It's been a while, although not as long as last time! Thanks for all the wonderful reviews! I do have to ask though, if you're going to add me to your favourite authors/have any of my stories as your favourites, could you please leave a review to tell me why? I love seeing what people think :D Here's a slightly longer than usual chapter to make up for the delay!

A month had gone past before Harry could even blink, and before he knew it, Draco was preparing to go back to Hogwarts. Harry felt… scared. They had spent every day together, attempting to become closer as a family. Draco had felt the baby kick for the first time just a few weeks ago, and the look on his face had been enough to lift Harry's mood for the entire day. It was like they were having a honeymoon period at last, after so many things having gone wrong. Harry had laughed to himself at the thought of their honeymoon coming before they were even married, an event that was still some time off.

There were still two school years left before Draco graduated, but Narcissa was planning everything already. She had said that the sooner they began preparations, the sooner the wedding would come. While she had been the one to insist that despite the children, Draco would wait to be married, Harry could tell that she thought of him as some kind of whore. She seemed to genuinely love Sebastian and, judging by the amount she was spending on the new nursery, she was also keen on the idea of the new baby. Harry had been speechless the first time he stepped inside, and this had seemed to please his future mother-in-law.

He was in the breakfast room with her now, eating pieces of fruit that he had cut up into small, manageable pieces. He had begun to count them, to make sure that it was just enough, and not a chunk more, but had been able to stop himself in time. He didn't have to restrict, not anymore, especially not when he was pregnant. Draco had said indulgently that he was allowed to eat whatever he wanted, as the food would just go towards sustaining the child. And as Draco had added later, it was always better to eat too much than too little when considering a baby. His chest felt tender these days, and Harry noted with some trepidation, that he would have to… breastfeed this time around. The idea of it made him shudder – it was one thing about his disastrous last pregnancy that he hadn't minded. Pushing the disturbing thought away, Harry carried on eating, unwilling to ruin his appetite.

It was then that the owls flew in. Narcissa frowned, and Harry knew she was annoyed by the fact the owls had come while they were still eating. In a way, she was protective over him, although Harry put it down to concern over the baby, and she did not appreciate anyone interrupting his meals. The owls were supposed to come afterwards, when they were having tea in one of the gardens. But now that they were here, Harry felt that he had to attend to them, and passing over Narcissa's letters to her, he set his down by the side of his plate while he finished off the fruit. Narcissa looked approvingly at him and began to tear the envelopes open with the letter-knife. Harry picked up his own, feeling awkward as he ripped open the letters with his own fingers. There was one from Hermione, one from the Healer with whom he had booked an appointment, and… someone he didn't recognise.

Confusedly, Harry pulled out the sheet of parchment and scanned it. It took quite a few re-reads before Harry could accept that he was seeing what he was seeing.

Dear Mr. Potter,

Your hearing is on the 14th September. You will be before the Wizengamot on charges of endangering the life of a child and attempting to induce a miscarriage. Mr. Oliver Wood has also filed for custody of one Sebastian Malfoy claiming neglect and child abuse. As the biological father of your son, he is within his rights to do so. If the charges prove true, full custody will be awarded to Mr. Wood. It is suggested that you hire a Law Wizard to speak for you.


Madam Bones

Right underneath the signature was the Wizengamot stamp, proving to Harry that this was not some kind of sick joke. His heart was beating madly in his chest, and his ears were ringing loudly. He only came to when Narcissa had called out to him, concerned.

"Harry, what is the matter? Come, let me see this letter." She took it from his hands and scanned it, her eyes darting quickly across the page. The only outward sign of shock she showed was the slight raise of her eyebrows, which lasted for only a second. Harry wasn't even sure he had actually seen it. Desperately, he waited for Narcissa to look up again. Surely she would have some way to fix this. Narcissa was clever, much older than him and she had been married to Lucius Malfoy, one of the best Law Wizards around. She would know what to do, wouldn't she?

Narcissa sent him to compose a letter to Oliver while she Flooed her contacts, trying to get someone to take their case and Harry did so promptly with one of the Malfoy owls, Hedwig nowhere in sight. He would have liked to have the comfort of his owl right now, considering Draco and Sebastian were out and he didn't have any way of contacting them. As it was, he was sitting with his back rigid in a soft-backed chair, unable to relax into it. His foot was tapping anxiously against the carpeted floor, and Harry tried to remember what he had written in an attempt to pass the time and prevent his sanity from abandoning him.


Why are you doing this? You're happy with Collette, aren't you? You have your own baby to look after. Why can't you leave us alone? I thought we had agreed to keep this all a secret. Surely you can't want all of your dirty laundry aired like this… Please, leave us alone, I can't cope with you doing this now. Me and Draco and Seb are happy as we are. Seb doesn't need another dad mixed into all of this. Please, if you're just doing this out of revenge, please stop. You don't understand what this is doing to me already, and the trial hasn't even begun. And full custody of Seb? He has a perfectly good loving home already. He doesn't need to be taken away from it.


Before Harry could leap up and leave the room in his agitation, the window opened magically and the Malfoy owl flew back in. It only stayed long enough to drop the letter and was promptly out again, presumably to go back to the Owlery. Harry expected that that meant that Oliver did not want a response. His fingers trembling, Harry fumbled with the official-looking parchment, breaking the wax seal on the back of the envelope with trepidation.

Mr. Potter,

My client wishes not to enter into a correspondence with you. He will see you on the 14th September, where you may state your case. Please note that your letter may be used as evidence in court.

Good day,

Charles Frebenum

Harry's eyes shut tight as his heart clenched. Merlin, he couldn't deal with this right now. Even the idea of Oliver getting his hands on Sebastian made him sick. It wasn't that he thought Oliver would hurt Sebastian – no, he'd seen how furious the elder had been with him after Seb was born. It was that Harry could no longer imagine a life without his small family. The Weasleys had done well by him thus far, but the special connection he shared with his fiancé and son couldn't be replicated. To have that cruelly torn from him… No, he couldn't, wouldn't think of it.

Harry didn't know how long he sat there for, but he did know that when he looked up again, hearing a knock on the door, the sky outside was dim with evening light. Draco came in, and it was all Harry could do not to throw himself into the Slytherin's arms. Instead, he walked over sedately, and leaned into Draco's shoulder, his round stomach bumping against Draco's hip. He breathed in Draco's scent, hoping that somehow, his fiancé would make everything better again. Draco hugged him tightly and kissed his hair, whispering comforting nothings into Harry's hair.

"Draco, he won't see sense. He wants to take away Seb, and… they're going to try me." Draco sighed.

"I know, Harry. Mother notified me. I came home as quickly as I could. Don't worry, we'll get through this." Harry couldn't keep it in any longer.

"But I'm guilty! They're going to put me in jail and Seb will be taken away from us and he'll never know his real dads…" Harry felt Draco freeze, and he looked up at the Slytherin, hoping to catch his expression. There was a hint of… something that Harry couldn't quite discern.

"You… consider me his father?" Draco asked, hesitantly. Harry's eyes widened.

"Of course I do! You're the one who's looked after him for basically his life so far. If anyone has a claim to him, it's you. I just wish that they'd acknowledge that kind of thing in court."

"Don't worry, Harry. I'll make them see sense. They won't get our son." Harry nodded, closing his eyes again. Yes, Draco would make things right again.

'Is Our Golden Boy Tarnished?' read the headline of the Daily Prophet the following day. A picture of a scrawny looking Harry (it must have been from months back then) holding his infant son sat under the heading. As the real Harry watched, picture Harry ducked out of view into a shop, clutching Sebastian tightly to his chest. He sighed. He had hoped that the trial would stay secret until it had at least begun, but no such luck. Well, at least there seemed to be no details about the trial itself, just that it appeared that the Boy-Who-Lived wasn't so perfect after all.

Harry didn't mind. It was better than what Teen Witch Weekly had done at any rate. Apparently, for about the last year, they'd been tracking him (along with other teenage celebrities). Harry had been appalled when he found out – did they know nothing about privacy? Because the readership of the magazine was so small (it was aimed at teenage girls, but they preferred the more mature Witch Weekly) they had resorted to dirty tactics to up their audience. The worrying thing was, they had done a spread of him over the past year, and seemed to have picked up on his constantly changing weight.

Draco had said he didn't want him to look at the pictures, in case it triggered him, but Harry had managed to see a few of him in what looked like January. He was a skeleton. It was surprising that he had managed to last that long in his opinion. Draco did allow him to see one picture however, and Harry had been nervous when he saw the obvious (to him and Draco) bump peeking through his robes. The magazine didn't seem to have spotted that, however. All for the better, really – the longer they could hide it the better. Harry wasn't particularly looking forward to the media storm once they found out.

Holding a hand over his stomach protectively, Harry stood up from the breakfast table, excusing himself to Narcissa. She smiled faintly at him and waved him off. With this dismissal, Harry made his way to Draco's study, from where he would be travelling to the Weasleys to finally tell them the good news before meeting Draco at St. Mungo's for his appointment. Harry was incredibly excited – he was eager to find out the sex of the child, wanting everything to be perfect in the nursery. Both he and Narcissa were firm believers in colour-coding by gender. Harry had a feeling as the sex of the baby, but wasn't entirely sure. You never could be, could you?

Throwing Floo powder into the fireplace, Harry shouted out his destination. The twirling around made him feel a little nauseous, but that was better than how travelling by the Knight Bus or side-along would make him feel. The idea of the sensation of being squeezed through a tight tube made him want to be sick. Obviously, it wasn't particularly good for the baby either, and Harry was determined to do right by his child this time around. Coming out in the kitchen of the Burrow, Harry spotted Ginny sitting there with a large bowl of ice cream that she seemed to be enjoying quite thoroughly. Concealing a smirk, and not wanting to cause a fight, Harry coughed slightly. Ginny all but scurried from the room, calling for her mother as she went. Ever since she had been made to apologise to him, after hearing the whole story, she had been as meek as a mouse around him.

Molly sat him down at the table and pushed a mug of hot chocolate in front of him with Arthur not far behind her. Smiling, they sat across from him. Harry grasped the mug firmly, happy to see that it was the one he had decorated his first Christmas here. He took a small sip from the warm drink (Molly was very good about never giving him anything too hot) and looked down, unsure how to start. But, he had to, didn't he? The Weasleys had looked after him as best as they could and he owed it to them to keep them updated on his life.

"Mr Weasley… Mrs Weasley…" He took a deep breath, not daring to look up. "I have something to tell you." He dared a look up to see his surrogate parents exchange a worried look.

"Harry, if there's anything wrong–" Harry interrupted quickly, not wanting them to go down that road. "No, everything's good! Better than good actually. I've already told this to Narcissa and Draco, but I wanted to make sure that everything would be okay before I started telling other people. I'm going for a check-up today, but…" he paused, and then pushed on – "I'm pregnant again." He heard the gasp of shock from Molly, and froze, his heart beating nervously. What would she say?

"And… things are alright this time? You're not sick?" Arthur asked him while he collected his wits about him. Harry gave him a grateful smile. They were always thinking of him. Molly had stood up and was currently making her way over to him, where Harry was sure she'd give him the hug of his life. He wasn't disappointed and Molly cried, muttering things Harry couldn't quite discern. When she'd calmed herself down, and was back in her seat, she spoke, haltingly.

"Harry, please tell me. You did want this baby, didn't you? I hope Draco didn't pressure you into this." Harry was confused. How would Draco make him have a baby? The confusion must have shown clearly on his face, as Arthur carried on.

"In all these traditional pureblood families, you generally want at least two children – one being the heir, and one being the… spare, so to speak," Harry's eyes widened, and Arthur hastened to add "Not that I'm saying that's what Draco had in mind, but…" Evidently, that was what he was saying, and Harry smiled.

"Don't worry. Draco and I want to have as many children as we can," although Draco didn't know this yet. He was of the opinion that Harry was far too delicate. "And it's easier at this point in my life, isn't it? I'm guaranteed to become pregnant, and I already have one child. Having another won't make much difference." Molly seemed to frown at this, but Harry suspected it was because she had had to raise all of her children herself, whereas Harry had the support of both his mother-in-law and the Malfoy house elves.

They talked for some time, but eventually, looking up at the Weasley clock, Harry saw his name pointing to 'Late' on the face. Hurriedly, he once again threw Floo powder into the fireplace and this time, came out in the foyer of St. Mungo's. The receptionist showed him to the room where he was to have his examination and he grinned when he saw that Draco was already there. He received a kiss as his welcome, and on the directions of the Healer, changed into the hospital gown behind a screen (aided by Draco, of course). Harry was both excited and nervous, having never experienced this before. The Healer was nice enough though, making sure that he felt comfortable.

"Good afternoon, Mr Potter, Mr Malfoy. My name is Healer Winters, and I will be looking over you today. Firstly, have you noticed any female parts developing?" Harry blushed and spared a quick glance towards Draco, who looked just as embarrassed as he.

"Um, yes. I have br-breasts and there's a… a thing…" Harry's throat closed up and he was unable to go any further, so totally mortified was he. Boys were not ever supposed to have to talk about these things. Winters seemed to take pity on him though, as she brought out a chart that made Harry's ears burn and Draco cough and look away. The pictures illustrated the development of the birth canal and it looked like Harry was in the third of five preliminary stages. The last five wouldn't happen until he was giving birth. Harry was glad that he'd never have to see part of himself look as grotesque as that. However, casting a sympathetic look towards his fiancé, he was the lucky one. Draco had gone mildly green. Well, Harry thought, better you than me.