A/N: I hope you all enjoy. It is a little mellow, but I couldn't think of another way to end the story. Well anyways Enjoy!

Blair looked down at the little boy in her arms who was just minutes old. She tenderly stroked his dark brown hair, so much like his father's. She had always thought her wedding to Chuck Bass had been the happiest day of her life, but that was now the second happiest. June twenty-seventh, two-thousand and eighteen was now the happiest day of her life. She looked back down at her son.

She had seen his eyes briefly when he had been crying when the nurses had first handed him over to her. They were chocolate brown, just like hers. Chuck had even sworn that he saw a little smirk planted on their son's face. Blair counted his ten little fingers and ten little toes for the hundredth time. She couldn't look away from him, she couldn't believe he was a part of both her and Chuck. She heard the door of the hospital room open. She looked up and smiled.

Chuck Bass came in carrying a glass of water with two ice cubes in it, just the way Blair had asked for it. His eyes had dark circles under them, probably due to the fact he hadn't slept in the past thirty eight hours. He had been far to busy with Blair at the hospital, but he didn't mind. He would do anything for her.

Ever since had and Blair had gotten married last year, he felt their relationship had just grown stronger. He didn't know how but he seemed to love Blair more, if that was possible. It was as if his heart had been stretch and filled with love. Love for Blair.

Chuck placed the glass on the bedside table and went to his wife and son. Son. He couldn't believe he was a father. Chuck Bass the former ass, a father. He looked down at his son. He was still asleep. He looked like an angel. He'll be the not-so-innocent bad boy all the girls will be falling for when he's in school, thought Chuck. Chuck kissed the top of Blair's head. She meant the world to him, and now they had a kid who was part of their world. Chuck turned to her.

"Can I hold him?"

Blair smiled and him and nodded her head. Chuck held his hands out as Blair placed his son in his arms. One hand under his head and his arm around his body supporting his back. Chuck hadn't had much experience with holding babies. The last one he had held was his nephew, Tyler Van der Woodsen, and that had been two years ago. And the one before that had been his niece, Isabella Humphrey, who was now three.

He looked down at his son. His nose was just as cute as his mother's. His ears that would undoubtedly used for eavesdropping in the future, just like his father's. Chuck stroked his son's hair gently so he didn't wake him up. He felt a smile creep onto his face. He couldn't hide his emotions inside any longer, he was truly ecstatic.

Chuck looked up from his son to his wife. Blair was smiling at the both of them. He walked over to her. She made a little room on the hospital bed for Chuck to sit down. Blair smiled at him.

"Can you believe he's ours?"

Chuck looked down at his son and smiled. His voice came out of his mouth as a whisper.

"I'm still in shock."

Blair gently stoked their son's hair. It was soft and his skin was fresh. Everything about him was so new. New baby to start a new life. Nothing more could make Blair happier than she was right now. She turned to Chuck.

"He's our little bundle of joy."

"Or our little bundle of havoc. Face it, with parents like us he's bound to be caught in some mischief when he's older."

Blair let out a small giggle. She softly stroked the back of her finger against her son's cheek. It was so soft. It was unreal something so innocent came from both Chuck and Blair. King and Queen of hell or better known as the Upper East Side. Blair looked up at Chuck.

"What should we name him?"

Chuck looked down at his son then back at his wife.

"How about Sebastian?"

"Sebastian. Why?"

Chuck smirked.

"Because S would stand for sexy because let's face it, our kid is born to be sexy with us as parents."

Blair laughed. Chuck continued.

"E for every girl having hungry eyes for him. B for Bass. Enough said. A for angelic. At the end of the day, no matter how much trouble he has gotten into, he will always be our angelic son."

Blair smiled at Chuck. He must have spent time on this, she thought.

"S is for the scarf he will be donning from his first day at school. T for tiny terror. I for innocent yet sneaky, like us."

"More like me. No one ever thought you were innocent, they thought you were dangerous."

Chuck smirked.

"A for anything but average. A kid like ours will always be unique, never average. He's a Bass after all."

"And a Waldorf."

"And a Waldorf. N for nothing but ours, because no matter how many girls he goes out with or how many marriages he has, he will always be ours. And those are the reasons why I want to name our son Sebastian."

Blair looked into Chuck's eyes. That had to be one of the rare sweetest things she had ever seen him do. She smiled at him.

"I think Sebastian will be perfect."

She leaned in and brushed her lips against Chuck's. He kissed back. They parted and looked down at their son, who was held in between them. Blair looked into Chuck's eyes.

"I think Sebastian Bass might want to meet his grandparents, don't you?"

Chuck let out a small groan.

"Does he have too? I mean, when my father sees him you know he will want his middle name to be Bartholomew. I mean what kind of middle name is that. Sorry Blair, but I will not do that to my son."

Blair laughed. Chuck could over react sometimes. She looked at Chuck.

"But Harold is still his middle name right?"

Chuck nodded his head. He wouldn't have said no. He and Blair had discussed it before, that if they did have a boy they would have one of his middle names as Harold. Blair smiled at him. They heard a soft knock at the door. Chuck handed Sebastian to Blair and got up from the bed. He opened the door and saw everyone important in his life, all standing in the small hallway.

He saw Bart and Lily holding a bouquet of red roses. Both had smiles on their faces, something rarely seen on Bart Bass' face. Chuck saw Dan and Serena. Dan was holding Isabella in his arms and Serena held balloons reading "Congratulations" on them. Chuck's eyes darted to Nate and a very pregnant Vanessa. He saw Eric and Sharon standing with a nine year old Evan. He had a smile on his face. His green eyes were bright, but were hidden under his read shaggy hair. Eric held Tyler is his arms. Chuck saw Eleanor and Roman waiting patiently, with flowers in their hands. The hallway grew empty. Chuck gulped.

"Um, what brings you guys here?"

Everyone chuckled.

"Come on Chuck. You're a dad!" said Nate.

Chuck sighed and looked to the ground. There were way to many people, but they were family. He looked back up.

"Alright, but be quiet. He's asleep."

"He? They had a boy!" exclaimed a very cheery Serena.

Chuck rolled his eyes before opening the door. They all walked over to Blair. Everyone huddled around her and Sebastian.

"He's beautiful." whispered Eleanor.

Blair turned to look at her mother. She smiled. Her mother rarely said anything nice about anything in Blair's life. The last time she had was when Blair and Chuck wed.

Chuck couldn't take his eyes off of Sebastian. His father's voice filled the room.

"Now that is a Bass boy, right there. What is his name?"

Blair smiled at her son.

"Sebastian Harold Bartholomew Bass."

Everyone smiled and approved of the name. Blair looked over at Chuck and smirked. He can deal with Bartholomew, she thought. Chuck smiled back at Blair. I can deal with Bartholomew, he thought.

"B, can I hold him?" asked Serena.

Blair smiled and gently passed her son over to her best friend. Serena went over to a chair and sat down. Dan set Isabella on the ground. She walked over to her mother.

"Mommy, is this our baby?" she asked timidly.

Serena chuckled.

"No, it's Aunt Blair and Uncle Chuck's. His name is Sebastian."

Isabella peered closer to Sebastian. He was still asleep.

"Hello Sebastian." whispered Isabella.

Sebastian didn't move. He was too droned out in his little baby world. Isabella sighed and moved away from the baby.

"Why won't he wake up. Is it to hard for him? Ow-god damnit I hit my foot against the chair."

"Bella, don't use words like that. Where did you learn them anyway?" said Dan in a harsh tone.

Ever since he and Serena had gotten married, life had been perfect. His book had been published and had been picked as one of New York times best sellers. After Isabella had been born, life just seemed to get better.

Isabella sighed.

"I heard Evan use them once." she said innocently.

Everyone looked at Evan. He froze once he noticed all eyes were on him. Thanks a lot Bella, he thought. He took his phone out of his pocket and turned off the ringer, just to stall time. When he looked up, all eyes were still on him. He gulped.

"I used them once, I guess Bella's just been spending too much time at that day care in Brooklyn you guys sent her to."

Everyone tried to hold in their laughter. Evan would do just about anything to blame it on anyone else.

"We never sent her to a day care in Brooklyn." said Dan in a calm tone, all the while trying to hold his laughter.

Evan pretended not to hear him and went back to his phone and started texting a friend. Chuck stood by Blair. She smiled up at him and he smiled back. Their attention went back to their son. Serena had passed him to Vanessa. She cooed at him for a while before passing him to Eleanor. Eleanor felt tears well up in her eyes.

"He's just an angel." she said.

She passed him over to Bart. Bart felt a smile appear on his face.

"Sebastian Harold Bartholomew Bass. I could get used to that." he said.

Everyone laughed. Eventually everyone had held Sebastian, twice even. The firs to leave were Eleanor and Roman. Roman was staying at the Waldorf penthouse. They kissed Blair and Sebastian before they left.

Next to leave were Bart and Lily. Bart had a meeting in Madrid and Lily was going with him. After taking a picture, they were off.

Eric eventually looked at his watch and realized that it was late. Five hours had gone by fast. The Van der Woodsen family said their goodbyes and were off, leaving the Humphrey's, the Archibald's and the Bass' alone in the hospital room.

Serena looked at her best friend.

"B, he's one of the cutest babies I've ever seen."

Isabella stomped her foot.

"Hey, what about me?"

Serena let out small laugh before picking her up.

"I said one of the cutest babies, not the cutest."

Isabella smiled before looking at Blair.

"But mommy's right, he is very cute."

"Thank you, Bella."

Dan looked at his watch. It was already ten thirty pm. Isabella was already yawning and Serena seemed a little tired. He placed his hand behind Serena's back.

"I think we should get going. You two seem tired."

Serena unwillingly nodded her head.

"B, we have to go. But I'll be here tomorrow. We all will."

Blair smiled.

"Thank you S."

Serena kissed Blair's forehead and then kissed Sebastian's. Dan shook hands with everyone and then the Humphrey's were off. They all heard the door close. Nate looked over at Chuck.

"I can't believe you're a father before me."

Chuck smirked.

"Me neither. But don't worry Nathaniel, just two more months and you'll be bragging about your own kid too."

"Maybe it'll be a boy."

"No I definitely think it's going to be girl that will date Sebastian when they're older."

Nate laughed.

"You've already planed everything out, haven't you?"

Chuck smirked.

"I guess being married to Blair makes you more organized."

Both boys looked over at Blair. She stuck her tongue out at Chuck. He laughed. Nate joined him. Nate looked at his watch.

"Vanessa honey, we better get going. Remember what the doctor said about not getting enough sleep and the baby."

Vanessa nodded her head. They said their quick goodbyes. Chuck walked over to Blair. She looked up at him and smiled.

"I love you Chuck Bass."

"I love you too, Blair Bass."

She smiled and looked down at their son.

"He really is perfect, isn't he?"

"Yes he is, Princess."

"Well I'm glad Prince Charming agrees."

The both laugh softly. Suddenly, Sebastian's small brown eyes open and he looks up at both of his parents smiling faces.

"Now you wake up." they said in unison.

Sebastian just smiles. He is the son of a Queen B and King C, notorious devils of the Upper East Side and no one messes with him. He is Sebastian Harold Bartholomew Bass and he intends to tell everyone that, when he can speak of course.