A/N: . . . So this is what happens when I get bored.

This is basically going to be a collection of things I've written while excruciatingly bored, mostly during school in my notebooks (one of which is blue and one of which is green. I don't miss the irony). About half were written in science/math class (which I have at 8-9 in the morning, hence the relatively low quality of the writing), and I shudder to think of the day (and it will come, I'm sure of it) when my math teacher asks to read what I'm writing.

After I get over the humiliation, though, it'll be a great story. But anyways.

So, some warnings/information before I get to... whatever I decide to post; most stuff here will be slash (shounen-ai, guyxguy, whatever you want to call it, you get the idea), namely AkuRoku (with possible AkuDemy in places) and Sora/Riku (sorry Kayda). Ratings may vary, but I highly doubt I'll venture above a 'T'. Mostly, just sickeningly sweet fluff. AU, sickeningly sweet fluff. (Cause writing them with hearts is so much more fun!)

Oh, and I don't own any of the characters. Most of the ideas aren't particularly original, either, but I didn't steal them directly.

With that ridiculously long author's note out of the way, onward!

Axel was pretty sure that this was as good as life got.

Roxas was leaning against his chest, head tucked under his chin, a small smile on his face (Axel couldn't see it, but he could always tell when Roxas was smiling; the boy's entire demeanor changed). Technically, they were doing homework, but Axel's had been long since abandoned in favor of Roxas, and Roxas's effort was superficial at best. His textbook lay forgotten on his stretched out legs, neglected in favor of leaning into the hand that was running through his hair.

Axel's hand tangled itself in Roxas's hair, tilting the younger boy's head back and pulling his attention fully from his homework. Roxas met Axel's eyes with a glare that held more affection than anger, which kind of ruined the effect. Axel's thoughts scattered to the wind for a moment, as was usual whenever he fully met Roxas's eyes. They were an incredible shade of blue. It wasn't fair that anyone could have eyes that captivating.

Axel gathered his thoughts again and leaned over, catching Roxas's lips in a strange upside-down kiss. Their position was a little awkward, and slightly uncomfortable, but they lingered there for a moment anyways, savoring the contact. Axel pulled away with a soft sigh that brushed over Roxas's face, and he leaned back, wrapped his arms around Roxas's waist, and closed his eyes. He didn't even notice the tiny, contented smile on his face – but Roxas did, out of the corner of his eye as he looked fuzzily back down at his notebook.

Roxas was tempted to comment on how incredibly affectionate, almost sappy, Axel was being, but he stopped himself. It would only make Axel pull away, and really . . . his thought train became a little fuzzy as Axel ran his fingertips over the skin exposed by the hem of his shirt. Really, this wasn't that bad. He wasn't exactly a 'cuddly' person, and he certainly wasn't used to being the one being cuddled. In fact, if Axel had been anyone else, he would have put a stop to this a long time ago.

But it was Axel, and strange and unlikely as it seemed, he loved the redhead.

'This relationship is turning me into such a girl.'

The thought wasn't enough to make him pull away.

Roxas tilted his head back again, looking at Axel's relaxed features, memorizing the way such a tiny smile could change the entire look of his face. He brushed his lips against Axel's jaw, and Axel shivered in response; Roxas could feel every tiny ripple of movement through the places where his back was pressed against Axel's chest.

He went back to his homework – or attempted to – while Axel just lay there, completely relaxed. After a few minutes, Axel's hand stopped tracing their random patterns on Roxas's waist and lay still, his breath slowing a little. Roxas stilled the movement of his pencil for a second, glancing out of the corner of his eye at the now-sleeping Axel. He smiled in a soft, adoring way.

'You are such a girl,' a voice in his head which sounded suspiciously like Axel declared. Brightly, he told the voice to shove off and went back to his homework, simply content to lay there in Axel's arms.

Axel woke long enough to find Roxas asleep in his arms, textbook still open on the sheets. Roxas's face was turned and buried in his chest, and he could feel each breath the blond took.

'I love him,' Axel thought. The thought came so easily, so naturally, that Axel's half-asleep mind didn't even think to question this development. It was just a fact. He loved Roxas.

Gently, he shifted their position so that they were both laying side-by-side on Roxas's bed (the covers a shade of blue nearly matching the boy's eyes, giving Axel the vague impression that they were sleeping on the ocean). The textbook feel off of the bed with a muffled thump, which Axel ignored as he drifted back to sleep.

Roxas smiled.

A/N: . . . I think I established in the first author's note that these wouldn't be very good drabbles, but you didn't believe me, now did you? Nooo. Of course not.

I don't feel like typing any more, but I'll look around my computer to see if anything else I've written is begging to be posted.

Reviews make my day!