Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Dreams

Tidus floated there in the abyss. Why was he there. How was he there.

"Is this...Is this real. Where am I?"he wondered.

"Struggle no more..."

Tidus looked around quickly. He was certain he heard a deep voice.

"Huh? Who's there?"he asked frantically

"Be at peace"it spoke again. "This is your sanctuary... You dwell here... now and forever..."

Tidus wasn't about to keep quiet. "But... What's going on? What happened? Why am I here?"

Tidus closed his eyes and remembered all that happened. Two days ago, he was there on Destiny Island. Tidus sat there watching Sora and Riku racing on the beach, Kairi running behind them laughing. Tidus smiled.

"She's so nice"he thought "I wonder what they're doing. Oh well." Tidus picked up his stick and began to train alone. Later, Sora came up to Tidus, holding his wooden sword.

"Hey Tidus. Wanna quick throw-down, for the road?" Sora was always itching to fight Tidus. Tidus felt it was going to be a great day to try out his new move he had been working on.

"Yeah"he agreed "We're goin' home soon, I guess so."

Tidus pulled out his staff and charged at Sora. He swung hard but Sora knocked each blow back. He wanted to use his new move on Sora, but he left no opening. Soon Tidus lost his footing and tripped. Sora Put the tip of the sword to Tidus' head.

"Good game. I still remember how it was so easy to beat you." Tidus said smiling. Sora returned the smile.

"Yeah. So do I. Well I gotta find a sail."

"Check the old tree house"Tidus said "I think I saw one there."

"Thanks"Sora called, running to the tree house. Tidus called Selphie and Wakka over.

"Listen guys I'm goin' home soon. Whadd'ya say we try Riku, 3-1?"

"All us against him?"Selphie asked surprised.

"Let's get em' man!"Wakka cheered.

Tidus raised his stick.

"Let's go!"he shouted as they ran to Riku.

Later, Tidus, Wakka, Selphie, Riku, and Kairi were sailing back to the mainland. Tidus looked at Riku.

"Man! You're unreal!"he said exasperated.

"Yeah! We all took you an' ya still beat us, man!" Wakka added.

"Just keep training." Riku said with a smile.

"Practice does make perfect"Selphie responded.

"Ya know"Kairi said "I think it would be kinda nice to live on the island like Sora."

"Yeah. Me too." Riku agreed.

Tidus thought to himself.

"Maybe it would be cool"he wondered. His thought drifted to the raft they were making. "I guess someday I might go to a new world too."

Tidus smiled and continued to row to the mainland. Later that night, Tidus and Jecht were shouting in the hallway.

"You're 13, Tidus! You gotta stop goin' to the stupid island! You're not a little kid anymore!"

"Well I like it there!" Tidus called. "I like being with my friends! Their parents don't have a problem with them goin' there!"

"Well, I'm not them! If they don't want their kids to grow up, fine! You're gonna be a man some day Tidus, but not if you keep goin to the playplace you call an island!"

"SHADDUP! YA JERK!"Tidus shouted. He and his father had been having these kinds of fights for a while now, and Tidus was sick of it.

"Just go cry in your room, boy. Go to bed and be a kid forever. You'll never be a man!" Jecht went into his room and Tidus slowly walked to his. He buried his face in his pillow and began to cry. Meanwhile, worlds away, Donald ran to find Goofy... Ran to tell him something had happened... that the king had gone off to find something out. Something... The next day, Tidus got up early, before Jecht woke up. Everyone returned to the island. Tidus was about to challenge Wakka to a game of Blitzball when he remembered what Riku said yesterday. He took Riku's words to heart and started training. Sora came up to him at one point.

"Hey Tidus. Wha'chya doin'"he asked.

"Training." Tidus looked up at Sora. "Ya know, Riku's tough."

"Yeah, he is" Sora said back.

"We took him on 3-1 last time an he still beat us." Just then, Tidus got a great idea. This would be the perfect time to try that new move. "Hey Sora. You wanna go?"he asked smiling. Sora smiled back.


Tidus whistled for the others. Selphie and Wakka both came over.

"He wants to take us on, guys.

Wakka spun his Blitz ball

"Awright then."

Selphie swung her jumprope "Sure."

"Lets get him!"Tidus called to them. The three jumped at Sora. Tidus would not let up. He knocked Sora back further and further. Finally, Wakka threw his Blitzball at Selphie, who slinged it at Tidus, who head-butted it into the air, then leapt up in a flip to kick it at Sora. But he couldn't make it. He was half through the flip when he felt his body begin to fall. He straitened himself as best he could and kicked hard. Sora hit it strait back at Tidus, who got hit in the face with it. A few minutes later, he came around and saw Wakka and Selphie both kneeling down. He stared at Sora in disbelief.

"No way. You're unreal"he moaned.

"So are you"said Sora, holding out his hand to help Tidus up. "You almost finished that move you've been working on."

Tidus felt a swell of pride.

"Wait till I do. Not even Riku will be able to beat me then."

Sora and Tidus both started laughing. A little bit later, Tidus and Wakka were walking through the island cave. They stopped to examine the the carvings on the cave walls. For a moment, Tidus got lost in his thoughts, remembering how he would sneak in on Sora and Riku when they would make pictures on the wall. Then Tidus turned to ask Wakka... but Wakka was completely still... Which wouldn't be so weird if Wakka wasn't in the middle of a step. It was as if all time had stopped.

Tidus tapped Wakka on the shoulder.

" Uhhh... Wakka? You okay, man?"

"This world is already lost"a deep voice rang out. "Tied to the darkness..."

Tidus turned around but nobody was there. Then, he heard it again.

"Why search when you won't be, anymore?"

Tidus was getting freaked out.

"What's goin' on? Who are you?"

"...It's over..."

Suddenly, Wakka stepped toward Tidus. He stared at him.

"Hey. You O.K. man?"he asked.

Tidus stared off in the darkness.

"Uhhh... Yeah... I'm good..."

"Yo. Let's get goin' man"Wakka said walking off.

Wakka walked out of the cave, Tidus following. He glanced back at the door that was always there... Was it a door. Tidus remembered the first time he came here, he tried to open it but he couldn't, He couldn't find a knob, or even a hinge. It still creeped him out a bit. He turned and left, not seeing a keyhole appear in the center... Later as the sun was setting, he buffed up all his courage and walked over to Kairi.

"So Kairi... I guess you guys are leavin' tomorrow?"

Kairi turned back to see Tidus.

"Yeah. We are. You guys feeling jealous?"she giggled.

"Heh heh, naw. So you guys think you'll get somewhere?"


Tidus stared into her eyes he could stare forever.

"Ya... ya might even make some new friends"Tidus said quickly.

"Yeah"Kairi agreed. "But they'll never be as cool as you guys. Our first friends."

Tidus blushed


Kairi stared off into the setting sun.

"I can't wait until we set sail. It'll be great. I know it."

Tidus reached into her pocket and gave her a sand dollar he found.

"Give it back when you come back"Tidus said. "I heard if you borrow something from someone before you go on a trip, you'll be safe till you give it back, heh."

Kairi giggled

"Thanks Tidus."

The two started laughing. Later, Tidus rowed off to the mainland earlier and alone. He got home and found his father already asleep. He just shrugged and walked off the his room. Meanwhile, in Disney Castle, Donald and Goofy read a letter left to them to the Queen and Daisy. Soon after, they left on their quest to find 'The Key'. Later, on Destiny Island, Tidus was sleeping, dreaming an odd dream. He was alone in a white abyss, a void with only him in it. Then, he heard it. That same mysterious voice.

"...Already lost...Why search..."

Then he saw her. Was it Kairi? She looked just like her, only she had blond hair.

"Kairi?"he asked. Suddenly, he woke up. He was on the shore of their island, in the middle of a huge storm.

"Huh? What am I doin' here?"he wondered

He saw Kairi walking into the island cave and then Sora running to Poupu Island, and tried to follow.

"Sora! Hey Sora!"

Suddenly, small, black creatures with glowing eyes rose out of the ground. The creatures were attacking the island. Tidus tried to fend them off, but his sick went strait through them. When it seemed that they had him, a Jecht jumped out of the shadows and started to slice the creatures down with a huge, J-shaded sword.

Tidus stared in disbelief.

"Dad? What are you doin' here?"

Jecht glanced over to Tidus.

"Tidus! Run!"he bellowed.

"But- But dad-"


Tidus turned to go but was cut off by more Heartless. Tidus turned quick enough to see his father surfing on the blade, Cutting down more and more heartless. But then it happened. Jecht was knocked back, and the Heartless piled on top of him.

"DAAAAAAAAAAAD!"he called.

"Grrr... Tidus!" Jecht was able to lean up. "Take this!"

Jecht tossed the sword to Tidus, who strained lifting its weight. Jecht disappeared under the Heartless seconds later. Tidus lifted the sword and started sweeping Heartless away. He then saw Sora swinging a huge key at the creatures. Tidus instantly ran for him.

"Yo! Sora! WAIT!!!"

Just then, more Heartless rose and attacked Tidus. He kept fighting them off, but there seemed to be no end to it. Just then, They all seemed to disappear. Tidus looked around but didn't see Sora. Just then, The whole ground shook. Tidus collapsed onto the ground and saw it. A huge, white light was growing in the center of the island. Tidus got back up and looked around. Pieces of land were flying up, and on one of them, he saw the raft Sora, Kairi, and Riku made. Tidus leaped for it, but he froze. He left the sword on the island. Tidus jumped back to the island and grabbed the sword, and held on as tight as he could... as he was sucked into the light. That was the last thing he remembered. Once again, he found himself floating in the void.

"Wakka...Selphie...Riku...Sora.........Kairi... What happened to you all? Are you here too?"

"You are alone in the void"the voice responded "There is nothing you can do now."

"What were those things attacking the island?"Tidus asked cruiously.

"They were creatures called Heartless... Creatures without a heart to call their own. So they hunger for the heart of others. Even the heart of a world. They consumed the heart of your world. It's now gone. Left only in your memories."

Tidus grew angry.

"I won't just stand by. There must be some way out!"

"A meaningless effort" the voice called in a raised voice. "You are a body and mind who are no longer meant to exist. Why you still are awake I don't know. But there may be one way out. You are a willing body with no escape. I am a mind who knows a way out without a body. Perhaps if you allowed me to join you, we could both escape."

Tidus became tense.

"Ya mean take control of me? Sounds cool Deep Voice, but I wanna do this on my own."

"That is impossible."

"Well, Narrator"Tidus laughed "you've seen nothin' yet".

Tidus glowed brilliantly, and instantly, he found himself standing on a pillar of stained glass. Tidus smirked to himself.

"Ya like that Tutorial guy?"He called with a laugh.

"Incredible. How could you manage to escape without my power?"

"Come again, Speaker?"

Suddenly, a huge shadow stretched from Tidus. It becomes larger and larger, then stands up. It was huge with a tangled mane and beard, 2 large shining lights for eyes, and a huge, heart shaped hole in its chest. Tidus' sword appeared instantly. He began to stumble back nervously.

"Hey, uh, Narrator? Tutorial guy? Deep Voice? Whatever your name is?! What do I do with this guy?!"

The giant Heartless reached down for him and picked him up in his huge hand.

"I don't think so!" shouted Tidus. He sliced at the creatures wrist and the hand evaporated. Tidus leapt up on its arm and ran for its face, shoving the sword in it. The creature re grew its hand and threw Tidus on the ground. Slightly dazed, Tidus rolled out of the way as it fell forward in a bodyslam. Tidus then leapt up into the air and swung down hard. The creature reared up as Tidus cut deep into its head. But then it was mad. It started shooting balls of gravity at Tidus.

"What an I up against?"Tidus wondered desperately.

Just then, He felt some kind of warmth from the sword. He looked down at it curiously. Then it felt as though something inside his mind was tell him to grab onto his sword. He did the only thing he could think of. He put both hands on it and closed his eyes. One word appeared in his mind...*believe.* Tidus floated into the air gracefully and flew at the creatures head, holding the blade in front of him, like a torpedo. It fell into the darkness below as Tidus stood there alone. Just then, the stained glass beneath him shattered. Falling through the abyss, he heard another voice, different, higher, friendlier than the other.

"Remember... The light is your friend. Don't allow yourself to be claimed by the darkness. You are now free. Free from the darkness. But somewhere, somehow, someone isn't free. Keep that in mind."

Tidus fell, deeper, deeper, and deeper... fading out. Tidus awoke in an odd place. It was some kind of town. There were odd looking street lamps, neon lights, shops, and strange signs everywhere. Just then, a guy in black leather and a huge, gun-looking sword came out of an alley. He had brown hair and a scar across his face. He was looking at Tidus.

"You. Who are you?"he asked suspiciously.

"You want some?"Tidus asked readying himself.

"C'mon. There's no need for you to loose to me"the man taunted.

Tidus had had enough as it was.

"Why you-"

He charged at the man. They both matched blades.

"Impressive. You know stuff"he complemented

"Who are you?"Tidus asked.

They both leap back. The man sheathed his sword. He walked over to Tidus.

"The name's Leon. You are?"

"My name's Tidus."

Leon stopped suddenly.

"Hold it. Turn around! NOW!"

Tidus turned quickly. He was staring Guard Armor right in the face.

"What the- What is that?!" Tidus had never seen anything like this before!

"A Heartless called Guard Armor"Leon called to him. "I could have sworn Sora look care of it."

"You know Sora?"Tidus asked in surprise. Where is he?"

"More of that later. Help me take out this Heartless!"

Leon and Tidus both jumped into battle. Leon started shooting the creature with his sword. Tidus began to slash at it, but then it shot its hands at the two. The both of them had their hands full(no pun intended) with them when Tidus had enough. He put both hands on the sword and started flying at the Heartless, slicing it each time he flew back and forth. But this all proved to be useless as the Heartless bounced back each time. A look of concern spread across Leon's face.

"This is not good."

Tidus growled angrily.


Tidus cartwheeled a few times, then became enveloped in a twister as he hit the Heartless head-on. The Heartless stumbled back, then climbed up on top a building and ran off. Tidus turned to Leon.

"He'll be back. You were good by the way."

"Thanks. Now what did you say about Sora?"

"He's the Keyblade Master." Tidus stared in confusion at this. What was a Keyblade Master? Leon saw he obviously had some explaining to do. "He wields the Keyblade, The only weapon the Heartless fear. He left with two other guys to find some answers, and some friends of his."

"Probably Riku and Kairi... I don't think anyone else got off the island but them. Hey. Whadd'ya mean answers?"

"Why the Heartless are here. Why his world and so many others have disappeared. He wants to know what's going on. We all do."

Tidus stood thinking for a moment.

"So I guess he did make it to another world"he said looking out into the night sky.

"Be careful what you wish for"Leon sighed.

Tidus turned to Leon.

"Where can I find him?"

"He already left in a Gummiship with the kings- I mean two other guys. They want answers too."

"What king?"Tidus asked quickly. He wasn't about to let that little bit escape.

"I can't tell you"Leon said instantly. "I've already leaked enough info. It's best if you stay here."

"No. Listen. I was on the island when it disappeared. I got out somehow, but my friends, my family, my home is still in there! I need to help Sora! I need to find him and anyone else who got off the island before it disappeared."

Leon stood silently for a moment.

"You escaped from where ever the worlds go when the disappear? That can't be."

Tidus: Well, it is. I saw my dad lose to the Heartless. I saw them pile up on him. I need to stop that from happening. I need to"Tidus plead.

Leon stood silently for a moment. Then...

"Fine. Sora left with two men from a kingdom on another world. Their king instructed them to follow Sora as he searched for a way to stop the Heartless. You must tell nobody of this. If Everyone knows, then the whole universe will be in chaos. It's better to up hold an order throughout the worlds."

"I know what you're saying. So how can I find Sora?"

Leon pointed to a huge set of doors. "Make your way to Cid's house. He can give you a Gummiship. Use that to find Sora and the others."

Tidus turned to leave.

"You got it."

Later, Tidus was walking through an even more odd part of town. Bright slabs made up the streets, huge neon lights stretched from corner to corner, and odd Heartless in some kind of uniform were frolicking around after people.

"If this is the best kinda soldier the Heartless have, it's gonna be too easy"Tidus thought in amusement.

In no time, Tidus finished off the Heartless. He then heard clapping. He turned around to see and older man with blond hair standing in an archway.

"Who're you?"Tidus asked.

The man leaned against a column.

"The name's Cid. You got some skill kid."

"Don't call me kid. My name's Tidus"he said defensively. "So if you're Cid, You know about Gummiships, right?"

Cid smiled at this.

"Sure do. Why?"

"I need one"Tidus said "A friend of mine is out there somewhere."

Cid stretched forward.

"Well, I won't just give one away"he groaned "Ya gotta prove to me you can handle it. Space ain't no playground."

Tidus gave him an odd look.

"Uh, Okay. What do I need to do?"

Cid eyes grew wide, then he smiled again.

"Tell ya what. You take out that giant Heartless behind you, and I'll give you a fine vessel, complete with fuzzy dice."

Tidus froze.

"Giant Heartless? Behind me?"

Tidus turned to find himself face to face with Guard Armor once more.

Yep"Cid called "That guy, Sora, with the Key thing gave that thing a beating. See that cut?"

Tidus did see a long cut down its chestplate.

"I don't know what that big one on the helmet came from though."

Tidus saw the crack he made from striking the Heartless on the head. It apparently wanted revenge because it shot at him. Tidus used another Spiral Cut and it fell into pieces. Cid started cheering, but then it shot up. Its gauntlets and boots shot out, and then long chains covered in long, thin blades shot out, too. Tidus knew it was mad. It started break-dancing toward him. It kicked him hard and he went flying. He got back up just as it launched its gauntlet at him. Jumping out of the way just in time, he got hit by its boot, which it just launched.

Tidus strained getting up.

"Can't take too much more of this."

It leaped high into the air and shot down at him.

"Not yet!"Tidus called.

He jumped and started a backflip. He put all his concentration into this one move. As he came out of the flip, he kicked the Armor hard on its head. It collapsed and Tidus landed beside it. He stood for a few moments, then...

"OW! That hurt!"

The armor slowly got up to its feet. Tidus, seeing his chance, shoved his sword into its helmet. It froze, then something strange happened. The dark purple and black melted off it to reveal a shimmering, silver body. It collapsed and disappeared into a hundred wisps of darkness. Tidus turned to face Cid, who looked just as confused as Tidus did.

"I thought most Heartless were dark-colored"said Tidus, walking over to Cid.

"Me too. I don't think that thing was a Heartless"Cid said to Tidus' surprise. "An' just between you an' me, I have a theory. Somewhere out there, I'm not too sure, but somewhere out there, there's something other than the Heartless. Somethin' bad. But don't worry. Here take this."

Cid tossed Tidus a set of keys. Tidus looked up at Cid

Cid: There's a nice Gummiship outside the town gates. Treat her good, she was my first craft.

Tidus smiled and sheathed his sword.

" Awright!" He ran off.

"Hey, kid! That's the wrong way."

Tidus ran into a couple of garbage cans. He looked up at Cid.

"Eh, heh, heh, my bad."

Later, Tidus was getting ready to leave and Leon, Yuffie, Areith, and Cid there to see him off.

"Find Sora and help him out, okay?"Leon called.

"You got it"Tidus called back "By the way, what's this place called?"

"Travers Town"said Cid "Come back if ya need help with the ship."

Tidus smiled and shot off, everybody waving at him. A smile soon spread across his face. For the first time since he broke free from the void, the future looked bright.

Hey! It's me. I'm now putting all my stories in Story-Format, so I guess you can conside this 'Chain of Dreams, Final Mix.' Read 'Battle for Infinity.' It will play an important part eventually.