CCP: OKAY. Here's another story due to my failure! BYE BYE

Disclaimer: Man I wish I owned them.

Chapter 1-Cinderella?

"Impossible! I will not transfer to your school!" The blue-eyed brunette argued angrily. Her older brother heaved a disappointed sigh, it was a typical response from his younger sister, Tear.

"I am the principal of that school, even Ms. Legretta recommends this school." he replied dryly. "We both think it's the best."

Tear had a disgusted look on her lightly-toned face. "I heard there are jerks in there." Frankly, that was the only reason that kept her away from Auldrant-Fonon High School. Satisfied, Van faced the door of her apartment.

"Whatever works for you, Mystearica." Without another word, he bid farewell with a slam of the door. Blood was boiling in the woman's body, Van was giving her an every day visit just to persuade her to that God-forsaken school he directs. Each day, the whole argument would end with the heavy slam of the door, leaving Tear speechless for anymore shouting. She never understood why Van kept on insisting her for such a ridiculous reason. The young woman wouldn't be surprised if Van made a visit the next day. To shrug the thought away, she turned around to straighten a stack of papers that will be due the next day. Tear held the papers upward and literally stabbed the table to straighten it perfectly.

She sighed. "Knowing that this is Van, he will never stop." she mused. Her left bang drooped and completely hidden the stressed blue eye underneath. Tired of stacking the essays, she plopped it on the table, causing it to look like what it did in the beginning. 'Auldrant-Fonon has dorms... should be a lot better than this place...' She wrinkled her nose at the apartment walls, the greenish goo was indicating that the paint was eating itself off. Tear sat down on a chair, it had been about 2 years now----no three, since she had left her mansion. She was tired living under rule of her big brother, tired of having maids serving her things in a silver platter, tired of being enclosed. After renting her own apartment, Van would visit her to persuade her, or rather, urge her to go to the school he rules over. He would conspicuously arrive, almost every weekend up until now.

But Tear's pride was too damn good, she didn't want to let down yet.

She took a wary glance at the digital clock that had neon red numbers that said '9:30 P.M'. After figuring out the time, she felt exhaustion and fatigue rushing through her blood, she immediately jumped on her bed, forcing her eyes shut. Frustration was battling her mind, her defences were weak, it took over quickly. To put it in a simple matter, she couldn't sleep. The brunette sat up and stared at the small table next to her bedstead. It was a tiny slip with a color that made Tear instantly loath it; it was the bill for her apartment. A total of 5,000 gald for one month, it was getting even pricier each month and worse of all, she could not pay it this month. 'My boss is a fricken bastard who needs to get laid!', she would shriek between her gritted teeth as she storms home from work. Tear works as a waitress at a beaten up restaurant that mainly serves some weird sort of glowing moss smudged on a piece of rappig meat Surprisingly, some people think it as a good dish, but to Tear, it made her lose her appetite.

Tear grimaced at the mortgage slip, wishing that she could tear it apart and shove it down her boss's throat for giving her such a low pay. A voice chirped through her ears, a perfect harmony of words combined together. Tear darted her eyes around the room, shocked by the abrupt noise. 'Maybe it's the damn neighbors...' She paused, it couldn't be them. The sound she heard was tranquil and her neighbors only play metal rock. At certain nights when they have a party, it would boom throughout the whole building, leaving Tear's eyes ripped open with a small fear that the ceiling will fall and crush her.

"Teaar." the small voice uttered.

It was a ghost, she was sure of that. In a quick movement, she reached out for her Hello Kitty plushie and held it tight against her chest. "W-Who's there?" she croaked with false courage.

"Your conscience..."


A small floating animal appeared. it was small and it's feathers were teal blue. It had two big orbs of eyes that seemed to melt her heart. "Just kidding! My name is Mieu!" it chirped cheerfully.

Tear blinked several times, then realized the situation. She stood straight up, "You're a cheagle?" Mieu nodded enthusiastically,"Yep! Our kind only appear to certain people! Of course, no one can see me except for you Tear!"

Silenced, she sat back down---It was like a story of Cinderella, except with a huge twist. She smiled warmly, but when she spoke, it was a bit cold. "Why are you here?"

"Your bills! I'll help pay your bills and meet the man of your life! Tear isn't that what you wish for?"

Tear automatically nodded without thinking. For years, she had wished for a man to take her away from her prison, it never came true, at least, not yet.

"Then go to the School! Accept it from Van! You can do it Tear!" Mieu sang joyfully.

Mieu was utterly cute, in her opinion. "Alright. I will." she replied.

"Go to sleeep." Mieu cooed softly.

Her eyes felt heavy, she fell off her bottom and fell on the bed, snuggling her plushie. "Will I see you again later on?"


That voice could break glass.

CCP: This will go on. Not only one chapter but more! I'm lacking inspiration, to tell you the truth. I've only typed this because I was reading High School Fictions .. Thanks for reading!