Kagome's family have just moved and when she discovers she had to go to a new school she's quite disheartened, especially when

Wow, my 30th chapter! Well excluding author's notes it comes to that, I'm surprised it's so long, infact I'm even more surprised people are still reading it. Thank you people!

With internet back on I'm posting one day after my previous, aren't' I such a kind author? In this chapter I decided to include a few other pupils from the school because as of yet I haven't shown that many OC's from the school. Anyway here is the 30th chapter, dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun...

Inuyasha: Start the godamn chapter already!

Fine... fine... but drum roll first!

Inuyasha: No drum roll! (Smashes drums) There!

(Pouts) Inuyasha you underestimate me... (Takes out more drums) Dun dun dun dun dun DUN!

Inuyasha: Finished?


Inuyasha: (Sigh) If it goes on like this I'll need serious therapy...

Start the chapter!


Inuyasha spent no time wasting before speaking, "No fucking way!"

Kagome also protested, "I said I'm not singing!"

Sango pouted, "You both promised already you'd do what you pulled out so just stop sulking."

There were cries of agreement from the crowd and Inuyasha jumped up, "Clear off already!"

After a moment everyone else had disappeared, Inuyasha say back down and folded his arms, "Break dancing!?"

"Beats ballet..." Miroku muttered.

Sango sighed and sat down, "Come on they aren't that bad. Right Kagome?" she said glancing at her.

Kagome paused before replying, "Well I suppose but—"

"Great then it's sorted." Sango interrupted.

"Sango what other things were in the box, you didn't let me put anything in." Miroku said.

Sango looked at the box in her hands and quickly put it behind her, "It doesn't matter now."

Inuyasha and Kagome exchanged glances and Kagome quickly pulled the box into her lap whilst Inuyasha tried his best to stop Sango from getting it back. Miroku merely watched the entertainment.

"Inuyasha get out the way!" Sango cried.

Kagome looked through the paper's and her eyes widened, "All that's in here is 'singing' and 'break-dancing' and each are a different side of the box depending on which side was closet to us at the time.

Inuyasha sat back down and they both glared at Sango who chuckled nervously before standing up, "Is that the time? I better go."

They all watched as she vanished until Kagome asked, "So Inu are we doing the two things or not? I understand if you don't want to do break dancing."

Inuyasha shrugged, "Could be worse."

"Eh!" Kagome cried surprised, "B-But... you were protesting a second ago!"

"Could it be Kagome you want him to not do it so that you don't have to either." Miroku stated.

Kagome bit her lip for a moment as they stared at her suspiciously before standing up angrily, "Of course not Miroku! Stop saying nonsense!" turning to Inuyasha she said, "I'm going to class, I'll meet you there!"

As she disappeared into the building Inuyasha and Miroku exchanged glances, "What was all that about?" Miroku asked.

Inuyasha shrugged and looked back to see her just entering the school.


After school the four met at the gate.

"So we're all decided what we're gonna do then for the talent show?" Sango said.

Inuyasha nodded, "I guess... I have a few choices of songs I can dance too."

"Yeah and I'll dance with whatever you choose." Miroku said sadly.

Sango smiled and turned to Kagome, "Know what you're singing yet?"

Kagome lifted her head, "Huh?"

"Get your head out of the clouds." Inuyasha said tapping her on the head lightly.

Kagome looked at him with a puzzled expression, "What?"

"Gee, Kagome you must have been really out of it." Sango joked, "I said do you know what you're singing yet?"

Kagome shook her head, "Not yet..." she murmurred.

"Well there's time but remember our promise, you said you'd do it." Sango said.

"Yeah well I didn't know you'd only put two things in the box did I?" Kagome muttered.

Sango smiled weakly, "Yeah... well bye." she said linking arms with Miroku and dragging him off.

Inuyasha sighed, "Let's go."

Kagome nodded and both turned to walk when she suddenly heard her voice being called, turning her head she spotted Kikyo running to her with Naraku walking a way behind.

"Kikyo?" she asked when she'd reached her.

"As you know I was absent part of the last lesson because I had to meet Kaede but Naraku just told me that you're singing." Kikyo explained.

Kagome nodded, "Yeah I am."

Kikyo smiled, "I'm glad, you had a great singing voice when we were little."

"You sang when you were little?" Inuyasha asked.

"Of course not." she replied smiling, "It wasn't proper singing, just things like T.V. lyrics when I was four."

"Huh?" Kikyo asked.

"One second..." Kagome said walking off a few feet with Kikyo and whispering something.

Inuyasha using his highly sensitive dog ears listened to what they were saying but was interrupted as Naraku came forward.

"What they talking about?"

"I'm trying to listen if you'll be quiet." he murmurred.

Naraku smirked, "Eavesdropping on your own girlfriend."

Inuyasha sent him a glare and turned back around to listen only to realise them done talking and walking back.

"What were you talking about?" Inuyasha asked.

"Nothing much." Kagome replied.

"Yeah just girl talk." Kikyo said, "Well bye, oh and Inuyasha, I look forward to your act." she said with a smile.

Inuyasha nodded slightly trying to hide his embarrassment, as Naraku and Kikyo walked off hand in hand Inuyasha walked off with Kagome.


Reaching her doorstep Kagome turned around and smiled, "I'll see you at school then."

Inuyasha smiled too, "See you."

Leaning forward the two kissed one another and stayed like that for a few moments until the door opened behind her. Breaking away Kagome looked behind her to see Souta along with a girl around his same age with long brown hair and eyes.

"Huh?" Kagome asked.

"Oh hi Kagome, this is Ayame." Souta said, "Ayame this is my sister and her boyfriend Inuyasha."

The girl called Ayame looked from Kagome to Inuyasha and smiled, "Inuyasha..."

"Hm?" Inuyasha asked.

The girl smiled, "Oh I get it, you're the dog-boy Souta was talking to me about!"

Kagome sweatdropped and turning her head saw Inuyasha with a pulsing vein on his forehead and clenched fists.

"Easy Inu." she murmurred, turning back around she said, "It was nice to meet you Ayame."

"You're Kagome right?"

Kagome nodded, "I'm glad Souta mentioned me."

Ayame smiled, "So you're the loud-mouthed person Souta talked about, I wondered what you were like."

Kagome opened her mouth in shock and she heard Inuyasha sniggering, turning around she sent him a glare and then turned back around to see Ayame and smiled weakly, "I guess so..."

The girl smiled back and turning around hugged Souta and planted a kiss on his cheek much to the embarrassed Souta, "Bye Souta, see you at school!" she cried.

Kagome stood to the side and let the girl pass who ran to the end of the path and then stepped into a car that had just parked a few moments ago. Waving from inside the car Kagome watched as the car drove off.


Kagome turned her attention back to Souta to find Inuyasha with Souta in a headlock and grinding his fists into his head, "Dog-boy eh! We'll see who's a dog-boy!"

Kagome sighed, "Inuyasha..."

Inuyasha looked at her, "What?"

Kagome walked forward so she was hovering above Souta, "Let me have a chance to beat him up aswell."

Souta gulped and cried, "M-Mum!"


Walking upstairs Kagome quickly got changed and then switched on her computer, logging into MSN she found her friends also logged on. Smiling she decided to talk...

Enter Kagome

Kagome: Hello guys!

Ayumi: Kagome!

Eri: Hi Kagome!

Yuka: I'm so happy we can talk to you today!

Each of them all sent replies immediately and Kagome smiled and began typing...

Kagome: So are you still up for Friday?

Yuka: Well duh...

Ayumi: Of course!

Eri: Will we get to meet those friends of yours again?

Kagome: Yeah it looks that way; they want to meet you too and said they're coming over on Friday.

Yuka: Really? That's great!

Ayumi: That Inuyasha was so cute! His dog ears were cuter...

Eri: Yeah and that Sango and Miroku were really kind!

Kagome sweatdropped...

Kagome: Yeah and we're also taking part in a talent show.


Eri: OMG!

Ayumi: You have to let us help!

Yuka: Too right!

Kagome: Hold on! You can help me AND my friends, I'll tell you all about it when you come on the Friday.

Ayumi: Fine...

Kagome smiled as she typed away, she couldn't wait till she met them in two days time.


The next day Inuyasha walked the last few streets to school with Kagome, he wanted to ask her something but didn't want to seem too pushy. As he thought he figured out a way to weave his question in.

"So do you know what you're singing yet?"

"No not yet." Kagome replied.

"You're friends can probably help you pick one out." he stated.

Kagome smiled, "I guess."

"So are you going to tell your friends about me and you?" he asked.

Kagome stopped walking and sighed, turning around she said, "Inuyasha..." she paused for a moment before continuing, smiling she said, "Of course I'll tell them tomorrow."

"I know." he murmurred, "But I just wanted to know why you hadn't already told them."

Kagome opened her mouth to say something when she was suddenly interrupted by Miroku, "There they are!"

Kagome turned her head to see Sango, Miroku and another girl who Kagome knew as Hirai, she was a demon but was kind and her only power was that of being able to create fire.

"Hi you two." Sango said reaching them, "Oh Kagome Kaede wants to meet you soon, Kikyo came and told me."

"What for?" Kagome asked.

Hirai shrugged, "Who knows."

Suddenly Inuyasha spotted Miroku's left hand wandering to Hirai, he decided to stay quiet and watch what happened as he knew Hirai's actions already.

"Agh!" she cried as he groped her, turning her head she glared at him and Miroku smiled nervously.

"S-sorry, my hand slipped." he said.

Sango growled and to Kagome's surprise Hirai suddenly began to burn with flames, turning fully to Miroku she suddenly sent an explosion of fire and sent him flying back into a tree.

Just as suddenly as she had turned fiery, Hirai turned back to normal and said to Sango, "I gotta go now. If anyone spots what I did I'll be in detention, bye!" she cried quickly running off and leaving burnt footprints in the grass.

Kagome sighed, "I best go meet my cousin."

"I still can't believe someone that old is merely a cousin." Sango said, "Forgive my rudeness."

Kagome smiled, "Kay, well see you Inu." she said before running off.


Inuyasha watched her go away and sighed.

"Huh what's matter Inuyasha?" Sango asked.

"Nothing much." he murmurred.

Sango knew he was lying but Inuyasha was grateful she decided to drop it and go help her burnt boyfriend.


"Kaede?" Kagome asked knocking on the door and opening it.

Kaede who was stood looking outside the window turned and smiled, "Ah Kagome come in."

"Kikyo told Sango who told me you wanted to see me." Kagome stated walking into the middle of the room and taking a seat offered to her.

Kaede nodded and sitting in her seat behind the desk said, "Now I understand that you may be having some hard times but it's okay to let it all out dear."

"Huh?" Kagome asked confused.

Kaede smiled weakly, "And I also understand if you need time off to help."

"Kaede what are you on about?" Kagome asked.

"Well don't you know?" Kaede asked.

"About what?"

"Oh... never mind." Kaede said.

Kagome lifted an eyebrow, "Tell me Kaede."

"Nothing, I must have got it wrong. You can go now."

Kagome was still suspicious but decided to let it go for now, standing up and saying goodbye she left the room.


The rest of the school day went by quickly and as the school bell went all the students quickly ran outside.

As Kagome and Inuyasha walked home as usual it wasn't long till Inuyasha asked, "So... I know I keep asking but I just need to know, are you ashamed of me?"

Kagome stopped in her tracks and looked at him with widened eyes, "What?! Why would you think something like that?"

"Well you haven't told your friends we're going out." he replied, "I just thought you know as you haven't told them."

Kagome softened her eyes, "Inuyasha I haven't told them because I hardly talk to them."

"Well what about when you spoke on the phone?"

"Inuyasha I didn't tell them because I wanted to tell them in person." Kagome replied getting slightly annoyed at his persistence.

"Then tomorrow will be a great opportunity then." Inuyasha said folding his arms.

Kagome frowned, "It's not that easy."

"Then when will you tell them?" Inuyasha asked, "If ever..."

"I'll try and tell them this weekend but I have to be careful, there my friends and I usually tell them everything and I don't want them to feel betrayed that I didn't say."

"Why didn't you say though? If you told them everything why couldn't' you tell about your boyfriend?" Inuyasha said, his voice now slightly raised, few passer by's glanced at them.

"Because I wanted to tell them in person!" Kagome cried taking a step back.

"Juts admit it, you're ashamed of me! Why wouldn't you be, after all I am just a half demon!"

Kagome's eyes widened, "How could you think like that! Do you think I'd be going out with you if I were ashamed of you?!"

"I don't know what to think anymore." Inuyasha murmurred, "Recently you've been more distant, and you've hardly spoken to me all day today."

"Well I can't help it if I have a lot on my mind, and sorry if I don't talk to you every second of my life!" Kagome shouted angrily feeling tears in her eyes, "You're such a jerk Inuyasha!"

Inuyasha glared at her, "Guess it's you who brings out the worst in me then."

A single tear fell down Kagome's cheek; she didn't want Inuyasha to see her crying...

"Then I guess we should split up then!" she cried.


"Fine!" she shouted, turning around she took a step to walk off but stopped and turned her head around, "You've changed Inuyasha, I don't know who you are anymore." she murmurred before running away as fast as her legs could carry her, as she turned a corner tears were streaming down her cheeks.

Why was he so horrible... that's not the Inuyasha I know.


Inuyasha watched as she ran off and looked down at the floor, his hands were fists and his expression was blank.

Kagome was never like that before... she'd changed... and I don't like the new Kagome.

Hanging his head Inuyasha walked back home.


oO Took me a while to write this as I had to keep stopping in order to look after my baby sis. But good news is I have internet back, whoo! You can expect quicker updates now as I wont' have to keep going to the library. Oh and for those of you still wondering what's going on with the Higurashi's that Kaede knows about you'll just have to keep reading to find out.

P.S. – As an extra to my story I'll let you readers have a part in it to say thanks, you won't be a main character but you will be one of the school students that the group meet in the upcoming chapters. Just say your name, age, description of yourself and an optional choice of what you'll do in the talent show although you don't have to take part in it. Set it out like this and I'll include you, on and you don't have to describe yourself as what you look like in real life. Example for me...

Name: Mikki (Demon)

Age: 14

Description: Long lilac hair that reaches her back and blue eyes. Has two small blue horns on head and gets fangs when she is angry. Has a bit of strength and is able to mix with boy's heads.

Talent show(Optional): Sword fighting

(Who knows, maybe your characters will be introduced more in future chapters)