
Summary: Who was he? He was fast, and blue, and he wasn't human. But he was a hero, and he saved me from…from… who did he save me from?

Rating: K

Genre: General/Mystery

Elise' Diary Entry, August 28, 20XX

I dreamed about him again last night. I just can't remember who he is.

But I know who is, or I did. He was fast, and blue, and he wasn't human. But he was a hero, and he saved me from…from… who did he save me from?

There were three others besides him. I can't remember who they are, but I can vaguely remember what they looked like. One was silver- colored, one was pink, and the other was black, and they all had something in common with the blue one.

But what?

The blue one saved me from the one who wanted…who wanted… what did that one want?

Why can't I remember?

The blue one stuck out in my mind because I had heard of him before it happened…

Sonic the Hedgehog!

That's who the blue one is! And the one who kidnapped me was his nemesis, Dr. Eggman. And the black one saved the world from those black aliens. What was his name, Shade? Shadow? Something like that. And I remember hearing about the pink one, too.

But I don't remember anything about the silver one, and there was another one, one who looked like he was made almost of crystal…

But it must have just been a dream. I've never been kidnapped by Doctor Eggman, or rescued by Sonic the Hedgehog.

Though I would like to meet Sonic the hedgehog someday. That would be so cool.


Elise lifted a hand and waved to the crowds, then noticed something. A large ship was flying directly overhead. The bottom of the ship slid open, dropping mechs to the ground.

The now screaming crowds dissipated.

A blue blur sped by, and the robots dropped one by one as it raced past them it stopped, propped it's foot on the last mech, and pushed it over backwards.

His eyes were green, his fur was blue, and his grin was cheeky.

His name: Sonic the Hedgehog.


T.A.R.N.S.: I thought of this last night and decided to post it. It's set after the events of Sonic '06.

Nyoshi: Please review and tell us what you thought!