The Sounds

Chapter 5, Part 1 – Sound the Alarm

The site of a deadly mistake

"Ichiro, are you sure that was a good idea?"

Ichiro smirked. "Of course. Getting rid of all evidence of their contracts with the record company will nullify their chances of ever defeating us."


"What is it, damn it?!" Ichiro growled. "You've been interrupting my rants way too much today."

"…they broke up…"


x – x – x

A dark, familiar office

"Have you set out the evidence?"

"Naturally. Everything is prepared."

"And it's guaranteed that Ichiro-kun will find them, I assume?" The woman chuckled. "I wouldn't want our Syaoran-kun to become suspicious."

"Of course."

x – x – x

Sun Records – Lobby

"Oi, Ichiro-kun!"

Ichiro turned, his dark hair falling over his face in a very "squee"-worthy way. "Spinnel-sama?"

Spinnel smiled at his victim – a predatory smile. "Can you do something for me, Ichiro-kun?"

"Sure," Ichiro replied indifferently.

"Can you run up to Li-kun's dressing room?"

Ichiro frowned. "Why?"

"I need you to deliver this to him. He needs it for the performance tomorrow." Spinnel held out a large envelope.

Ichiro stared at it, confused. He didn't take it.

"What's wrong, Ichiro-kun?" Spinnel pryed, getting annoyed.

"Spinnel-sama…didn't Li's band…break up?"

The co-president's smile tumbled from his face.

x – x – x

The room of a hurting boy

"Where are you now, Sakura?" Syaoran asked himself, twirling his abandoned guitar pick between his fingers – it was from the lessons he had never received.

The answer greeted him in the form of a text message. "Sakura is at Kansho with Ryu. Meet you there after some business with Nakuru. – Eriol."

x – x – x


Syaoran arrived at the concert hall with enough steam to drown ten dogs. He had taken seven showers – yet his confusion had not washed away.

"You're a bit late," the annoying man at the door told Syaoran, "but you're here in time to catch the finale filler band." Syaoran stared the man down.

"That's all I need, sir."

He entered the noisy concert hesitantly – it was his first time being in an audience.

However, the sight of her blocked out all of the noise and excitement of his surroundings.

Sakura. Her wild, unique hair. Her rare, bright eyes…her constant resiliency to everything and anything – even him. Her beautiful drumming onstage with Tohma Ryu….

Without thinking, the former lead singer pushed through the agitated crowded, ignoring yells of annoyance and anger. "Sakura!" he called as soon as he reached the foot of the stage. The weak yell did not reach the ears of the drummer.

"SAKURA!" The girl turned, her eyes widening in surprise. Syaoran's heart leapt when he saw the slightest reddening of the girl's cheeks.

What's he doing here? Why am I almost…happy to see him?

Sakura's hands suddenly froze, the drum line of the song coming to a sudden halt. The entire audience fell silent, and the rest of the band turned to the disturbance.

Ryu shot a concerned glance at her. "What's wrong?" he mouthed.

Unexpectedly, Sakura felt tears welling up in her eyes. "Idiot drummer." "You can't even play the drums!" "…idiot…" "…dumb girl…" Her chest hurt.

And she ran.

Only Syaoran caught the hint of pain in her eyes before she turned away.

x – x – x

Kansho – Backstage

Ryu's green hair flew behind him as he ran into the rehearsal room. "Sakura?" he called frantically.

"I'm right here," came a muffled voice from behind the black curtains.

"Sakura, is something the matter?" Ryu asked, concerned. It doesn't matter anymore. It doesn't matter that Sakura doesn't like me romantically. She's a friend…and that's all.

He was surprised to see a tearful Sakura. "I…I have to leave Tokyo."

"Why?" Ryu asked in shock.

"I don't know about anything anymore, Ryu-chan. All I know is that I have to get out of here."

x – x – x

An ominous office

"It's really interesting, Nakuru-san," Eriol began, looking his boss in the eye, "how you manipulate us."

Nakuru simply smiled, lifting a glass goblet to her thin lips.


"Why what, Hiiragizawa-kun?"

"Why do you enjoy creating conflict?" Nakuru smirked at the anticipated question. "Why do you relish the discord of your own company?"

"Because it's interesting," she replied, "to see you squirm. Now you answer my question, Hiiragizawa-kun."

"It's only fair, I suppose," Eriol sighed.

Nakuru leaned in, her face coming dangerously close to Eriol's. "Why, cute little Eriol, are you so sure I'm the one playing around with you boys?"

Eriol snorted humourlessly. "Because co-president-sama is too dull to plot leaks and false evidence by himself."

"So you've noticed." Nakuru giggled childishly. "What's so wrong about messing around with you kids? Fans are all addicts for dramatics, after all."

"So you had Spinnel-sama plant false evidence of a relationship between Syaoran and Sakura-chan?" Eriol asked coldly, retrieving a few pictures of Sakura he had extracted from Syaoran's dressing room. "Drama is supposed to be authentic."

Nakuru snorted. "Authentic? Don't kid me, Hiiragizawa. I'm not that blunt. Anyone can see the love-to-hate between those two." She put a finger to her chin. "And love-to-hate relationships usually develop sooner or later," she mused. "I was just expediting the process."

"Well, you've just about completely ruined it," Eriol spat. He left the room, slamming the door behind him.

Nakuru blinked. "What?"

x – x – x

A malevolent office

"Spinnel, before you say anything, I have something to ask you…"

The man recoiled, his throat closing up in nervousness. She can't already know…if she does, I'm doomed.

"…about the leak," Nakuru finished. Spinnel let out a breath of relief.

"What about it?"

"Did you know that the band found out that you were the one who leaked their CD? Well, Hiiragizawa did, at least."

Spinnel raised an eyebrow. "Oh please. It was probably just a lucky guess."

"I suppose," Nakuru said carelessly with a shrug. "At least they're still with us. Hiiragizawa's not very assertive, that dumb boy."


"So what did you want to see me about? How's the plan unfolding?"

"See…there was one thing that was not taken into account, Nakuru-san," Spinnel replied nerviously, twisting his tie around.

"What?" Nakuru growled, her eyes blazing. "What are you talking about?" Spinnel opened the office door, revealing a shaking Ichiro. His demeanor immediately straightened, as he knew that Nakuru's heat would not be taken out on him.

"Tell her, punk," he commanded smugly.

"…the Ambient…they disbanded," Ichiro muttered timidly, seeing a new side of the fiery boss and her right-hand man. "Hey, don't kill the messenger."

"I wanted good news, damn it!" Nakuru barked. "You were only supposed to find the evidence of a relationship, tell me, and embarrass the hell out of them!" The woman thrashed her arms around, no longer caring that the fearful and confused teenager was hearing all of her plans. Her long, dark hair twirled wildly around her. "Where's Li? Kinomoto? Tohma?!" She turned to Spinnel. "Are they all gone?!"

Spinnel hesitated. "Well, they're not really gone, per say…" He gulped. "Tohma's still in the industry. Kinomoto's still playing with him."

Nakuru let out a sigh of relief. "At least we still have the prodigy drummer and the bassist."

"Well…Nakuru-san…I mean that they are still in the music industry. They're not…with us anymore."

The president's head shot up at a neck breaking speed. "BUT WE HAVE A CONTRACT!"

Spinnel lower his head, staring at his feet with great interest. "About that…" He glared at Ichiro. "Tell her," he said again.

Both adults turned to the poor teenager. "Uhh…to ruin their band…I hacked into the Sun Records' computer system…and I deleted all of their contracts…"

Nakuru snarled – an inhuman noise.

"But that was before my idiot guitarist told me that they disbanded!" Ichiro cried, attempting to defend himself.

What have I done? What have I done to my company?

Our band…we were so close to success…

This room smells like vodka. Hmm…maybe Nakuru-san has some stored in her mini-fridge…

There were two tragic heroes that day…in that one malevolent office.

x – x – x

A dark street

Syaoran stumbled down the barely-lit sidewalk, his mind spinning. I care. I care that Kinomoto is confused…broken. It makes me feel broken too…

He heard the faint sound of racing footsteps.

Why didn't I see it earlier? If only I had seen it earlier…

The footsteps grew closer. "Syaoran, you idiot!"

Syaoran didn't turn at the sound of Eriol's voice. Why? Why?!

"Syaoran, fuck it, stop right there! I'm a guitarist, not a marathon runner!"

He stopped, but did not turn. "What is it, Hiiragizawa?" he asked softly, his voice laced with pain and confusion. "What is it now? Have you come to tell me off more?"

"Syao –"

"No, I have things to say," he bit out. "I'm…sorry. For the past two years. For being an ass." He laughed bitterly. "For not seeing the precious things that were right in front of my blind, hideous eyes."

"Syaoran, will you fucking listen to me?" Eriol cried crudely. "One of your precious things is about to leave!"


"To Okinawa!"

"What are you talking about?" Syaoran muttered dismally. "Interrupting my apology for some stupid cryptic message? Some friend you are…"

Eriol groaned. "Sakura. She's leaving. On the subway. To Okinawa," he enunciated. The words hit Syaoran like daggers.

"She can't do that."

Eriol shook his head grimly. "Oh, but she can. And that's exactly what she's doing."

x – x – x


"Kinomoto, stop this right now!" Syaoran ordered, his throat closing. "Why are you doing this?!" He had run all the way to the subway station – an activity not suited for his singer's body. He had been greeted by a closing set of glass doors.

Sakura's expression froze to her face as she heard his soft last words. "I think I might like you."

And that frozen expression was the last thing Syaoran saw before his let his pride fall into a train wreck.

On the stuffy subway, Sakura's tears threatened to fall. "Baka. What a stupid confession." She laughed and choked laugh. But somewhere in her heart, she felt as if those words brought immense joy to her. Why?

x – x – x

Chapter 5, Part 2 – The Sounds of Love

Eriol's Attic

"The sun's not coming up, Eriol," Syaoran moaned, falling back into Eriol's worn plaid couch.

"Mope to yourself, emo kid," Eriol muttered, adjusting his tie. "Don't invite your black parade to my world."

Syaoran glared at his friend. "Being on top of the world right now doesn't give you any right to ignore my angst." His voice contained a hint of playfulness, but Hiiragizawa Eriol knew his friend. And he knew that Syaoran was feeling anything but playful at the moment. Nevertheless, he smiled and played along.

"Don't ruin my brilliant, bright, sunny day, Li. Daidouji-san won't have fun with the mopey boy you're turning me into," he sniffed.

"So you think you're so great for scoring a date with a computer nerd?" Syaoran smirked.

"Hey, you couldn't even get an idiot drummer geek to go out with you," Eriol replied unthinkingly. Immediately, he knew the words had struck a nerve. The painful half-smile on his friend's weary face made him want to slap himself and choke on his own words. "Syaoran…gomen ne."

"It's alright," he managed, "I'll call Ryu-kun. He's bound to want to listen to some low, depressing soap boxes. Tohma's a bassist, after all." He smiled again. "Go have fun, Hiiragizawa." Eriol's expression froze to his face. His friend hadn't said anything positive to him in more than two years.

"Right," Eriol replied hesitantly. "I'll have fun for your sake, Syaoran. I'm glad you're back," he added. Before Syaoran could ask what he meant, Eriol left his attic.

"Broken hearts unite," Eriol whispered to himself with a soft smile as he opened the door to the street. "I'm glad about that too, Syaoran – you're able to get along with Ryu. And that's something the old you would've never been able to do."

He held his arm out into the street, hailing a taxi. "Welcome back, Syaoran. Looks like Sakura really did change you. She has your heart up against the wall."

x – x – x

Tokyo Shopping District

Eriol felt content at the look of pure pleasure on Daidouji Tomoyo's face as she browsed through the racks of clothes and new designs at the expensive shopping district.

"Like it, Daidouji-san?" he breathed into her ear. She blushed lightly.

"It's too expensive," she replied lightly, fingering the price tag on the small Sony laptop. "Besides," she continued cheerfully, "I've already bought this." Tomoyo held up the small bag in her hand – an inexpensive hard drive. "Chiha-chan – my computer – is really in need of more space," she explained. "Come on, let's go somewhere else."

As Tomoyo left the electronics store, Eriol stayed back long enough to place the two-hundred-thousand-yen item on hold.

He trailed after the girl, his thoughts drifting to Syaoran…and his failed half-attempts at love.

Those half-attempts…they really took all of his heart. Syaoran is a proud guy.

"Is something wrong, Eriol-kun?" Tomoyo suddenly piped, breaking Eriol away from his thoughts.

"Nothing," he replied, forcing on a smile. "Just thinking."

"If you're worried about Sakura…" Eriol cringed. Bullseye. "…I'm sure she'll come back." Tomoyo beamed.


"When Sakura-chan is set on something, she'll definitely go through with it," Tomoyo mused.

"What's she set on?" Eriol asked, confused.

"She's set on keeping her promise to me – that she'd get over it," Tomoyo replied vaguely.

Eriol laughed. "That's convincing enough for me, Daidouji-san, though I have no idea what you're talking about."

Tomoyo smiled back. "All I wish for is Sakura's happiness. To see someone you love fall for someone else…it's painful, ne?"


"Nothing." Tomoyo's smile grew wider. "So, for Sakura-chan's sake…I hope she'll come back." Her eyes shifted to the setting sun. "Thanks, Eriol-kun," she murmured, her amethyst eyes sparkling. "Thanks for today."

The very confused Eriol, however, feared the wrath of the nerd – the wrath that would be unleashed once she uncovers his epic purchase.

x – x – x

The room of a moping boy

Fame plus money times power meant happiness. That was the formula for life Li Syaoran had been taught as a boy by his tycoon father and prosperous mother. When they both passed away, leaving the boy with virtually nothing, Syaoran knew there was something wrong with the equation.

His parents had all three ingredients. But they never had anything that touched happiness.

Syaoran couldn't decide when he had reverted back to the original formula. His music had once been so pure – so genuine. What happened to it?

But, as the saying goes (or so he thought it went), "you don't know how hot the stove is until you're stupid enough to touch it."

Syaoran definitely found out how hot the stove truly was. He had touched it, and he had paid the consequences.

"Sakura…" At that moment, Syaoran's rotting cell phone rang. "And some days it seems like the clouds won't stay away…"

He flipped it open immediately – he couldn't bear to hear the familiar sound of his – no, their – old songs.

"Moshi moshi," he stated dully. The person on the other side stayed silent. "Who is this?" Syaoran asked impatiently.

"Ano…" a familiar voice stuttered. "Syaoran-kun?" A tiny yelp was heard. "Gomen ne. I can't call you that, Li-kun."

"Kinomoto?" Syaoran asked incredulously. "Is that really you?"

A nervous laugh. "I guess it is, isn't it?"

"Kinomoto…" Syaorna repeated uselessly.

"I…I just wanted to tell someone that I'm coming back to Tokyo. Tonight," she murmured softly. Syaoran could almost hear her blush. "It'll be quite dark by then; I'll need a ride…and there's no one else I can reach right now…Eriol-kun has his phone off," she explained, her words jumbled. "So…"

"It's alright, Kinomoto," Syaoran said with a smile. "Aren't we on friendly terms?"

There was a long pause. "I'm sorry…for leaving in the first place. That was really childish and selfish of me."

"It's alright. We all have things to be sorry for."

x – x – x


The wait for Kinomoto Sakura was the most frustrating thing Syaoran had endured in his nineteen years of life. Doubt kept surfacing and resurfacing to his mind, clouding his awareness of the damp, putrid Tokyo subway station. What if she isn't coming? He didn't believe that he was someone worth coming back for.

What if she changed her mind?

He had climbed too high on the mountain of realization to take a fall and live. He had given up all his pride to realize what was really important. But, what disturbed him the most was that through all of the chaos, he had never forgotten Sakura's face – the auburn hair that curled inward at all the right places…the sincere emerald eyes that shined even behind the thickest of glasses.

And he could've sworn he had just seen her in the window of the arriving subway. Her features were all too familiar.

I must be delusional, Syaoran convinced himself, still reluctant to take the plunge. He rubbed his temple, attempting to clear the illusion. "I must be insane."

A familiar giggle resounded in his ears, above the cacophony of the subway goers.

Syaoran looked up, his eyes meeting an all-too-familiar figure dressed in a plain t-shirt and jeans. Across her chest (of course that's not what he looked at first) was her trademark canvas messenger bag. "Talking to yourself, Li Syaoran?" Sakura asked playfully, though the expression did not touch her eyes. Confusion, after all, was not an easy thing to get over. She looked around the crowded subway station, smiling serenely. "I love this place. It's beautiful."

Syaoran could only stare at her, his feature skeptical. His uneven bangs fell over his face in a very familiar way, and that made Sakura giggle once more.

"The lights…the buzz," Sakura sighed nostalgically. "Syaoran-kun. This place is beautiful for that reason… and for one more."

"Huh?" Syaoran asked bluntly, still mesmerized by the sound of his name coming from the girl's mouth.

"You rescued me here," she replied vaguely. "Here, you helped me realize what I couldn't realize myself."

"Liar, liar," Syaoran muttered with a smile. "Burn in hell, Kinomoto. You were the one who made me realize how much I had changed."

Sakura frowned. "You haven't changed." She giggled. "You have been and always will be the Syaoran-kun who makes crude remarks and constantly uses hurtful satire."

"And you're alright with that?" Syaoran's eyebrow arched.

Sakura smiled up at him, her emerald eyes smoldering into his. "The sun comes up, does it not?"

That was all he needed.

"You know what, Syaoran-kun? I…I think I might like you too."

x – x – x

A/N: I combined two chapters to make this one. Why? Because I didn't want to ever see this fic again. Yes.

Made it to the end? Good job. I have two new story ideas on my profile. Both are pretty well-planned, and I can't decide which to start next T-T. I've made a promise to myself to never have more than three stories going at once. Two is enough. Help me decide : D.

Review, because it's the last chapter! Or you can just not review. Eck.

And…I was originally going to update Broken Glass this week…but unfortunately, my chemistry project and my English paper have gotten in the way. It'll definitely be done next week, with very few mistakes (:. I rushed the last chapter. Bleh.

Bonus: Did you did you did you notice the various song references incorporated into this abnormally-long chapter? : D. Yayay. I might consider posting a carbon copy type of chapter later on with all of those lines highlighted. But here are some of the artists I have taken lyrics/titles from: Taking Back Sunday (1 phrase), Jack's Mannequin (5 titles, 1 phrase), The Used (2 titles), My Chemical Romance (1 title), Far Less (1 title), Boys Like Girls (2 titles)…and that's all I remember D:. There's more, I'm sure.

Anyways, happy last chapter! –confetti- I might consider posting an epilogue later in the form of a songfic.

(Oh, and I don't own anything T-T.)