CCP: I'M SOORRY GUYS. ; ; I know it took too long! I apologize again blaaaahh. You guys should say 'THANK YOU CHIPP' for nudging and screaming at me to continue. I really do want to continue this! I HAVE NO OTHER EXCUUSES!!

Note: Sorry but I won't accept original characters for now.

Remday, Lunaday, Ifritday, Undineday, Sylphday, Loreleiday, Gnomeday

[Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday]

Disclaimer: I do not own Tales of the abyss, but I do own my original characters.

Chapter 7-The Wicked Witch

Tear had not a clue who entered her room. As self-defense, she quickly maneuvered her arm and then hastily threw her pillow as if it was a shurkin at this figure. A male's groan was heard. So she was right: it was a male intruder. She became extremely frightened, but she quickly calmed herself and jumped out of the bed and ran towards the lights switch by the door. She figured that she was going to run out the door after seeing the face of this intruder.

The lights went on, illuminating the abyss. The whole room lit up and revealed every object that hid underneath Shadow's cloak.

There stood her intruder, a blond male who had his arms in his pockets. His sight caught her by surprise. It was no one else but Cemore! She could not utter any words at that moment and merely blinked about twenty times. There he was, dressed up to down like how he did in the library.

Tear gaped in utter disbelief. How the hell did he get into her room?! She thought that it was impossible to infiltrate into the girl's dorm. How could he crack in such advanced technology? It was one of those moments in time where time just froze a bit because of disbelief. Sometimes, the awkward reality does not process correctly into her brain. Frozen with disbelief, she was. Stricken with anger, she was later.

An awkward silence drifted into their presence. Tear was still positioned by the light switched with her finger still pressed against it. Cemore merely stared back at her, his golden eyes with a spark of interest. He smiled.

"Nice to see you too." A male said simply.

Tear felt her face burn red. She wasn't sure whether she was incredibly mad or incredibly embarrassed. "W-What are you doing here?!' She asked sharply. Her eyes glowed like blue frames. Indeed, she was not happy with Cemore's sudden arrival. Hell, she didn't even want to see him in the first place.

Cemore winced and then covered an ear. "Geez… you know you really have some lungs there."

"Why are you here?" Tear repeated again. The words she uttered dripped with a bloodthirsty and a menacing sense that was mixed into her deadpan monotone voice. She was not aware that her once serene azure eyes became chilled into piercing blue ice.

The boy twitched and then took an uneasy step back. "Okay, cool down, Ice Queen… if that's possible." His words apparently made no affect on her. He sighed lightly and then continued, "Okay, I didn't know this is your room too."

That sentence made her ponder. It should not have been a matter of coincidence. If he was not looking for her, then there was honestly only one logical and obvious explanation. "Were you looking for Anise?" She asked steadily and coolly.

Cemore ran his fingers through his blond hair, "Well, she told me to go inside her room and meet her for something. I didn't know that you are in here." He stiffened up when Tear gave him a rather suspicious look. Under her expression, was this warm sense of triumph. That playboy of the school is actually afraid of her. She wondered whether anyone would believe her at all.

"Come on now, Frosty. I wouldn't do anything to you or else I'll be scored by Luke."

Tear did not really enjoy her nickname diverged from ice---come on, Frosty?---but she ignored that for now. Though, she was quizzical about how Luke came into this discussion. "Luke…?"

To that, Cemore simpered. "Yeah? That's right. The spoiled kid gets whatever he wants. I'm guessing he has hots for you."

Tear shot a dubious glare at him. Why did he use such an improper tone to her? Since she lived in a department around some goons, she understood exactly what he meant. Silence remained on her lips.

"I'm serious." He continued in a matter-of-factly tone. He smiled, "He's no softy to girls, but it looks like you're tolerating. He's only sorta close to Melissa and Natalia, but it doesn't mean anything."

The brunette raised a brow as she slowly walked away from the light switch and then leaned against the wall across from it. "Why… are you telling me this?"

"Just thought that you might want to know." He winked as he flashed his brilliant smile again. "'Sides, you might have a chance. He's a really tragic kid, seriously. All he needs is someone to talk to."

Tear relaxed for a moment and then mused. She already sympathizes Luke after hearing about his condition. Perhaps she should be a bit nicer to him…

"Are you thinking about something, darling?"

She snapped out of her thoughts and then stared at him.

He laughed again and then took a second to study Tear in a second. She was in her tank top and in shorts. "Well, now that we're alone, why don't we do something fun together? By the looks of it, you're on the right track so far.

Tear stared at him blankly. "…"

It was only thirty seconds, and the male intruder had his ass on the floor outside of her room. She put the cherry on top by slamming the door shut.

"Ahhgh! Damn…. My ass hurts..." She heard Cemore mutter loudly outside. Then, she heard a series of inaudible words, and then quick footsteps followed up. As it distanced, it became more serene. Finally.

Her back faced against the door. She bit her lip. She did not understand why the topic about Luke kept on coming up. It was really bothering her. To be honest, she only thought of Luke as some guy who needs a lot of help. Hence, a lot of help. Of course, she's willing to help. Not only because she gets a grade on this, had she also thought of it as a charitable virtue. She had no problem with helping, but she figured that same days might be unpleasant due to Luke's boisterous behavior.

The brunette sighed, shut off the lights, and then walked over to her bed. She wondered whether Anise will return that night, but she figured that she knew her way around. After she lay on her bed, she stared at the ceiling. She almost didn't want to see tomorrow.

Hesitantly, her eyes closed. Her senses were still keen, for she was still uncomfortable due to Cemore's unexpected visit. Somehow, she was able to sleep because on this one on-going image…

There were cheagles… jumping over fences…



That familiar loud grunt of dismay hinted that morning came. She opened her eyes warily and then stared at the ceiling. Anise, on the upper level, groaned again.

"Why is the alarm so loud…?!" She heard the girl shriek in misery.

To be frank, Tear woke up to Anise's groaning, not to the alarm. She blinked heavily and then sighed. Even after the sleep, she still felt the fatigue. Her hair was a mess, brown and tangled. She attempted to straighten it out by running her long fingers through her locks, but her fingers became stuck. Frustrated, she forcefully yanked her hair down and then gritted her teeth to the sharp pain.

As she did that, Anise was mumbling more nonsense.

Maybe it wasn't a good day for her, but she felt extremely pissed off. The hair over her eye gave her a more menacing appearance, and so was her witch-tangled hair.

"Anise? Can you quiet down?" The brunette raised her voice sharply.

Anise then walked down the stepladder and then glanced over. Apparently, both girls have the worst of bed heads. At least Tear's appeared more tamed. She cocked her head and then grinned deviously, "Hiya Tear! You look kinda scary this morning. Did anything happen?"

All of the sudden, she felt this great feeling of disdain from hearing Anise's voice. Whether the Sophomore did it on purpose or not, Tear was still extremely annoyed that she would even try and pull off such a trick! She supposed that it would do less harm if she were to just ignore her. "No." She replied bluntly.

She got off of bed and then slowly made her way to the bathroom. Like yesterday, she washed away her drowsiness and did her best to pamper herself. She stared intensely in the mirror.

She looked terrible. Heinous. A complete mess. There were many instances where she should cut her hair shorter and then donate her long locks, but then again, she likes her long hair. She would never think about chopping it off, but perhaps a trim would do. Her split ends go from double spits… to triple! Yesterday, Tear noticed how nice and well pampered everyone else's hair is. Yet she is still stuck with hair from the slums.

She sighed and then brushed off her thoughts and resumed brushing her hair. During the timeframe of five minutes, she was dressed up and ready to go with her bag around her shoulder. As she made her way to the door, she turned around to see Anise.

"W-Waaait! Lemme go with you!" She cried as she struggled with slipping on her shoe. She hoped a few steps forward, and once the shoe was on, she then stood with a grin. "Well Tear? Ya know where you're going?"

"No." The brunette answered, her tone tinged ice.

"Uwah… scary…" Tear vaguely heard Anise murmur as she took a timid step back.

"Ahaha… Umm…" She then widened her eyes and then placed a finger on her cheek. Anise attempted to throw her older off by smiling sweetly. "Hehe… sorry about last night. I thought you'd get some help from him." Before the Tear can interrupt her, the black haired girl went on.

"Anyway! We should go find the others."

Tear isn't the kind of person who holds grudges to the extreme, but she did understand that Anise's apology is a long shot attempt of an actual apology, but at least she tried. Still, her simple words did not eradicate her annoyance completely. "Okay then. Are you ready?"

Anise was ready, of course. She should not have asked. The girl grinned and then pointed at the door in a strange matter, "Okay okay! Let's go, let's go!"

Weakly, she tried to catch up with Anise's sudden haste and followed her out down the corridor hall. It is day two, and she still didn't get the hang of things. To be a little productive, she glanced around, hopefully to memorize her surroundings so she wouldn't have someone to always lead her in.

She pondered about Mieu ever since yesterday night. She wondered about his existence and whether she was really hallucinating on that day. It bothered her, and worse, it puzzled her. Just then, she realized that Anise is in Student Council, and judging from Melissa and Guy's words, Mieu must be some sort of a mascot, or something.

The girl was walking in a somewhat careless manner. Her arm movement was exaggerated every time she took an irregularly large step. It was not like a huge step, but it is sort of different compared to Tear's small and 'normal' steps.

"Anise?" Her call made Anise pause.

She turned around, her large brown orbs at her, "Yeah?"

Tear wanted to be blunt. With a stoic expression on her face, she questioned, "Why did you make Cemore come in?"

Anise's initial reaction sounded something like a 'pfffft!'. "Gee, you're still thinking about it? You know I didn't tell Cemore to do anything bad, honest! He may look like that kind of guy, but he's a wimp! I swear!"

An awkward silence formed between her and the dark haired girl. "Ah…" That response was not really an answer to her previous question. Though, the last part did strike her interest. "A wimp, you say?"

The Sophomore giggled and then winked at Tear. She then gestured the brunette to keep on moving. "Yeah, kind of. I mean he's all tough and cool on the outside, but he's mush and a total push-over to Kristy. He has a really bad sister-complex, just like Peony. Good thing is that Kristy doesn't take advantage of it because she's so cool! Don't you agree?"

The brown haired girl nodded weakly. No wonder why Anise and Kristy are so close; they can talk nonstop. Of course, she did not want to be rude and smiled an unresponsive grin. Frankly, what else was she supposed to say in this situation? In this conversation, she was cornered. No hope.

"See, I've heard lots of stuff. Lots of rumors you see?" An evil glint sparkled on the girl's innocent face. Oh the irony. "I thought Cemore could help you out you know, since he's like the only one who can enter the girl's dorm without getting whipped for it. No I think they are a few… and Jade watches Peony now… she he can't really do anything…"

"They are siblings, right?" Tear asked, regarding Peony and Cemore.

"Yeah! Can't you see? They're like, the same! The grin they give and the flirting. Only Kristy is different and usually she gives them a sense of her mind. Meh… Enough talk, I'm getting thirsty. Does that satisfy you, Tear?" She chimed in a sing-song voice. Her chocolate eyes appeared so sweet that it melted her for a second.

"Um. Yeah." Though, that explanation was full of holes. What rumors? Ugh. She had a hunch that if she asks more questions, Anise will just trail off on the topic and talk about a bunch of random things. She couldn't decide who is worse: Anise or Kristy? Well… at least Anise knows when to stop.

A strange feeling formed in her head. She instinctively looked at Anise, who appeared to be staring at her the whole time.

"You know what else…?"

'I stand corrected.' Tear thought numbly. "What is it?" The brunette asked as the two of them entered the elevator. Silence again…

"Well… actually…"


Anise paused and then moved her attention over at the elevator doors that began to slide open. She carelessly shrugged, "Oh well, tell ya later!"

Tear stalked the girl out of the elevator and then grimaced to the side. Her curiosity irked her. She exhaled and really just followed Anise mindlessly. The girl had no idea where she was going, but as long as the back of Anise's head is still in front of her view, she figured she wouldn't get lost. Really, she was already getting tired of the school.

The long, crowded halls, the expensive gear, and the extravagant unnecessary things were really overwhelming her. Again, she found it hard to believe that everything belongs to her brother. So technically, everything she sees is owned under her last name. Of course, she attracted a lot of attention. People glanced at her and started waving 'hi' to her as she followed Anise. All of their smiles---their fake smiles made her insides twitch.

She felt as if she saw right through them and their false pretense. Once before, someone told her that she is a stubborn person, because damn right, she knew she is a stubborn person. Her trust isn't easy to get, and because of that, she gave everyone the cold shoulder. A simple glance away, she gave them. Simply put: a refusal to acknowledge them.

Before her conscious was aware of it, she was already out in the quad or the Central Plaza. Out again to recognize the trees that she was lost in last night. She became embarrassed at herself that she wandered and panicked here because the morning made everything look so normal and lively. She wondered, 'Why was I afraid?' A semi-frown pursed on her lips. She thought she should gather more confidence. It is a flaw in her to be easily frightened. Those drop-down spider toys would always get her during Halloween.

"Kristy!!" She heard Anise suddenly say.

"ANIISEE!" a voice exclaimed. As swift as light, the blond haired girl darted across grass to hug the dark haired girl. "And Tear!" Kristy moved on to tightly hug the brunette. Tear blinked, startled, but then she relaxed and smiled. But she didn't return the hug; she just stood there until Kristy released her.

Melissa approached, with a placid smile of course. "Good morning." She waved, completely having no hint of hugging her. It would be a little awkward. Tear wanted to think that she never hugged anyone. She could have been delusional, yes, but it was safe to say that she doesn't know how to 'hug' or how to react to it.

"Morning Melissa!" chirped Anise with a huge grin plastered on her cute lips. "Heya… where's everyone else?"

"Her Highness Natalia is fulfilling her duties as President in the SCR. Guy is out prancing with Luke somewhere. Who knows where they went." Kristy shrugged carelessly.

"Do you still think they're gay Kristy?" Anise giggled girlishly.

"PFF! OF COURSE! Guy is gay. To his rabid fangirls, I'd say, 'Guy, take you 'u' and you put in 'a' male and he's gay! But you know I love that guy to death and---:"

"He's not gay." Melissa said sharply with a slightly frightening face.

Kristy laughed nervously, showing signs of weakness. "Yeah well, you know I'm joking and making fun of it! It's just one big rumor in this school. They're practically celebs like us 'cause we're in SC." Then Anise started guffawing as loud as she could.

Tear paled. What in the world was that?! Kristy was just sputtering strange things about Guy's orientation and then Melissa brought out that dictator's tone. To heavens, these two should be reckoned with, she thought. Fighting mentally to ignore what Kristy said, she questioned, "What is 'SCR'?"

"S-Student Council Room." Anise muttered between her giggle fits with Kristy. Once she calmed down she exhaled, "Sorry, yeah, SC is Student Council. You know what? That reminded me that you should totally join."

"Totally." Kristy nodded with a smile to emphasize.


Melissa grimaced at the two, "Well Kristy you probably scared her about that rumors that we get."

"The rumors Guy and Luke gets!" The blond girl then trailed off, "Well it's true that we all have… a lot of rumors on our shoulders."

"But since they're not true, who cares!" Anise flailed her arms um with an extremely frustrated expression. "You know if I hear another rumor 'bout me and Sync or whatever, I'm totally going to beat them up! ARGH it's so annoying! I hate that jerk!"

Both girls then stared to converse to each other madly as they fumed on the topic about their rumors. Melissa looked over at Tear apologetically and somehow dragged her away from the talking duo. "Sorry. They like to talk a lot."

'I noticed'. Tear thought with a meek grin. Her blue gaze focused on the figure approaching behind Melissa. She peeked away from the auburn haired Senior and stared at the redhead with emerald green eyes wearing the Kimlascan uniform. "L-Luke?"

Was it really him? He certainly looked very strange as if he ate something sour. His eyebrows were knitted down and his lips were firmly pursed into a frown. His face glowed off negative energy. When she first looked at him, she already felt as if her morning was a bad one. Trailing behind 'Luke' was a familiar-looking white haired boy with bright brown eyes. He seemed extremely excited about something.

Melissa turned to see who Tear was looking at. "Hello Asch."

Tear was suddenly very perplexed. Why did she call Luke 'Asch'? The pieces fit instantly. So this is the person Kristy was talking about the other day.

"---They almost look alike too! Geez like, long lost brothers, like seriously."

Good, she thought. It would be surprising if Luke can frown like this. No, actually it would be frightening.

Asch did not really reply to Melissa. He merely glanced at her, acknowledging her sweet smile, and then grimaced off.

"HI MELISSA!" The white haired boy exploded with this sun shining disposition. He waved at them as if he was a hyper little kid in a candy store. "Hi Kristy, Hi Anise, and---uhh. T-Tear was it?"

The chit-chat girls stopped immediately and then beamed at the brighter one in the two (hint: it's not Asch).

"Hi Ginji!"

"Hey Ginji!"

Tear shrugged her shoulders up and then nodded weakly. "Yes. Hello…"

Ginji waved back with a peachy cute grin on his face while Asch scowled and continued to be the sour-puss on the scene. Tear swore the redhead glanced at her---or did he leer at her?

"You're wasting my time. Let's go." Asch commanded in a voice that almost sounded like a growl. Ginji was completely impervious to Asch and then nodded. "Okay, let's go. Bye guys!"

And then the two walked off, except Ginji appeared to have happiness sparkling around him in contrast to Asch's sulky aura. The morning just gets weirder and weirder. "Ah…" Just then everyone decided to not say anything. It felt as if the whole quad muted itself, just to add in the mood. The rebels were a couple of birds that chirped overhead.

"And thaat was Asch!" Kristy broke the silence with a loud exclamation. "Luke's arch rival of course with an opposing personality!" She moved next to Tear.

Anise leaned over on the brunette as well, sandwiching her. "Wasn't that scary? You just met Luke's boring and creepy twin."

"Did it send chills down your spine?"

"Did his face make you want to frown too?"

"Does he make you want to hide?"

"Doesn't his face look make him seem constipated?"

"W-What the hell Anise?" Kristy then started laughing like mad.

Anise snickered, "I think both of them are pretty cute. Asch has this bad-boy side that we can't resist . Personally I think Luke has bigger---"

Melissa drew in a breath and then exhaled softly. "Okay, let's calm down now."

"Bigger wallets! Geez Melissa what were you thinking?" The younger girl comically puffed up her cheeks as Kristy laughed until tears were in her eyes. Tear stood in silence. She listened to the girls and absorbed everything in. Why? She felt like she was petrified with something. Such behavior… it appeared so strange to her. A sign of life pierced through her dead smile was a short laugh.

"I mean," Melissa continued, emphasizing her word with a tone of superiority, "we should get to class. Especially Tear since Mr. Curtiss is her first period teacher."

"Oooh, Jade." Kristy crooned as she nodded. Anise agreed and mimicked her action.

"Right you should get going. He likes to torture people and he's real finicky about everything."

"He's just strict on tardies. Other than that, he's cool."

Tear could not agree on Anise more. Jade---Mr. Curtiss definitely has a sweet spot for inflicting misery on people---or that was what she heard. She doesn't know about him being 'cool' though. It's only her first day, and she'll probably decide on his 'coolness' later.

Kristy stated, "Let's split. I have class with Mr. Frings on the second level. I should hurry."

"'Kay! Sorry Tear but my first period is far away from yours. I can't walk you to your class." Anise's large brown orbs suddenly became so sickly cute and innocent. Tear responded with a short laugh.

"That's alright."

"Well you know your way, right Tear?" asked Melissa with a raise of a brow.

The brunette nodded as a reply. "I know my way." She hoped that she did because she hated relying on other people. Besides, she remembered a bunch of streets and shortcuts when she was living on her own, she couldn't see a problem with anything getting in the way of remembering her classes.

"Well alright. Have fun Tear!"

Everyone went on their own direction and walked off. Tear just walked diagonal from her spot to get to the Radessian halls where the room '666' awaits. Ugh, it gives her chills every time. Mumbling in her mind were her uneasy thoughts. Her footsteps were very faint compared to the loud noise around her. Everyone chattered and laugh as they spoke while she just mutely walked by them. She felt very conscious of herself in this environment---in this environment owned by her brother. On some occasions, before she accepted to enter this school, she would wonder why Van would want her to come. This school isn't the best school ever; it is only luxurious in taste. He knew that Tear has a slight shade of disdain for him.

He knew that she hates him on some circumstances. She tried to make sure he got her message. It seems that Brother is forgiving and kind. Despite it all, she can't fight off that under-lying admiration for Van. Stubborn, right?

She sat on her seat. The first period bell rang precisely on time. Her eyes became slightly abrasive after seeing Cemore flash a quirk at her. She simply ignored him.

Mr. Curtiss stood in front of the class with an uncanny grin on his face. In other words, he seemed pleased to the slightest---but no one is really sure. "Well happy Undineday everyone. How about a pop quiz?"

"Darnit." A boy muttered.

"Aww…" Another girl groaned.

The man sighed as he pushed up his glasses, "That was only a question. Since these two responded so excitedly. It looks like you're all begging for a pop quiz."

"Nice going, guys." Tear heard one of her classmates say to the two who complained.

The brunette grimaced over at the one who spoke and then frowned. She wondered why she was feeling so down or sour. Perhaps it was Asch's face that spoiled her morning---she just had to think that that is the reason to cheer her up a bit. Her azure eyes laid on the quiz in front of her and kept her mind occupied for the time being. And so the first period went by. Lecture after lecture, talk talk talk. She noticed Cemore look over her way again and she didn't hesitant to ignore him. Her fingers unconsciously twirled her pink eraser in her hand.

Mr. Curtiss goes on with his clever comments and makes fun of particular students. Thank heavens he didn't mention her during class.

Suddenly she lost a lot of interest in everything. Literally, she fell out of sync. The bell rang and then there goes first period. Five minutes, then second period, in other words, the first period she sees Luke. She walked over to her second period class, alone of course. There were plenty of people who would probably want to walk her, but she shut herself. She shut them down.

The pattern goes with her sitting down in class and the bell rang a few minutes after. Everyone was in class except for Luke, though she somehow found it not surprising.

"Well… It looks like Luke is tardy again." The aged man, Mr. Ingobert, spoke with a soft sigh. "Natalia have you seen him?"

"No I haven't, father." The blond haired girl responded, her eyes were piercing green and it had a certain flare to it. Just then, she sharply glanced over at Tear and then looked off. The brunette blinked and then lowered her head slightly. That almost looked like a disapproving glare.

"Ah well." There was silence until…

Suddenly the door opened. "Heeey! I'm here, I'm here!" The redhead exclaimed loudly as he hastily stepped in. His loose attire was hard to miss---even if he is wearing a uniform. His ribbon wasn't even tied properly. It irked her.

"Luke, this is your fourth time---"

"Sorry uncle. Uh, I had to use the bathroom."

"You had five minutes."

"Well there was a long line! Anyway can I sit down?"

Mr. Ingobert sighed deeply and then stared at Luke with his hawk-looking eyes. Like father like daughter… "You may sit down."

"Same thing…" Luke muttered to himself as he made his way over to the empty desk next to Tear. He carelessly let his backpack drop near his desk, pulled his pants a little higher up, and then sat down. Tear winced; she swore he saw something pink before Luke pulled up his pants.

Pink boxers?!

Luke looked at her and then grinned, but she returned it with a stoic purse of her lips. She then retreated her gaze elsewhere and tried to not think too heavily about Luke's questionable choice of color for his undergarments.

In the corner of her eye… she saw Natalia look at her again. The fair girl's deep green eyes were hardened to an intense stare. There was a frown that blemished her perfect face. Then, all of the sudden, Natalia glanced away again and paid attention to her father---the teacher. Tear felt the chills, but naturally didn't show it. She felt a little uneasy again. Did she do something wrong to make the President of SC… not like her?

Class came and went, just like regular; grammar, writing, reading, and all of that. She and Luke were able to talk a bit because he forgot his literature book. They shared books. He was a little persistent with getting into a conversation, but Tear is talented at giving out one-liners. So conversing didn't end up so well after he noticed it. He muted himself as well. Everything was really driving her nuts…

Second period was over. She left Luke with a small wave. Third period was approaching and went by just as quickly. Tear realized that she became the teacher's pet in that class and did several examples for singing. Then fourth period…

Tear took the subway to get to her class (she still needs to get used to the idea of taking a 'subway' to get to a class!!) and went inside the gym with her school uniform. She didn't like the school uniform at all because it showed off so much… leg! The dark blue shorts are like… not shorts. They're underwear. Well the term for it is a 'buruma' and the shirt is just a tight-fitting white shirt. In the girl's locker room, Miss Cantabile just started explaining about the lockers and how everyone should lock their things before going. She also mentioned what to do if there are males lingering around. ("You kick their tiny little ass out of the locker room. Yes, you're allowed to do that.")

Tear smiled the whole time. She liked Miss Cantabile, she is a really nice woman. Everyone dispersed and chose their own lockers. She coupled with Kristy and found lockers adjacent to each other. The lockers were pretty long and stretched all the way down, unlike her book locker. The girls around her were all busy with changing their close, and the chattering was pretty loud too. She then meekly said, "Kristy?"

"Hrmm?" The blond asked as she tried to figure out her own lock (she apparently just forgot).

The brunette took a seat on the wooden bench. "I saw Melissa here yesterday. Is she still in this period for P.E.?"

"Oh!" Kristy then opened her locker and then beamed at it. She chuckled, "Uhm! Melissa should be here. I didn't see her, but she's probably somewhere---"

"Oh you guys saved me a locker?"

The two looked up and the blond one cried, "Meli~! We thought you died!"

"Oh, ha-ha." Melissa replied sarcastically with a firm smile on her pretty lips. She opened the locker next to Kristy's and then hung her bag inside. "Why aren't you guys dressed yet? We have only ten minutes."

"I don't feel like doing anything! She'll go easy on us right?"

"Nope." Replied Melissa as she unbuttoned her vest.

Kristy grumbled and then mimicked the auburn haired Senior. Since Tear's uniform is different, she first had to unbutton her coat and then her blouse inside.

While they were changing Kristy said, "Gosh, I'm jealous of you two…"

"Did you say something?" Melissa questioned as she focused on brushing her hair as she stared in the mirror on the door of her locker.


Tear became timidly self-conscious again. The shirt was tight, but it wasn't uncomfortable tight. The thing that bothered her was that they… bulge out. They really do!

"Ah! Tear your legs are so slender." Kristy teased as she put on the buruma. "The boys will go wild. I swear."

The brunette blinked furiously, "E-E-Ehh?!"

"Just wait until we all start running, and all eyes will be on you!"

"Oh stop it Kristy." Melissa added in a playful tone. Something told Tear that her senior didn't really mean her words… A sweet scent of honeydew filled the air.

"Oh yeah…! If you run with Melissa at the same speed, then all eyes will be on you two!"

Melissa hastily finished up rubbing lotion on her legs, "Times almost up, let's go!"

"Okay, okay!"

Tear silently locked her locker and then hurried after the two. Everyone, all uniformed in the same attire, bundled by the door and slowly dispersed into the gym. From the distance, she noticed that the boys' uniform is slightly similar to theirs, except their shorts aren't so short and are looser (imagine it boys wearing tight shorts…) The majority of the boys were playing basketball or are just sitting on their numbers.

The brunette somewhat hid herself from Luke's direction and walked towards the side of Kristy. She was incredibly embarrassed because she is very self-conscious of showing off skin. Once they got over to Miss Cantabile's lot, Melissa bid them farewell and walked over to Mr. Largo's lot.

"Bye bye Meli!"


"See you at lunch!" Melissa chimed as she waved and then jogged over to her spot. Miss Cantabile was not out just yet and that gave the students liberty to just roam and 'chill'. Tear and Kristy sat on the bleachers, like many of their classmates.

"Where's Luke?" Kristy mumbled as her golden eyes searched around the gym, "He's still playing basketball? Geez…"

Tear preferred Luke over there so he won't have to look at her. Either way, it was inevitable… She had a feeling that he might make fun of her.

A loud whistle was blown and the boys in Tear's class were forced to cease their game. They glumly walked over to the bleachers and among them were Luke. She tensed and drew in a sharp breath. The redhead took a quick glance at her and then looked away. She exhaled, relieved.

"Heeya, looks like everyone is nice and dressed up." Miss Cantabile grinned as she played around with her deep violet hair. "Okay it looks like time for numbers and role call. Oh hey, Reddie! Did you apologize to Grants yet?"

Tear assumed 'Reddie' is a nickname for Luke and Grants is no one else but her. Great…


She moved her head to see Luke at the top bleacher, slouching back with his hair spread everywhere. "Yeah sure."

The woman nodded as she stared at her clipboard, "Okay, I'll call your names and assign you to a number, alright? According to your last name and no, sorry you can't file a complaint if you don't like the ones you're next to." One by one, kids were called up and assigned to a number.

Then she realized that her last name is 'G' and his last name is 'F'.

'A b c d e f g…. Oh God.'

Luke was called, his last name starting with an 'F' and then actually listened and sat down. "Gosh we only have one last name with an 'F'? Gee wee…" Miss Cantabile read her clipboard and then smiled. That smile had a devious spark on it. "Tear…?"

The brunette paled. Kristy beamed at her and then muttered, "Star-crossed lovers!" Her phrase definitely did not help her.


Her teacher paused. "Oh, yeah can you go and get the rest of my role sheet? This one ends at L. It's in my office on the table." The violet-haired woman then threw the keys at the nervous girl. The brunette caught it out of shock.

Tear's shoulders stiffened and then she nodded slowly. Her teacher's smirk didn't make her feel any better. Since when did teachers appear so… cruel and act so sneaky? Without further ado, she walked away in silence. She felt eyes on her back and it burned through to create a sensation. Back in the locker room, she turned to the left and trotted straight down to what she thought was the office.

Jabbed the key in, turned it, and it clicked. The door opened and the role sheet was lying right there, lonely and forgotten by the spontaneous and bubbly Miss Cantabile. Her eyes wondered and examined the pictures on the wall; one was of Miss Cantabile and her dog and the other one was her and… Ms. Legretta? How… curious. Quickly, her eyes then lay on the sheet, full of inked names. Carefully, she picked it up and then scanned its contents with a bit of guilt in her throat. She then raised a brow and then smiled brightly to herself. Someone else would have to sit next to Luke, not her!

Tear found herself in a happy dose of relief as she grinned like an idiot. When she stepped out of the office and then closed the door, she felt a little weird. She turned the key slowly as she mused. Why was she spazzing?

Luke is an OK person… After really talking to him for the first time yesterday, he wasn't so bad. Sure, he has a lot of issues and his long hair annoys the crap out of her, but he didn't seem that… bad. Tear bit her lip and then eyed around to see if anyone was nearby. It would be embarrassing if someone were to catch her standing and staring off to space.

'Shouldn't keep them waiting.' The girl thought, her expression quickly morphed into a placid one. When she went back out, her class stared at her. Everyone was still in their spot. It was as if time froze or something… That sent the chills up her spine.

"Why thank you darling!" The older woman snatched it away from Tear in a rather joking way. "Okay… moving on…"

Tear paced back over and sat next to Kristy as Miss Cantabile called out another person. She exchanged glances with the Junior. The blond gave her somewhat of a pout.

"Darn it… I really thought you were going to sit next to him."

She merely gave her classmate somewhat of a small yet exasperated grin. There were too many trivial feelings going on inside her. It made her a little uneasy. Once she heard her name, she stood up and sat on that assigned number. Luke was the first of the row, and she was second to last. At least he won't have an eyeful of her skin now that he is quite a distance away.

Damn, she was really being petty on this. She wanted to avoid him, but common sense pointed out that it will be inevitable in the end. 'Inevitable…. Huh?'

The spunky coach, Miss Cantabile, clapped her hands together and then grinned from ear to ear once the number assigning wrapped up. "Well now, let's actually do something, okay? How about a lap around the gym, and make it snappy guys! I'm timing!"

Physical education was easy, thankfully. To describe it that period in a few words, it was: mediocre. Nothing special, really. She can run a mile or two without breaking too much of a sweat, but that really depends whether it is indoors or outdoors. Being a little sensitive to the sun, she would break down easier outside.

Also, Tear recalled Kristy using the phrase 'bounce' a lot. For example, the blond said as her eyes sparkled with mischief, "SEE HOW THEY BOUNCE?"

At that time, the brunette thought that her friend was talking about basketballs…

Tear slapped her locker upright so it could lock properly. She hastily flipped her hair back so the air can get to her neck. Long hair is really a pain sometimes; despite how pretty it looks on other people. The reason why she let it down so long was so it can add a touch of grace----that and… she was too lazy to get it cut. She wasn't put down for being lazy yet, so she supposed that it didn't look too bad.

Kristy and Melissa were waiting in the gym, so she quickly hurried out to catch up with them. It isn't normal for her to be the slow one, but she was held back when the bell rung…

"Tear?"Luke asked with a slightly odd tone. He looked serious but then kind of… flustered at the same time.



And before she knew it, he walked off. It made her cogitate up until she reached Melissa and Kristy. What did the phrase 'lunch' symbolize? What the hell did Luke mean when he said that? It was so irritating.

They gave her a suspicious glance---well, no it was only Melissa. Only she is the perceptive one while Kristy is the---erm…

"We have some time until lunch right?" Tear spoke, breaking through the short silence.

"If you're hungry we better get there or else the line builds up." said Kristy as she curled a strand of golden hair with her finger. "Though, if you're in ASB---"

"---then that is something entirely different." The older girl finished with a soft chuckle. "Why don't we stop by Mr. Curtiss's room, or our fifth period class? We usually hang around there."

"Well Luke likes to play basketball or practice kendo at this time, but hey if we're lucky, we'll catch him!" The glimmer in Kristy's eyes never ceases to appear. Tear suddenly had a clue of what Luke meant. To that, she nodded,

"Okay. Let's go?"

Walking down the halls is an adventure of its own. Even if it was about three minutes before all the other classes are dispatched, her classmates roam to enliven up the previous emptiness. The two girls beside Tear seemed to be very popular, for they brought smiles almost everywhere they went. She, on the other hand, didn't receive any---either that or she unconsciously ignored them all.

Hmph, she didn't want to be part of the publicity. It would be nice if there were people who liked her for who she is, not because she has status and money. It still sickened her when she thought of comparing this school with her previous school.

No one talked to her in her old school. Everyone ignored her because she was the 'simple girl', the 'perfectionist', the 'anal girl'. She was fine with all of the names except for the last one. It put her off, but she kept quiet. That really irked her sanity, but that was all she could do.

Well… at least Melissa, Kristy, and Anise are nice to her. Though, she was a little hesitant about joining the Student Council. That would make her involved with this school, and she frankly didn't want that. She hated lies, and if she makes herself 'popular', that is all she will be seeing.

Maybe it was her fault to be like this. Analyzing people is something that she simply does, and sometimes she overdoes it. Due to all of the thinking, she mentally shrugged and then gazed to the side. Tear just had bad times with lies.

Thankfully, Kristy and Melissa didn't make a reaction, so they probably didn't notice. The blond went ahead and opened the door to reveal a classroom. Jade was on his desk, reading something.

"Jade are you actually working?" Kristy gaped, as if it was a surprise to her.

"Well it's my job. I guess I have to be working." Jade shrugged skeptically as he turned the page.

With a suspicious glint, the blond walked over to Jade's area and then stared at the words on the page. "What the---? This is Ancient Ispanian! How can you read this?"

"I'm magical." was his only reply.

Melissa quickly interrupted Kristy and then went on, "We're going up, okay?"

"Some of them are there already."

"Alright. Thanks Jade."

Tear raised a brow. Kristy and Melissa called the teacher by his first name? That's strange…

She then stared at the stairs in the room. It was so hard to miss. She saw Kristy retreat from Mr. Curtiss's area and dart up the stairs first. Melissa came after, but in a quieter manner, and then gestured the brunette to follow. The first thing she did was look at Mr. Curtiss, who looked back at her.

He gave her a grin.

She smiled weakly and then turned away to follow Melissa. Aghh, what an intimidating teacher. She still needs to get used to it. 'I wonder how Melissa and Kristy did it...'

Every step brought her closer to this little platform. Beyond it was a wide, yet slightly dark, hallway that probably led to that rendezvous point. Kristy already disappeared and Melissa was in front of her. Time slowed down as the Senior placed a gentle hand on the handle and then turned the doorknob. A pillar of light erupted and then slowly expanded.

It revealed a rather large and elegant room, full of nice furniture. The rug was crimson red, and on the white walls were pictures of many memories. There were expensive vases and expensive birch cabinets and… everything! It was also hard to miss the large oval oak meeting table in the center, accompanied with chairs on each side to appear symmetrical. There was a large window across from her, around 6 by 6 feet was her estimation. It was open and the white semi-transparent curtains fluttered to the afternoon breeze. Through the window, could one see the Central Plaza.

Tear moved to the side absently to look through the window at a different angle. There was a small balcony nearby. "Can we go on the balcony?" She asked aloud.

Kristy skipped over to a part of the room and then placed her hand on a door. "You go to the balcony here! Though we can only use it for events and such. It attracts too much attention to just eat there, you know?"

The brunette nodded slowly and then eyed the other wall. There was even a TV in here… and a pool table! It was too… extravagant for her… If she could replace this room for her bedroom back in the apartment, then she would be the happiest person ever.

A flush of water was heard and a door opened. Tear spun around to see Luke, who stared at the girls with a confused spark.

"Uhh Hi."

"I hope you didn't leave a stink in the bathroom!" Kristy teased as she scrunched her nose to emphasize her ruse.

"I didn't!" Luke replied snappishly as he flushed slightly. He then laid his eyes on Tear and then awkwardly said, "You're here now?"

"I'm not in the club yet." Tear replied as she almost hesitantly took a seat on the couch.

Melissa said out loud, "I'm going to the kitchen. Hopefully we have something…"

"Guy's in there." Luke replied swiftly before the girl opened a door and disappeared. He then stared at Tear and placed a hand on his waist, "You know you should right? I think you're going to have to join later."

"Why?" Tear snapped, looking rather confused, yet annoyed. She didn't like it when she 'has' to do something when it should be optional. She has common sense; you can force a person to join a club. The brunette just wanted a reason.

Luke exhaled and then Kristy took over. She said, "Because you know, ASB is for students who like… you know… contribute to the school the most." She then took a seat to the couch across from Tear. "That's why everything looks so nice here. It's because we used our own money."

Luke then lazily stood behind the couch and then leaned on it. "This place is only rich 'cause of us. Master Van is rich too, but I guess it's thanks to us. You're his sister, so I guess it would be better if you hang around with us."

"Some people were sent here not because they were rich." Kristy continued, "Like Anise. She used to be really greedy, but now she's a lot better. That's why she's in the club. But there are a lot of other people that wants our money…"

"They'd do anything to try and be your friend and scam you." The red head scowled. "I'm not joking. That's what Master Van told me."

"So Tear, want to join?" Kristy clasped her hands together with very hopeful eyes. A sweet, angelic smile formed on her peerless lips. "It would be a lot better for you."

Tear was a little unsure. She trusted that she wouldn't be reckless enough to allow such a person to do that to her. Besides, it was not like she had total power over her family's money. It is all Van's. "…"

Still… she didn't want to be 'popular'. "Can I join and not… well… participate in any event?"

"What's the point of that?" Luke barked with a frown. "You have to do something!"

Tear was really getting annoyed with Luke's tone. "Excuse me, Luke. I have my reasons." Her tone was drop-dead serious. Her temper was something she couldn't control at times. Maybe it was Luke's red hair that would agitate her.

"Well…" Kristy glanced to the side nervously. "You can… maybe…? We need to ask President… Though who needs her---"

Luke retorted, "I'm the Vice! I can do anything too---!"

"Ahh! Mieu! Guy catch him!"

"He's too fast!"

A loud ruckus was heard from the kitchen. The sound of pots and pans falling and colliding on the floor was heard. There was also a persistent chirp of 'Mieu'!

The two turned their heads to see what was up while Tear stared, with wide eyes, at the little blue ball with large floppy ears scuttle over.

Tear had a feeling that she should open her arms as the thing speedily jumped and then landed on her lap.

"Mieeeu!" it said affectionately.

Tear blushed as she met the large orbs of Mieu. Her face became as crimson as the carpet. 'So… cute… too… cute!!' She wanted to squish the thing to death as it nuzzled her stomach. Alas, she wasn't fast enough because he was scooped away right in front of her. Luke held on to that little… ring around Mieu and held him in the most inappropriate and rude way ever!

The poor Mieu was squirming and wiggling. Luke then groaned, "Argh, you dumb Thing. Stop attacking people and get back to your cage!"

"H-How cruel!" Tear exclaimed, without thinking. Her brows furrowed as her lips curled into a frown.

"This thing is annoying… It always says the same thing. Stupid cat." Luke grumbled as he threw it off somewhere. Mieu plopped to the ground, but then he quickly recovered and then trotted over to the redhead's leg. The blue cat---wait, a cat?

"A… cat?" Tear blinked and then stared at Luke as if he was the largest dunce ever.

"Isn't it obvious?" Luke asked as he flamboyantly flicked his hair back. "Look at its ears and the way it 'mieu's. It's a cat! Duh?"

She twitched and then glanced at Kristy, who seemed to be quietly giggling to herself. The brunette shook her head quickly to try and regain herself. Mieu was just thrown off by Luke, and now he is hugging the abuser's leg? And it is most definitely not a cat!

"It's not a---"

"Luke, admit it!" Guy's voice rang in the room as he walked out of the kitchen with a wrench. He had a black smudge on his cheek, and because of that, it only made his smile cuter.

"…" Tear shifted her eyes away.

"You love Mieu more than anything, am I right? It chose you as its master! Loyalty is what changes hearts." Guy continued in a rather chipper tone.

"S-Shut up!" Luke sounded either annoyed or embarrassed---or both! "This cat is stupid and won't stop following me!"

Guy cupped his chin as he thought, "Well… usually it is dogs that are loyal, but this is a special feline."

Tear wanted to scream, "WHAT?!" from the top of her lungs. Mieu is definitely NOT a cat. How could someone as intelligent-looking as Guy say that Mieu is a cat? MIEU IS NOT A CAT. NO.

If Mieu is a cat, then she can go ahead and say that her breasts are fake (which, they are not, by the way)! She exhaled slowly. This is madness.

Melissa happily came out from the kitchen with a basket of store-bought cookies. "Cookies, anyone? The oven is broken so we only have this. I think Cemore or Natalia will drive out and buy us food."

"I'm workin' on the oven. Hold up!" Guy was about to walk back into the kitchen until the auburn haired girl held up a cookie in front of his face.

"Want a cookie before you go?"

"My hands are dirty!"

Melissa then hastily opened the back and then held the cookie in front of Guy's mouth. Almost reluctantly, he bit it and took it with him in his mouth as he walked back into the kitchen.

Kristy gave a joking sneer at Melissa. "Ehehehe…"

Melissa beamed at her friend back, "Everyone has to eat some! I don't want anyone going hungry now!"

Luke also seemed stunned with the situation, but then he quickly shook his head. "Okay… uhm… what were we doing again?"

"Persuading Tear to join us?" Kristy replied in whiny voice. It really sounded like this girl was out of ideas.

Tear sighed and only kept her eyes on the little cheagle---that is not a cat---who was hugging Luke's leg affectionately. It pissed her off that Luke acted as if Mieu was only trash.

Melissa set the basket on the coffee table that is in the middle of the two couches. "Well Tear? Does Mieu interest you?"

Tear gave Melissa a raise of a brow. "Interest…?"

"Who would be interested in a stupid thing like this?" Luke muttered as he folded his arms.

Melissa took a seat next a Kristy. Tear gave her a look that was desperate for an answer or a light to all of this confusion. Yesterday, the Seniors, Guy and Melissa, were frantically searching for Mieu yesterday for Luke. She had the impression that Luke really cared for the cheagle. Why was he acting like this? What's with the irony…? The sound of the bell broke the silence.

"How about taking care of Mieu? All he does is sit here all day and he probably gets lonely." Melissa, who was sitting on the side of the couch, stretched her arm downward to lure the cheagle away from Luke. Mieu approached her hand and then rubbed its cheek against it lovingly. "He runs around a lot because he has nothing to do. Can you take care of him?"

Tear's face burned as she stared at the little cheagle. O, would she love a cheagle nuzzle her hand like that! She wanted to say 'yes' right away, but…

"Are you sure?" Luke clearly didn't look persuaded, even if he was the one who asked her to join. "Tear doesn't look like she's too good with animals…"

"Pff!" Kristy then clicked her tongue, "She's probably better than you Luke. You kick Mieu around too much. It's time for a more feminine touch!"

"Mieu's tough. I think." Luke replied, rather lamely. He frowned and then stared off. "Whatever…"

"It'll work! That way you don't have to really be involved in events!" Kristy chirped as she clapped her hands together. "You can join and take care of Mieu! It's perfect!"

"The school mascot's caretaker..." Melissa placed a finger on her chin and she had a smile that would dazzle anyone. "It sounds like an important job, no?"

Tear couldn't hold it any longer. She wanted to happily exclaim 'OK' but instead, she meekly said, "Oh… alright." in almost a mumble.

Kristy stood up and then cheered, "YAY!"

And then another voice rose, it was a girlish voice, "YAY what?"



The spunky Sophomore skipped over and then grinned. "Hey hey! I see you in here! Are you in yet? Are ya, are ya?"

Tear nodded once, but that wasn't good enough for the hyper younger girl. So, Melissa had to speak instead, "Yes she is, as Mieu's caretaker."

"Oooh!" Anise opened her mouth and then nodded, "Does Natalia know?"

"Not yet." Luke replied, "But she can't say no because I said 'whatever'. So yeah, whatever works, so she's in."

Anise rolled her eyes in a second and then ran over to hug the redhead. "Oh Luke, you're so cool!"

"H-Hey! Get off me!"

Tear shuddered. She didn't want to be mean but… that was… rather strange. Does Anise have a split personality or something? It really shows sometimes…

The main door that was previously closed quietly opened. The boy that came out shouted, "Boow your heads! The Princess is heree!" He exclaimed in a frivolous manner.

"Stop calling me that, Cemore!" A rather annoyed, yet a mature voice of a girl said. In an instant, Cemore was shoved off from the entrance of the door. He staggered to not fall, and once he recovered, he sneered. Natalia strut in and then raised a brow.

"Behold, the beautiful President and all of her glory!" Luke hollered, continuing after Cemore. The two boys started snickering as they placed a hand on each other's shoulder.

Natalia shot a death glare at the two boys, and then they stopped in an instant. The strawberry blond girl with porcelain pale skin stared at Tear with her burning emerald eyes. Her high nose and pursed lips really made her look like a mannequin posing for the theme of 'fierce'.

"Hello there."

Tear lowered her eyes, sheepishly at first. Then after seeing how competitive Natalia's stare was, she returned just as much energy. The brunette was receiving a really negative vibe, and she's not the kind of person that likes to be pushed over. "Hi."

Natalia quickly glanced at Luke, "Why is she here?" she asked, or rather, demanded.

Luke replied, with absolutely no fear, "Van's sister, remember? She has to be here."

The short haired blond dropped her fierce positioned and then let out a short sigh. "Oh right. Well then, seeing that all of you are here, was her position decided?"

"Mieu's caretaker." Kristy replied bluntly. All of her energy seemed to be lost as well… The force around Natalia was really strong.

Natalia took another look at Tear and then laughed a bit, "Really? I would have never guessed… I thought she should be the maid." No one said anything as she paced around in the room. She stared down at the cheagle, and in an instant, Mieu scurried over and then hid behind Tear's leg. "Well he seemed to be okay with it. Well, why not? It doesn't sound like a bad idea…"

"Well yeah. So she's in right?" Luke turned around and then leaned against the back of the couch.

Natalia didn't say anything for a moment and then replied, "Well, I guess so. But really, just taking care of Mieu? She should do much more than that."

Anise sat on the armchair and then pouted, "Well it's kind of hard…"

"She should clean too. I mean it's a mess and the janitor takes too long." Natalia pressed on, "So how about it?"

The room when quiet for a bit.

"Well if Tear wants to." Melissa stared at Tear, suddenly looking concerned.

Tear felt as if the status was reduced to a slave after hearing Natalia's tone of being a 'maid'. Surely, it was a challenge. She shot a glare at the older blond girl.

Well if it was what she wants…

"Fine." She answered bluntly, yet coldly.

Natalia raised a brow as an amused smile enhanced her beautiful face. "Oh? Well, good!" The quick response was almost awkward. It sounded as if she had nothing else to say. She then hastily added, "W-Well then, as a maid, you must also do the tasks. Why not get us food now?"

Tear stood up, her eyes were intensifying. The little cheagle let out a small "Mieu…"

"Okay." She replied. The brunette was fuming! She didn't have the chance to examine everyone's faces and then left the room. What arrogance! It was just as bad as Luke's!

Tear huffed as she walked down the stairs. She hated being humiliated. She hated it so much.

Luke: … Tear's .

CCP: Yeah…

Luke: She's really scary…

CCP: No doubt.

Luke: Natalia is scary too…

CCP: Tear VS. Natalia. Who would win?

Luke: Hmm… *thinks thinks* ehehe…

CCP: *slaps Luke a paper fan* BAD.

Luke: OW---! What?! Arghh…

CCP: You job…? Say it!

Luke: *sighs* okay. Thanks for reading guys. Reviews would make me happy. \o/

CCP: THANK YOU! And to those Natalia fans, don't worry! ~  It will get better!