This trailer was the first chapter, but is put in the back since this story is over

Trailer of "Prom Night: A Night To Die For"

The story almost uses the same plot from the remake of the movie, "Prom Night" but I've decided to take a few twists into my own way due to the movie only reaching 88 minutes and that's short if it has to be converted into a story version.

Pairings: Roxas/Namine, Sora/Kairi, Hayner/Olette, and Tidus/Selphie

Genre: Suspense/Romance

Summary: It's that time of year again where high school seniors have their very last prom. It's supposed to be Namine's best day of her life with being with her friends before they graduate. Namine has gotten over an incident back when she was a freshman so she can move on with her life. During the prom, it starts to go deadly when Namine's psycho ex-boyfriend, Riku, breaks out of jail to come back for her. Now she and her friends will have to find a way to survive from her psycho ex-boyfriend killer on a night to die for.

Disclaimer: The following characters of "Prom Night: A Night To Die For" have not been created from me. Square Enix and Disney have the legal rights of owning the game Kingdom Hearts and its characters. The setting takes place in Destiny Islands but that's about it. The plot is from the movie "Prom Night" and is not mines but I have adapted it where some original written work is in the story so it's not a complete copycat off the movie. Some original characters have been made for the story.

The following story is rated 'T' for violence, terror, language and some blood & gore

Destiny Island High School Class of 2008

Shows a bunch of students in the school

It's that day…

"So who are you asking to the prom Namine?" Kairi asked. "I don't know. I think I'm going to ask Roxas," she replies

"Hey Roxas, do you want to go to the senior prom with me," Namine ask with books in her hands. "Sure," he replies

...Where we have our last high school prom

Shows Namine, Kairi, Selphie, and Olette getting their hair done

"How does your prom dress look like Namine?" Olette asked her. "It's strapless snow white dress. I guess I can say it's sexy also," Namine tells them

Shows the girls laughing

You try to look your best…

Shows Namine walking down the stairs in her strapless snow white dress

"You look very beautiful," Roxas comments

And take your friends with you

Shows Namine getting in a black limo with Sora, Kairi, Olette, Hayner, Selphie, and Tidus

"This will be the time of our lives!" Namine yells. "Yeah!" everyone shouts

Shows the whole gang sticking out the limo waving at people

"Oh my god! It looks awesome," Kairi says looking at the Destination Destiny Hotel

Shows the gang getting out the limo and into the hotel

You get on the dance floor

Shows a group of students all dress nice dancing

Shows Namine slow dancing with Roxas

Drink with your friends

"Cheers!" Namine, Roxas, Sora, and Kairi yell as they bang their cups together

Take pictures

Shows couples having their pictures taken

And have a prom king and queen

"Alright everyone. Tonight you're prom king and queen arrrreeee…" Yuffie says opening an envelope

Shows all the lights turn off as everyone starts to panic

From the author who brought you the hit horror/suspense story, "One Missed Call: HSM Version"


Shows Kairi in the stairwell on the floor until someone up the stairs pulls out a knife in front of her

"AAHH!" she screams

...From Namine's past…

Shows Tidus looking around until a boy jumps on him making him scream

Comes back

"About three years ago…" Cloud says

Shows a boy looking through a book full of Namine's pictures

"…A high school student's boyfriend became obsessed with her…"

Shows Namine with Roxas

"…And he went all psycho"

Shows someone holding a knife in an evidence bag

Shows three body bags being pulled out


Shows Selphie sitting on the hotel bed when she hears something loud making her turn around

"Get away from me!" Kairi screams while running away from the guy

He has come back for her

"Hello? Are you guys in here?" Namine asks looking around the hotel room

"Hey Namine! I missed you!" a creepy male voice says as he shows up behind her

It will be…

Shows Olette dialing someone's number on her phone hiding behind a laundry basket

Shows her slowly taking a peep and going back down with the killer behind her

...A night…

Shows Namine slowly closing the closet as she sees the boy's shadow coming

"What the heck is going on?" Roxas asked the police officer as he is with a bunch of other students outside the hotel with police cars and cops around

"This man will kill anybody in his way to get to her," the detective says

"Please don't do this! Please!" Namine begs as she beings to back up

To die for

"Get back here Namine!" a boy yells as Namine trying to closes the door but he pushes to get in

"We need backup now!" Cloud yells

Shows him looking through the hotel with his gun

Shows a door being destroyed

"NOOO!" Namine screams out

"I'm going in to get her!" Roxas states busting through the cops

Shows Namine running away from the boy

Shows Namine under the bed covering her mouth as she sees the boy's feet when she turns her head and sees something "Aahh!"

"Prom Night: A Night To Die For"

"AAHH!" Namine screams as the boy grabs the back of her head and is about to slam her into something

Now on fanfiction!