Horton Hears A Who

JoJo's Friend

Disclaimer: I do not own Horton Hears A Who.

Okay, only afew things. last-blue mage, I was just kidding around. Haha, sorry! xcatxhatxlovex, I don't know JoJo's age, sorry! I forgot who asked this, but Phoebe was only requesting that JoJo let her meet the 'giant elephant in the sky.' And finally, Ginny. I know how to spell. I'm sorry that I am only human and couldn't fix every little error in my darned story! And next time you want to tell someone to "GO TO SCHOOL AND LEARN HOW TO SPELL" try not typing nonsense like "what the dvnjkbw aQCVjw kiuqjkxnkjuaXNM?!1?1!" in your review, idiot. And why'd you read the whole story if my spelling sucked so bad?

This is going to be the last chapter, guys! But do not fret! You'll see more of JoJo and Phoebe's crazy adventures!

Did you know?: If Dr. Seuss were still alive, he'd be one hundred and four years old.

JoJo walked home alone that night. Phoebe said she was spending the night at the observatory. She'd also promised JoJo that she would go with him to talk to Dr. Larue the next day. By that point, it was really hard to understand what she was saying, though.

He whiped his eyes and snuck through his bedroom window. Now that he was almost finished satisfying his obsession, something about it seemed very wrong.

He climbed into his bed and lay his face on his pillow, letting tears fall from his eyes. Sunday would be a very eventful day, and in the worst way.

JoJo rolled out of bed and began to make his way out of his bed room. He rubbed his face, feeling the dry spots that had formed the night befor with the help of tears.

He reached the bathroom with no interruptions that day. He didn't really need the restroom, but that didn't stop him from staying in it for almost as long as one of his sisters.

After he finished brushing his teeth and washing his face, he stood in the bethroom for another ten minutes or so. Despite the loud hits on the door, and his younger sisters screaming, "JoJo, get out!" he stayed and stared at the sink.

When he finally decided to leave, he got ugly looks from his sisters. JoJo stared back at the, alittle sadly and even more annoyed.

He walked staight for one of the house's windows and climbed out, ignoring he fact that most of the girls that were waiting at the bathroom were staring at him. He had to go see Phoebe as soon as possible.

JoJo took his contraption to the observatory and walked slowly to the door. The chilly air made him regret not taking a jacket. He was already at the observatory though, so it was a tad late to be thinking about that.

JoJo noticed Phoebe on the island of the window after entering the observatory. He hair was down, stopping at the bottom of het chin instead of in it's puffs. She looks so pretty with her hair down...

She looked over at JoJo and smiled. "Hey, Jo!" she said, happily. "How's it going!?"

He smiled at her. "Well, same as it was going yesterday, I guess..."

She climbed down from the window and walked toward JoJo. "Still wanna see Dr.Larue?" she asked.

He knodded.

"Mkay!" she said. "I just need to go home really quick like."

JoJo fallowed Phoebe to her house quietly, letter her chat away at will. She opened the door and waved her hand inside. "After you," she said, grinning.

JoJo walked inside. The last time he'd been in her house was the first time he'd met her... It still looked the same to him. The living room with a bright orange with a possibly randomly picked green couch sitting in the middle of it. JoJo wanted to push it agenst the wall.

"I just have to do my hair... Brush my teeth... You know, girl stuff," Phoebe explained.

Oh no! It was his sisters in the restroom all over again!

Phoebe was fairly quick, though. She did exactally what she needed to do and wasted no time trying to do extra. On the way out the door, she grabbed a Who-nola bar (there weren't enough "Who" jokes...) and didn't waste time trying to cook a breakfast.

"JoJo, do you have any idea how to find Dr. Larue?" Phoebe asked.

"Yeah," he answered. "She graduated from Who University about a year ago. She was so good that they gave he a job there!"

"So, she's at Who U?"

"Well, I thought that's what I just explained to you."

"Shut up..."

On the way to the University, Phoebe continued to talk, but this time she was joined by JoJo.The walk was a long one, but they hardly noticed as they chattered away. They also hardly noticed once the school came into view. Neither of them would have known it was there, if it weren't for the sudden huge group of people in white smocks and robes they saw.

JoJo's excitement grew once he notieced they were at the university. Phoebe seemed uninterested but she didn't seem as if she were going to cry as she'd done the night befor.

They walked inside looking completly out of place. They were both short and dress casually. Every person that worked or went to the school were dress in a suit and tie or another work-like outfit, including the smocks.

JoJo had been there befor so he easily found Dr.Larue's room. He knocked on the door and befor someone answered saying he could come in, walked in on his own.

Inside the room was a labratory. Dr. Larue stood in the middle of it, behind a counter, fiddling with different chemicals.

"Hi Dr.Larue," JoJo said.

She looked over for only a moment. "Hello JoJo," she said, turning back to her work. "Who's your friend?"

"That's Phebz," he said. "We think you might know something about her exsistance."

Phoebe jumped one to counter that the doctor was working on and stuck her hand out. "Sup?" she said.

Dr.Larue looked at her strangely and went back to her work. "Hello Phebz," she said. "What makes you think I might know something about her exsistance, JoJo?"

"Well," Phoebe said befor Jojo could say anything. "JoJo built this big machine that only does one thing. And what that thing does is helps people figure out their past. So, he's trying to help me figure out my past, which has actually confused me. And your picture showed up on the screen thingy. And, I recognized you even though I've never seen you in my life. So, we want to figure out what relivance you have to me life. If this helps at all, my full name is Phoebe-Cyndi-Carrie-Marie Whozkavitch."

That sparked something. Dr.Larue dropped the test tube she had. It shattered on the floor and the substance melted through the tile. "Phoebe-Cyndi-Carrie-Marie Whozkavitch!?" she screamed, with a terrible lisp where ever a lisp was called for.

"Um, do you really have to make that sound when you talk?" Phoebe asked.

The doctor ignored the comment. "I know of her exsistance, JoJo! She's a clone!" she yelled.

"What?!" Phoebe screamed. "A clone?! Of who?!"

"Of me, naturally," the doctor said. "There were flaws in the finished product, though. But, I'd grown attached to you in particular and couldn't just throw you out."

"Throw me out!?" she yelled. "Well, that's the perfect thing to say to a girl that just learned she was a clone!"

JoJo looked at Larue. "But she doesn't look anything like you. And she's alitte insane..."

"Those were a couple of flaws," Larue explained. "She came out as sort of... a kook."

"What? I'm not a kook! JoJo's dad is a kook!"

"How did that work? Cloning her..."

"Hm... that was almost fifteen years ago! I can hardly remember..." Despite that she'd just said that she could hardly remember, Dr. Larue began to rant on about how she made clones of herself to help her in the lab.

"...and then, in the test tube, a little baby will grow."

"So, if I was born like any other Who baby, I wouldn't only be two centimeters taller than JoJo?" Phoebe asked.

JoJo rolled his eyes. "That was uncalled for..."

"Well, you never would have been born like any other Who baby," Larue said. "You're a clone."

Phoebe swung her feet back and forth as she sat on the counter. "So, I'm not a person?"

"You are a person. You're just also a clone," JoJo explained.

"That's stupid," Phoebe said. "That's really stupid."

"Stupidity is often true," Larue said, going right back to her work.

"So, am I a Who?"

"Of course you're a Who! You're me!" Larue said.

"Wow, that makes me feel better," Phoebe said, sarcastically and jumped off the counter. She walked toward the door.

"Where are you going?" JoJo asked.

"I have to prove to someone that I'm actually a Who," Phoebe said, and JoJo instantly knew she was going to his house.

By the time JoJo was finished questioning Dr. Larue and made it home, Phoebe was sitting in the dinning room, talking to the Mayor. He peeked in from the doorway, trying not to be noticed.

"So, you see Mr.Ned, I am a Who. I'm just a cloned Who," Phoebe was explaining to the Mayor.

The Mayor sat at the dinning room table with a look of total astonishment on his face. "And JoJo helped you figure all of this out?"

She grinned and looked at the doorway, at JoJo. "Yup," she said.

He grinned. "I knew my boy was bright!" he yelled.

The mayor glanced at Phoebe with an apologetic look. "I'm sorry for my behavior last week," he said. "I usually would never act like that. I'm ususally afraid to say anything wrong! I could disapoint people, you know?"

"He wants me to be the mayor. I don't wanna do that! Do you know how much responsibility that is! But, if I told him that, he'd be disapointed. If I said anything wrong he'd probably be disapointed. It's just safer not to say anything at all..."

The Mayor was just as much afraid of disapointing people as JoJo was of disapointing him.

Phoebe laughed, looking back at JoJo again, beckoning him inside. "Yeah, I know."

JoJo walked in and stood next to Phoebe with a small smile on his face. "Hey dad," he said, quietly. "I think you remember Phoebe. She's my best friend!"

It's at times like these where two friends make another. It's at times like these where you realize that friendships have no bounds.

It's at times like these where you have to listen, believe, feel... to really understand.

And it's at times like these where the author can only write...

The End