Summary: Watch how a single fart could bring two people together. Natsume and Mikan pairing. Please do read and review.

Author's Notes: Ok, you could sue me now because I'm not updating my other fics, but then, I had a great idea while I was watching a Naruto special and I must not let it put to waste. Therefore, I made another story so please read and enjoy.

By the way, if any of you want to befriend me then I'm always accepting new friends, but then, I don't place them in my profile. Why? I advice you to visit my profile so you would know.

Again, please don't forget to drop by a review after you finished reading and tell me what you feel about it, constructive criticisms are welcome; they are needed to improve my work. Even if your reviews are already out of date, it doesn't matter,

I also would like to apologize to the people who reviewed in my other fics, I'm sorry I can't reply to you, it's just that I'm so busy.

Anyways, here is the story.

Disclaimer: I don't own Gakuen Alice.

Chapter 1- The fart

Hi, I'm Mikan Sakura and I study at Alice Academy. I'm 18 years of age and would be 19 this coming New Year.

God, I'm so excited, Christmas Ball's fast approaching, and I've must have a date of my own!

Actually, I already have someone in my mind who I wanted to invite. He's name is…

Ruka Nogi…

His blinding blonde hair and dazzling blue orbs would simply make a girl head over heels of him in just a snap of a finger.

He loves animals more than girls do, I don't know why, maybe it's because of his alice; it's both a relief and a burden as well. It's a relief because it's a good thing to know that Ruka doesn't have a love interest as of the moment. It's a burden because it's sad to know that some students started to spread a false rumor about him being a gay. However, those who started the rumor were absent for two whole weeks for being lavishly attacked by…


Nobody knew the logic behind it but the answer seems to remain to be one of the schools 7 mysteries.

Being a simple, good, and understanding man, it's very hard to believe that he is the one and only best friend of Natsume Hyuuga.

Natsume Hyuuga, that bastard…

He's the man that most women fantasize; really, I don't know why they are head over heels with him. All I could say is that they are all abnormal, but then whenever I voice out my insights about them being abnormal, they say that I'm the one that is abnormal, not them. Oh God, come what may.

Oh better get out of bed, class is about to start.

Damn it, there's no more food in the fridge, there's only Milk and Cola in here. Useless… Natsume thought as he looked for something to feed on his stomach.

I guess there's no choice… he thought as he chose…


Without even looking for it's expiry date.

Mikan went out of her bed and did her daily routines. She tried to do her routines as fast as she could, so she could fulfill her plan.

What plan?

You'll see later.

She looked at the clock and saw that it's already 7:00. 30 minutes before classes start.

Perfect, she thought happily as she hopped out of her dorm and made her way to the classroom.

On her way to school, she saw the man she wanted to see the most…

"Good morning, Ruka!" she said happily as she joined him on walking.

"Good morning too, Mikan-chan" he greeted back.

Oh it's heaven.

Mission accomplished.

She praised herself as they went to the classroom together.

Goddammit! My stomach's upset. I think that milk did this. Great, I have to endure this all day. a pissed raven-haired, crimson-eyed lad thought as he fought his way to class, with the efforts of not sweating to cover up the stomach pain he's enduring right now.

And the class started.

Lunch Break…

The cafeteria was jam-packed with hungry monsters and it's not easy to get a chair in there. So Mikan stood alone in the middle of the crowd, looking for a vacant seat.

Hotaru had a meeting so she can't accompany her.

However, God was so good to her.

"Mikan-chan, would you mind if I join you look for a seat?" a manly voice said.

Mikan's eyes twinkled in delight and immediately.

"Hai! Ruka-pyon! Yorokonde!" she happily replied.

So they joined forces, and tried to look for an empty seat. However, their efforts were futile for the students thought hunger is greater than Ruka's charm.

They gave up and decided to just wait for someone to finish their lunch so they could replace their seats.

"So, where's Natsume?" Mikan started a conversation.

"He said he still has something to do and he'll just catch up with me" Ruka replied.

What he didn't know, Natsume's just hiding in the CR, trying to ease the pain in his stomach. But he didn't release it. He doesn't want the whole CR to smell like shit.

Making sure that the pain in his stomach is bearable, he went out of the CR and went to the cafeteria to catch up with Ruka.

Ruka and Mikan were enjoying chatting while standing since there's still no vacant seat.

"Natsume, here!" Ruka shouted at his bestfriend as he saw that Natsume was looking for him at the entrance of the cafeteria.

When Natsume saw Ruka, he went to his direction with an empty expression.

What they don't know is that, the pain in his stomach is getting stronger and stronger, he felt that he could no longer bear it anymore. He has to find a solution ASAP.

Then he saw a certain brunette with Ruka.

That idiot.

Then it clicked!

He didn't care if what he would do would ruin her reputation or is bad. The only thing on his mind is to put a relief in his agony.

Everything seemed to be in slow motion, it takes a great amount of timing to make his plan a success.

He slowly approached Ruka and Mikan. Mikan was facing her back on him since he was talking to Ruka and Ruka was facing him, a perfect position.

Mikan was now near him, he walked past her in a swift movement, but when he was beside her, he farted.


Note: When he farted, Mikan was beside her in the split-second, but when the people realized that someone farted in Mikan's direction, Natsume was already beside Ruka, the safe side. Which meant…

Mikan. Is. Blamed. For. Farting.

Everyone in the cafeteria fell silent.

"What's that smell?"

"The smell's too strong!"

"This smell is shit!"

"Smelled like crap!"

"Oh God, this is so gross!"

"Help! I felt like fainting!"

An estimate of 20 people fainted from a single swig of fart that they smelled.

To the people around, the smell is hell. But for Natsume, the feeling is heaven.

Mikan's too shocked to speak from shock. But when she regained consciousness…


Chapter 2 Preview:

Mikan became an instant celebrity because of the fart and the newspaper club members published a newspaper the day after with the headline of "1:20… 1 FART, 20 PEOPLE FAINTED"

Please don't forget to read and review, please don't remain silent. You could also read and review my other fics. Thanks.

Happy Easter…