A/N: Major pot fumes in here. SR was VERY planned out, and it failed spectacularly, so I'm attempting to write with only the bare skeleton in my mind. Wish me luck.

Warning or whatever: I'm not sure, let's take this chap-by-chap, eh?

Disclaimer: No matter how many you guys ask, Matt and Trey, I WON'T take South Park off your hands. STOP CALLING ME!


"Leopold, this is a pretty big step. Are you certain that you're ready for this?"

"Sure I am!"

"I really think it'd be best if we dealt with the issues at hand before moving on to this."

"It's not an issue!" The petite blonde was starting to feel the repetition of the conversations he and his therapist shared closing in, until soon they would be repeated the two same phrases back and forth to each other again and again in an "Are so!" "Are not!" manner. However much she disagreed, he found the subject subjective, although he understood that if the decision of classification between objecting and subjective was between the opinion of a sixteen year old boy and a doctor, his odds weren't good. So once again, loathing the sound of the same words on his voice, he gave his argument. "This is just who I am, not some mental illness or something. I feel more comfortable this way, and it doesn't hurt anything, so what's the problem?"

"In all honesty, Leopold," She leaned forward; a clean-looking thirty-something with straight black hair and emo style glasses that came together to give her a more youthful appearance than her consistently sarcastic face had and a tendency for plain turtlenecks and long gypsy skirts, her long, pale fingers looping together over her knee, "It's not up to you OR me whether it's a real issue. It's about who writes the checks." She gave him a what-are-you-gonna-do grin; showing well aligned but coffee-stained teeth.

Leopold was struck into pouty silence. By "who writes the checks," they both knew she meant his father.

"Well, anyway, I can do just fine. Don't worry about me. We both knew I was gonna have to do this at some time, right?" He smiled, trying to give off an optimistic aura. This, if nothing else, was something he was very good at.

"Well…we could always wait another semester. I'm sure your dad would be much happier about all this if you—"

"My dad can go to heck!" And he grinned triumphantly. This was a new talent he had acquired since starting the weekly sessions three years ago; the ability to speak honestly about his father (when he wasn't in the room, at any rate. He wasn't CRAZY.)

"If you say so. Just tell him I tried, eh?"

"I will."

"We should start wrapping things up…" She stood, tall and slightly emaciated, and crossed the small room toward her patient. "Leo, beyond money and whatever, I really do like you."

"I really like you too, Dr. Kata!" Good thing, considering that over the past three years, the only one outside his immediate family he kept consistent contact with was the woman before him.

"Remember you can call me any time you need me."

"You, too."

She smiled. It was a very stupid comment, but very…Leopold.

":Besides, what's so scary about public school, anyway?" The blonde stood, smoothed out his pale pink mini skirt, and followed his therapist out of the office door.

A/N: Please review--I understand that there's not exactly...ah...a DEMAND for this pairing, but...go to deviantart and look at sakurapanda's crap. LOOK AT IT. ;-; You can kind of get the feeling I'm aiming for, at any rate.