I'm back

I'm back! I know, its amazing Recently, my friend (and fellow Imaginer) read Arranged Love, my most successful story to date. And after reading it, she told me to write a sequel. People have asked for it before, so I hope that this turns out as great or greater than the first!

Kimiko's POV

So much time has passed. It's been one year since I've married Raimundo. The self-proclaimed love of my life. My fairy tale romance. The classic story of my life that you tell your children. Like most romances, it didn't start out that way.

To be short, bad things happened to me. I got too deep into a relationship with someone who could never love me. In moments of defiance against this man whose cons seriously outnumbered the pros, I tried to leave him. Notice the word tried. Whatever went on inside his egotistical, seriously fucked up mind, ended up seriously scarring me for a long while afterward. In an attempt to not scar anyone else as well, the condensed version is that this lunatic, we'll call him Greg, went berserk, and raped me. Sadly, this happens more and more everyday. After a while, the scars still hadn't healed. Emotions became something that I kept to myself and didn't want from other people. The few people allowed into my life consisted of my Father, and my best friend Keiko.

Of course, all that changed when my Dad arranged a marriage for me. To some unknown guy in Brazil. At first I thought my Dad was only seeing money signs. But, as the circle of life goes on, and knowing that my father wasn't getting any older, I agreed to the marriage. At first, I was a complete brat to this unknown guy. Wouldn't you? Someone you've never met, is marrying you...at the end of the week. Which is crazy talk. I couldn't believe it. I ended up immediately falling for this man, Raimundo. Truth be told though, I was so scared that I would be hurt again, and I made it hard for Raimundo to get close to me. Eventually though, with tender love and care, and the slow, small baby steps that our relationship took, we really did end up falling in love. As the date of the wedding came, everything fell into place for me. I began smiling more and more, and laughing too. If you had asked me a month before if I regularly laughed or smiled, the answer you would get would be a big fat No!

But wait, it gets better. This is where the drama begins. Greg got out of jail. As any successful businessman would, he had connections, and was able to get out. And when did he get out you ask? On my wedding day. Trying to repeat, or maybe finish what he started, he tried to rape me. Lets just say that Raimundo more or less beat the shit out of the mother-fucking bastard. Needless to say, I had barely came out of my shell of a life, and for this to happen, I was put right back into an untrustworthy state. Keiko had tried to comfort me, but in the end, Raimundo had clinched it for me. As fluffy as it sounds, his love really did save me. His love was food for my dying soul.

And of course we were married; I only love the guy more than life itself. I'm going to totally babble, but Raimundo is everything I could ever want. It makes me think that there really is a God. Someone was looking at me, at my shit-tastic life, and wanted to fix it. And boy, did they. Raimundo is my best friend. My soul mate, and the only person for me. The person who completes me so perfectly. He can make anything better for me, turn any wrong thing into a right, and if we ever fight, I somehow always end up in his arms. I'm going to spend the rest of my life with this man. Let me tell you something, forever had never sounded better than it does now.

Alright fans. Sorry for the language. But how else do you describe scum of the Earth? Let me just say something: POLISH YOUR PITCHFORKS! Because it is about to get juicy, and you are going to want to kill someone, that I promise you. This was just a recap, it's been about a year hasn't it? The real story starts next chapter. And I really will try to keep explicit content down.

The extremely excited author, who feels like she just started a new series:
