I began this story as a gift for my sister. She had become somewhat obsessed with the Zutara pairing, and since I didn't see the show going that way, I decided to write a story that had the ending the way she wanted. For a time, this is exactly what I did. I wrote a light hearted, cute story about a boy and a girl who slowly fell in love.

Mid-way through Eclipse, however, everything changed. A friend of mine lost her daughter in a tragic accident and turned to me for comfort. Writing suddenly became my outlet for all of those emotions, and I stopped thinking about what my sister would want and instead began writing from my heart. Pretty soon, more and more of my thoughts and ideas came out. Eclipse and Varedha became a tale of war, of love and loss and impossible decisions.

I want to thank everyone who has stuck with me over the past three years that I've written this. This has definitely been a roller coaster, and many of you have been on this ride with me since the beginning. You are the most amazing, not to mention the most patient, fans that any girl could ask for.

I will not be writing a full third installment to this series. However, I am toying with the idea of writing a series of one shots/ drabbles that talk about what happens in the future. For example, I might write a snippet about Katara teaching the next avatar, or Pakak's thoughts on his father, what Katara's arrival home was like, how Zuko and Mai's marriage turns out, etc. This one-shot series will most likely not be updated incredibly regularly, and will never evolve beyond one-shots/drabbles. If I do decide to write it, it will be under the title of 'The Paths We Chose.'

Again, thank you everyone for your support.