt comfortable around Nikolas, Elizabeth, Leyla, and, of course, her boyfriend and his sister. There was nothing to be nervous about here, so Nadine could just concentrate on having a good time and supporting her friend.

He was smiling at her from across the room as the guests mingled, and Nadine let Johnny and Jason talk and moved over toward him. Nikolas's smile grew, and he let out a contented sigh.

"This is good, don't you think?"

"Very good," Nadine agreed, looking out over the room with him. "She'd be so happy with you, Nikolas, for what you've done."

"This was what she wanted to do with her life," he murmured. "Help people. And this way, she gets to. So much good will be done in this town in her name."

"I'm absolutely sure there will." She looked up in time to see Johnny saunter over to her and the prince. "Hey, you."

"Hey." He shook Nikolas's hand warmly and then linked his fingers with Nadine's. Whenever they went out in public, Johnny was aware of the looks she sometimes got for being with him. Their close proximity, like when he held her close or whispered in her ear or even let his fingers graze hers, went a long way in sending those idiots a message. He didn't want anyone hassling Nadine or looking at her like that just because she chose to be with him.

"Thanks for everything you said."

Nikolas shook his head. "Don't thank me. You've already done so much for me, anyway, and I meant every word of what I said. You're free to meet with me next week, right? I haven't checked in with my secretary yet, so I didn't get your reply."

Johnny nodded. "Yeah, I've set aside the time. I've got some great contacts that will help you work through the red tape and secure even more funds for this place. If this is a marked success…who knows? We can get the ball rolling on expanding this institution and working with hospitals in other districts to bring the same sorts of programs to the local constituents, even work to get it going on a much larger level. This could be really big, but we start with the small steps."

The Prince nodded. "I'll bring my legal representation along as well. Should be an interesting meeting."

Johnny looked like he was about to say something but frowned instead when he felt his phone buzz. He fished it out of his pocket and flashed them a regretful look. "Sorry, but I've gotta take this."

They excused him without a second thought, and Nadine had just turned to Nikolas to ask him if he was serious about the offer for her to be the one to run the institution under him when she felt something brush against her arm. Looking over, Nadine almost groaned aloud when she saw Claudia, flute in hand, smiling smugly at the prince.

Her brown eyes twinkled as she nudged Nadine. Next to the nurse, Nikolas shot her a curious but intrigued look. "Well? Aren't you going to introduce us?"

Nadine's apartment…

"Can I put these in?" Johnny waited for her to nod before he closed the top on a tupperware container of baby carrots and celery sticks and set it inside the picnic basket that Nadine had wrapped up in a white box and put in his apartment about eight months ago. The sunglasses she'd included with that gift were clipped to his shirt, and Nadine's were on her head, keeping her hair out of her face as she finished packing up their lunch.

"That's what I love about fried chicken," she said happily, wrapping it up twice in tinfoil before handing the whole thing to Johnny. "It's just as good cold as it is hot."

He wrinkled his nose. "You sure I can't have goat cheese-stuffed chicken with broiled peaches or something delivered to us there?"

"No." She kissed his chin and moved past him to get the napkins and paper towels. "We have perfectly good food right here, and do you know how much money you'd be wasting? Forget the cost of the food, think of the gas money. And besides, I don't trust goat cheese in this heat. It's why I didn't bring anything that required mayonnaise. We'd just be begging for food poisoning."

"But I like goat cheese-stuffed-"

"Yeah, I know." She wrapped her arms around his waist and rubbed her cheek against his chest as Johnny lazily slung an arm across her shoulders as he finished rearranging the food in the basket. He was wearing just his jeans and a white t-shirt, and Nadine loved it when he dressed down. She loved him in his suits, too, but the best part about seeing Johnny in a custom-made Italian suit was fantasizing about ripping it off of him.

"But today, you get cold fried chicken." Nadine rubbed his stomach and grinned when he smirked down at her. "Nothing goes better with fast cars than cold fried chicken. Trust me on that."

Johnny laughed despite himself. "Hey, I know a few things about fast cars, myself."

"Yes, but not about the country," she smiled. "Don't forget, you're with a bona-fide farm girl now. Isn't that a popular fantasy for guys?"

He rolled his eyes, still smirking. "You're a farm girl from the Midwest, you know."

"Eh, the country's the country, whether it's Ohio or upstate New York." Nadine let him go and clapped excitedly. "Oh, we're going to have so much fun today! Shoot, I have to go change. This is what you get for showing up early – you throw off my whole schedule. Do me a favor and pack the cooler for me while I get ready?"

He nodded and she set her white sunglasses on the counter, trotting off to her bedroom. Johnny closed up the picnic basket and placed her shades on top so she wouldn't forget, then dragged the cooler out from the cabinet under the sink.

He whistled to himself as he pulled the ice bin from the freezer. Nadine had set the ice maker on last night and so the tub was full, and he emptied all of it into the cooler and then put the bin back. It would be a quarter full by the time they left, so he'd be able to top the thing off. He went about pulling bottles of beer, hard lemonade (Nadine loved it in the summer), soda cans, and water from the refrigerator and filled the cooler.

Johnny had just finished snapping the thing shut and was crouched on the floor when Nadine exited her bedroom. She closed the door and fluffed her hair, and Johnny tilted his head and swept a look of pure masculine appreciation over her. The normally laid-back nurse was wearing a pair of short denim shorts with a red plaid shirt that she tied at her waist. It rode up a little when she lifted her arms, flashing a tantalizing expanse of her toned abdomen. Her white flip-flops matched the sunglasses that Nadine once again put on her head, sweeping her bangs away 

as Johnny watched her languidly. That was one of the most endearing things about his girlfriend: she hardly ever noticed when she looked good enough to ogle like he was doing now.

"You done?" Her back was to him and he got a lovely view of her bottom as she bent to pick up the road map and her I-Pass from the coffee table. "Let's load everything in the car. Oh! Before I forget – a change of clothes for us in case we get wet or muddy or something. Be right back. I'm going to grab your shorts and boxers, okay?"

"T-shirt, too, please. And if I left my sandals here, grab those, too."

Nadine nodded and scurried back to her bedroom. She and Johnny spent about an equal amount of time at her apartment and his by now, so they had spare changes of clothes in both places. She grabbed the necessary things and shoved them in her little backpack, then came out and threw it next to the cooler as Johnny hefted the picnic basket.

"We missing anything?"

She thought about it and snapped her fingers. "Road snacks!"

Her boyfriend put down the basket and opened the cabinet, grabbing a couple mini-boxes of cereal. "Got it covered."

"Nice," Nadine grinned. She handed him her license, her insurance information, and her credit card for him to keep in his wallet since she wasn't bringing a purse. Discreetly, she tucked a wad of bills into her back pocket; if Johnny saw, he'd once again insist that when they went out, he paid for things and she didn't want to get into that. "Let's go."

A knock on the door interrupted them just as they bent to pick up their things, and Johnny and Nadine frowned at each other.

"Who could that be?"

"I don't know, you expecting anyone?"

"My other boyfriend, but he was supposed to come over later tonight." She smirked when he rolled his eyes and moved toward the door. "I'll get it. Hello – Oh."

Nadine pulled the door wide open and Johnny arched a brow at his sister. "What are you doing here?"

"You stole my car," she burst out, storming into the small apartment. "I had to track you down here and drive all the way over, so give me the keys."

"What?" He pulled a face. "No. No way, we're taking the car out."

"Take the car I drove over here."

"Which one did you bring?"

"The Benz."

"The Benz?" He groaned and planted his hands on his hips. "Are you kidding? You want me to race the Benz on a dust track instead of the Tesla?"

Claudia's nose crinkled. "You're going to do that?"



"…Because it's fun," Johnny said slowly, as if he were explaining something to a child. "You know, tiny sports cars, country race track, dust roads, no rules or speed limits. Rural charm, homemade lunch, a cheesy carnival, fireworks. Fun."

"Oh, God," she grimaced, her expression turning most foul. "You've got a little tisket-tasket-picnic-basket and everything. Daisy Duke over there is turning your mind to mush."

"Good to see you, too, Claudia," Nadine smiled, picking up a small red box. "Lucky Charms?"

"I hate everything about you."

"More for me, then."

Johnny rolled his eyes and crossed his arms defiantly. "You're not getting the Tesla. I picked that car specifically for today, and our plans revolve around it."

"But it's mine! What, you think I got it detailed and realigned for you?"

"I think that I'm the one with the keys."

Claudia stomped her foot. "You always do this to me. I have a meeting tonight in Manhattan and I'm not showing up in the stupid Benz. I'd rather die. Give me the keys to the McLaren."

"But that's mine!"

"Tit for tit, buddy."

"That is not the expression."

"Well, it should be." She held out her hand impatiently and Johnny finally sighed. He got out his keys and reluctantly took out the one for the car she wanted and placed it in her palm."

"If you scratch my car with your crazy driving-"

"And if you have sex in my car with your crazy girlfriend-"

"Fine," he interrupted loudly as Claudia sent him a sickly smile. "Deal. Just…shut up. And go away."

"I want something cold to drink first," she replied snippily, tilting her head and looking behind him. "…Is that a cooler?"

Nadine smiled and moved toward it while Johnny scowled. "What do you want? Water, soda, lemonade?"

"Water's fine." She took the bottle and cracked it open, taking a sip. "How long will you guys be out of town?"

"We'll probably make a night of it," Johnny admitted slowly. "It'll be too late to drive all the way back home, so we might find a place there to crash, be home sometime late tomorrow morning or afternoon if we decide to have breakfast there."

"You two are disgusting."

"We're going to load up the car," he informed her dryly. "Feel free to show yourself out."

She would have, but Claudia heard her phone buzzing in her purse just then and reached for it, turning around and heading into the living room. It amazed her that Nadine could live in a place where the couch was about three paces away from the stove. Was there even a single spot in this apartment where the television wasn't visible?

"Hello?" She tucked her pocketbook under her arm as Johnny and Nadine did a quick, final run-through of their things. "Who is this? Spencer, is that you? Did you get a hold of His Royal Highness's phone? His Royal – His Royal Highness. Your father. You know, you see him every day, he pats you on the head and tells you you're a good boy? No, that's Alfred. He's your butler. No, I don't know what a Caillou is, and frankly, I resent the question."

Johnny rolled his eyes as he moved past her, piling all their things by the door as Nadine grabbed the blanket and his hoodie from her couch.

"Hello? Yeah, it's me." Claudia turned away, but not before they saw her smile. "I think he got into your speed-dial menu and found me. No, no problem. Actually – no, I'm actually in town today. Yeah, at Nurse Girl's place. Chased my brother here, trying to get my damn car. Right now? Uh, nothing much."

She moved around the coffee table, toward the corner of the room by the end table as Nadine made sure the oven and all her appliances were turned off.

"I've gotta be out of town by four-thirty, five at the latest, but I'm free until then. Yeah. Yeah, sure, love to. Okay, I'll meet you there. Bye. Oh!"

She had bumped into an end table when she hung up with Nikolas and all three of them cringed when they heard glass shatter. Nadine had washed the bottle of sparkling apple cider that Johnny sent to her on Valentine's Day and stuck a bunch of flowers in it, and Claudia had just knocked to the floor.

Johnny pulled the door open and backed out with their things, and Nadine sent Claudia a no-nonsense look as she followed him out.

"The vacuum's in the closet over there. See you tomorrow, Claudia."

Johnny and Nadine both grinned as the older woman scowled and shut the door, leaving her alone in the apartment with shards of green glass at her feet.

The End.

Author's Note –

Thank you to everyone who has read and replied to this. The Right Girl was my first little experiment in which I asked myself, can Huma write for a couple other than Liason and not have it suck outright? I'm told that, in fact, I can. :-P

Someone made a comment after the smutty chapter that I really liked: she said that sex scenes were fairly standard. You could use Word to Find + Replace names and voila, you've got a smut chapter for another couple entirely. But this smut chapter would only work for Johnny and Nadine because it was so true to their characters as they were in this story. I really liked that and I agree: this fic could only have been Johnny and Nadine.

One of my biggest concerns when writing this was having the characters be too much like Jason and Elizabeth, my favorite General Hospital couple. The gentle, no-pressure conversations, the midnight ride along Cliff Road, the whole good-girl-bad-boy thing, it was all Jason and Elizabeth. I didn't want Johnny and Nadine to be like them, but at the same time, I didn't want to consciously write them to be the opposite of them, if that makes sense. I just wanted to let this story work on its own as it would, and I'm so pleased that these characters are their own, and this story is theirs. It wouldn't even work for a much younger version of Liason, when Elizabeth was feisty and smart and just a little silly. No, this is all Johnny and Nadine's.

Thank you to everyone at Solo Ensemble, Black and White, and in the Johnny and Nadine thread at (first) the Canvas (though that thread has been deleted and is no longer there) and then more importantly at the Road to Nowhere for your support and encouragement. I really enjoyed writing this story not only for myself, which has become the singular case over the past two 

years regarding me and fanfiction, but also for the rest of you. I loved it when you were excited, I love it when you were frustrated, I loved it when you were contented.

Thank you for letting me share my story for a non-existent (as of yet) couple on General Hospital.

Though The Right Girl is over, I don't entirely feel that Johnny and Nadine's story is over. I can't write a sequel for them because there isn't that much left over, but I do have ideas for what I call The Right Girl One Shots.