Okay, the majority of you wonderful readers voted for a lemon scene

Originally, this was a cute little one-shot. Now it's gonna be a story. And it's dedicated to renabear.

Summary: Bella and Jasper are left alone...and sparks start to fly, as the saying goes. Edward and the family come back, and things have changed...Bella and Jasper are falling in love...but so are Edward and Alice...what's this about Jake? And the Volturri too? Uh oh.

Thank you to those who have read and reviewed this story since it was a shaky little unsure pairing. I'm glad many of you liked it, and sad some of you did not. And I just loved converting many of you into Jasper/Bella fans. Search Bella/Jasper here, and there are tons more stories about them. It makes me happy.

Disclaimer- I do not, never have, and never will own any of the characters. Although occasionally I do dress up as Stephanie Meyer, dance around yelling 'I OWN THEM! I OWN THME!' I don't really. Those are just the days I forget to take my mellow-out pills. LOL. (No, I don't really take pills…)

Okay, the majority of you wonderful readers voted for a lemon scene. But there were some that didn't want it. More that I thought there would be, actually. So you know what? I'm going to write this chapter twice. The first part is the part without the lemon. The second is the part with the lemon. If you want to read only the part with the lemon, then please scroll down to the first section of bold font. Thank you!

Chapter Thirty-Two: Honey Moon


(Without the lemon)

"Here we are Bella." I said softly as we arrived to the cabin where we would be spending the next few days or so.

"It's perfect." Bella murmured. I swept her up in my arms then, and she laughed as we walked through the doorway like that.

Inside the cabin was even better looking. A bear rug, courtesy of Emmet, was on the floor in front of a fire place devoid of flame. There was a beautiful leather sofa in soft brown, and a large window through which I and my love could see the mountainside encased in its snowy blanket.

I carried Bella through another doorway, and came into a bedroom done in dark browns and warm colors.

A few unlit candles sat on available surfaces. A large four-poster bed took up a good deal of the space.

I sat Bella down on the bed.

"I love you." I said as I kissed her gently on the lips.

She giggled again.

"I love you too." She said sincerely. Then she smiled at me, and I couldn't help but smile back.

Love and affection were rolling off her in waves. But so too was desire and anticipation. But I didn't sense any fear in her, which made my heart swell.

"I am the luckiest man on Earth." I said kneeling in front of my beautiful angel.

She smiled at me. "How so?" She asked playfully.

I grinned up at her. "Because. I've got the most wonderful angel in the world as my wife. And only I will ever get to do this." I said, kissing her knee. She giggled again.

She was still in her wedding dress, and I was still in my tuxedo. But her dress had been pushed up her thigh a little bit.

She smiled at me again, and if it would have been able to, my heart would have skipped a few beats. Good thing it wasn't able to then, because going to the hospital would ruin the moment.

I took of her shoes first, smiling as she watched me with curiosity.

Then I stood back up and sat on the bed next to her.

She caressed my cheek gently, and then she smiled sadly.

"How could you love me Jasper? I mean, I'm prefect now, but you said you loved when I was weak and human. How? You were perfect then, still are, but I wasn't anywhere near perfect." She said.

I frowned at her. I took her hand from my face and held it in both of mine.

I kissed the finger that held the ring that marked her as mine, and then I smiled at her.

"No, you weren't perfect when you were human. And that's why I loved you. Because you surprised me sometimes, because you were so sweet and warm. And now I love you because I can spend eternity with you. Even if I don't deserve it." I said.

She shook her head, her brown curls swinging as well. I noticed her clip, and gently took it out after she stopped moving her head.

I kissed her then, and she kissed me back. It was just as wonderful as that first kiss in the car.

Her hands soon made my jacket disappear, my shoes already having been toed off by myself.

My shirt soon followed as well. Her dress began to slip off her shoulder, and then finally, I showed her how perfect she was, and how much I loved her.


Bella smiled at me. It was dark in the room now, because we hadn't bothered with the candles. But I could still see her clearly. And I knew she could still see me.

She sighed contentedly. "I love you Jasper." She whispered.

"I love you too." I whispered back.

I stoked her bare back as she snuggled against me. The blankets were wrapped around us, even though we didn't need them. Her head was pillowed on my chest.

"You know, this was just like my first ever dreamt of you and me." She said softly after a few minutes.

I placed a quick kiss on the top of her head.

"Really? And what was it about?" I asked.

She was silent for a moment, remembering the dream I suppose.

"Well, it started as you and me in a cabin in the woods, like this one. And then we were snuggling. Only in the dream you told me to go to sleep. Then you kissed my forehead and I said I wanted a goodnight kiss, a real one, and you kissed me for real, and then I woke up." She said.

I nodded and looked down at her.

"You're wonderful." I said suddenly, out of no where.

"Huh?" She asked. Confused, happy, content.

I laughed. "You're just wonderful Bella. You really are. I mean…I just love you so very much." I said. She laughed and kissed my chest.

Then I pulled her up to my face and we kissed again.

To bad we had to leave in a few days to make it to Alice and Edward's wedding…

A/N There was the bit without a lemon. OKAY, so it's fair the next part is exactly the same, except when the little . thing appears up there in the next part there will be a lemon. Really it's just the chapter twice, but with lemony goodness. If you don't want the lemon, please just review now!

Chapter Thirty-Two: Honey Moon


(With the lemon)

"Here we are Bella." I said softly as we arrived to the cabin where we would be spending the next few days or so.

"It's perfect." Bella murmured. I swept her up in my arms then, and she laughed as we walked through the doorway like that.

Inside the cabin was even better looking. A bear rug, courtesy of Emmet, was on the floor in front of a fire place devoid of flame. There was a beautiful leather sofa in soft brown, and a large window through which I and my love could see the mountainside encased in its snowy blanket.

I carried Bella through another doorway, and came into a bedroom done in dark browns and warm colors.

A few unlit candles sat on available surfaces. A large four-poster bed took up a good deal of the space.

I sat Bella down on the bed.

"I love you." I said as I kissed her gently on the lips.

She giggled again.

"I love you too." She said sincerely. Then she smiled at me, and I couldn't help but smile back.

Love and affection were rolling off her in waves. But so too was desire and anticipation. But I didn't sense any fear in her, which made my heart swell.

"I am the luckiest man on Earth." I said kneeling in front of my beautiful angel.

She smiled at me. "How so?" She asked playfully.

I grinned up at her. "Because. I've got the most wonderful angel in the world as my wife. And only I will ever get to do this." I said, kissing her knee. She giggled again.

She was still in her wedding dress, and I was still in my tuxedo. But her dress had been pushed up her thigh a little bit.

She smiled at me again, and if it would have been able to, my heart would have skipped a few beats. Good thing it wasn't able to then, because going to the hospital would ruin the moment.

I took of her shoes first, smiling as she watched me with curiosity.

Then I stood back up and sat on the bed next to her.

She caressed my cheek gently, and then she smiled sadly.

"How could you love me Jasper? I mean, I'm perfect now, but you said you loved when I was weak and human. How? You were perfect then, still are, but I wasn't anywhere near perfect." She said.

I frowned at her. I took her hand from my face and held it in both of mine.

I kissed the finger that held the ring that marked her as mine, and then I smiled at her.

"No, you weren't perfect when you were human. And that's why I loved you. Because you surprised me sometimes, because you were so sweet and warm. And now I love you because I can spend eternity with you. Even if I don't deserve it." I said.

She shook her head, her brown curls swinging as well. I noticed her clip, and gently took it out after she stopped moving her head.

I kissed her then, and she kissed me back. It was just as wonderful as that first kiss in the car.

Her hands soon made my jacket disappear, my shoes already having been toed off by myself.


My shirt soon followed as well. Her dress began to slip off her shoulder, and I pushed it down just a tad more.

I kissed along her exposed neck, and she gasped a little as I nipped her skin.

"Do you trust me?" I asked softly in her ear.

She nodded. "Y-Yes." She said. I smile and then I kissed her full on the mouth. This kiss was different than all the others. It was hotter, more intense. She kissed back just as passionately as I did.

Soon the wedding dress, her tights, and my pant here on the floor. Her bra, underwear, and my boxers were all that was left.


I let my hands explore Jasper's body. Funny. When I was a human, his family was rock hard and icy cold.

He was still cold and hard to me, but not as much. Maybe it was because I was cold and nearly made of stone too?

I stopped thinking when he nibbled my earlobe. I heard a moan, but wasn't sure if it had been me or not. Was I even capable of making noises right now?

I was glad I didn't have to breathe; otherwise I would have passed out as he nipped and licked his way down my neck.

I felt (barely) my bra straps slide down my shoulders. I was hardly aware at all when it was finally gone, along with my panties. But I did know when I removed his boxers.

He climbed on top of me, and kissed me sweetly. I tensed when I felt him enter me, waiting for the pain. But there wasn't any. It did feel odd though. It was like I was getting invaded...but it felt so nice.

I hissed in pleasure as he started a fast pace of in and out.

It didn't take long for me to cry out in pure pleasure as I was hit with an orgasm.

A few more thrusts had him shouting in pleasure too.

For a few minutes we lay still. His weight on top of me felt wonderful, absolutely perfect.

After a while, my mind cleared and I realized something. We weren't sweaty, but we were definitely warmer.

"God, how much I love you." Jasper murmured into my ear.

I laughed and whispered back, "Show me." He chuckled and did just that.



Bella smiled at me. It was dark in the room now, because we hadn't bothered with the candles. But I could still see her clearly. And I knew she could still see me.

She sighed contentedly. "I love you Jasper." She whispered.

"I love you too." I whispered back.

I stoked her bare back as she snuggled against me. The blankets were wrapped around us, even though we didn't need them. Her head was pillowed on my chest.

"You know, this was just like my first ever dreamt of you and me." She said softly after a few minutes.

I placed a quick kiss on the top of her head.

"Really? And what was it about?" I asked.

She was silent for a moment, remembering the dream I suppose.

"Well, it started as you and me in a cabin in the woods, like this one. And then we were snuggling. Only in the dream you told me to go to sleep. Then you kissed my forehead and I said I wanted a goodnight kiss, a real one, and you kissed me for real, and then I woke up." She said.

I nodded and looked down at her.

"You're wonderful." I said suddenly, out of no where.

"Huh?" She asked. Confused, happy, content.

I laughed. "You're just wonderful Bella. You really are. I mean…I just love you so very much." I said. She laughed and kissed my chest.

Then I pulled her up to my face and we kissed again.

To bad we had to leave in a few days to make it to Alice and Edward's wedding…

A/N So…there you go folks! I know, the lemon sucked. Sorry. Its like 2 in the morning as I'm writing this. I know, I was supposed to have it up yesterday, but I got sidetracked. Sorry!

Anyway, next chapter is the last one. Alice and Edward's wedding. So again, thanks to all you wonderful readers and reviewers. You inspired me!! Lol, corny or what??

SORRY! MY KEYBAORD BROKE BEFORE I GOT A CHACNE TO UPDATE!! I COULND"T LOG IN WITHOUT IT!! But as you can clearly see, its fixed now. Actually I just got an older one that clicks really loudly when I type now. Its like a type writer! DING!