Due to the fact that I didn't like how I wrote the chapter, or how I started the story- I decided to rewrite it. So sorry to confuse.

I don't own Bonanza, or Christy. I believe I use only reference to those two stories in this fanfic.

The Cartwrights will appear in next chapter.

It would have made a rather odd sight for anyone who happened to look out along the southern pasture that evening. If they had, they'd have seen the three strange figures in the distance, fumbling along the dusty trail.

Actually, it was due to the dust that the pasture was currently in its empty state. There had been no rain for over a month and for obvious reasons the cattle had to be moved to a more suitable location. The ranch hands had ridden their normal rounds of course- in order to see that no one was trespassing upon the largest area of privately owned land in Nevada- but somehow they had missed the weary travelers, who all three seemed to ride at a slow pace across the valley.

Ash pulled her hat further down on her head. She really wanted to pull it off entirely, but she knew that if she did than her hair- carefully pinned up beneath it, would be completely ruined. Not only would it make her even hotter, it would give away her disguise.

Beads of sweat were forming on her brow. It was hot out here- with little shade and not a cloud in the sky. A bone-deep tiredness was spreading throughout her body- making her legs feel like cooked spaghetti.

'You'd think I'd have all sorts of energy,' she mused. 'Back before we left Baron Brothers, I used to put the horses through the paces every day and never felt so wrung out.' She mentally shook her head. Travel wasn't anything like showbiz. It didn't have the glamour, and in this case, it defiantly wouldn't reap the same reward.

The arms around her middle shifted, trying to get more comfortable without releasing their grip. Ash glanced over her shoulder back at the two children who were sharing her mount.

Both of the kids were quiet, no doubt used to the long hours of travel the trip to the west had presented. Catherine was sandwiched between Ash and their brother Eben, which meant the poor little girl was probably the hottest of them all. Yet Cat wasn't the sort to complain. Not for the first time, Ash noted the dirty face and a look of exhaustion in her wide blue eyes. It was too old an expression to sit on such a young face.

Eben, who was the opposite of Catherine in everything but looks and age, grumpily sat back on the mount, his hat pushed back on his head, obviously wanting a bit of space. Though whether it was because of the heat or just because he didn't like being close to them- Ash couldn't tell.

Seeing her look, he opened his mouth. "When are we gonna stop? I'm tired."

Cat looked up at her stepsister's face, her wide eyes agreeing with Eben's statement, even thought she didn't speak. Ash sighed.

"Well Virginia City is supposed to be around here somewhere…" she mused. Really it didn't seem entirely right to just stop. After all there were still a few solid hours of daylight left. What she really wanted to do was go to Virginia City, drop off her step siblings and ride up into the hills of this place- where the object they had come to obtain resided. If she could just get the dang thing- whatever it was- maybe then she'd finally have control over her life again. Maybe that would provide the means out of this crazy situation…

She startled a moment- realizing she had trailed off, never really finishing her answer. She straightened up, throwing her shoulders back.

"We'll head for Virginia City." She wrinkled her nose, looking into the distance. "Besides, I think I see some storm clouds."

Indeed, the wind was picking up. Both children looked out across the field to the sky. Ash couldn't honestly say she cared if she got caught in it- her grimy filthy body was craving water the way a performer craves applause. But common sense ruled whims, and she shifted the reigns, turning back in the direction of the quote-on-quote, "City."

Fifteen minutes and the wind had picked up. The change in temperature was apparent- Eben no longer sat at the very end of the horse, but instead scrunched up close. Cat was shivering.

Ash wondered if she had overestimated the distance. Unsure, she paused for a moment. Apple threw his head a bit, pacing the ground nervously. The sounds of thunder could be heard echoing across the valley.

"Easy," Ash murmured. She took a deep breath and looked around. Where were they? How long had they been traveling since the passing stage had told them the direction of Virginia City?

'We can't have gone that far,' Ash thought, frowning. She could hardly blame her horse for the shivers running through it's body, she was staring to get a little nervous herself. If they couldn't get to the City, they would have to find shelter somewhere else. She peered around anxiously.

'Well since I don't know where I am, any direction is as good as the next,' Ash thought, gently squeezing her legs to make the horse go forward. Apple did, which made her glad. He was a good horse really- a beautiful one at that- being an appaloosa and all. Still, he was young, and the dry spell must have erased any memory of what a storm truly was.

They continued on, at a slightly quicker pace, until outrunning the storm seemed useless. But before she could even relay the news to her companions, the sound of a gunshot pierced the air. Apple reared up, knocking both of the children off the back of the horse and forcing Ash to hold on for dear life. The animal bucked and brayed a few paces away, not even allowing Ash to grab her gun from it's holster. She was instantly terrified.

'They found us! They found us, they've been following us…!'

No second shot came. The wind had picked up and thunder rumbled all around them. Every bit of skill she had from her childhood experience with horses came into play as she wrestled around. After a few minutes that seemed like forever, he finally calmed, and they both walked- shaking- back to the children.

Ash dismounted. She felt terrible about not rushing back right away, but if they lost the horse, they lost everything. Her sense of dread grew as she knelt next to Cat to stare at Eben. Cat grabbed her sleeve, sobs choking the little girl's throat.

"Ash! Oh Ash they shot him!"

Blood was staining the shoulder of Eben's last clean shirt. Without stopping to hesitate, she grabbed Cat and threw her on the back on the horse. Then, scooping the boy up in her arms, she mounted herself.

They had no choice now. Storm or no storm, followed or not, they had no choice.

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