Summary: Blair and Serena have one of their famous heart to hearts

Summary: Spotted – B and S having a famous heart to heart.

Serena eyed Blair up and down in the dress. It was Vera Wang, of course. Nothing less for the future Mrs. Nathaniel Archibald. It was cream, yet it wasn't as glamorous or as over the top as Serena had expected. It was just simple and elegant. Serena wondered if even imagining herself in the dress would lead her to pouring out her long held confession of love for Nate. Blair had caught her off guard.

"You're picturing yourself like this aren't you?" She questioned, suspicion lining her tone.

"Are you kidding?" Serena said with a tinge of sadness in her tone. "Work basically rules my life, B. Marriage or even guys aren't even on the radar." She said with dismay. Blair looked at herself whilst Serena fixed away at her. "No… I mean you're imaging yourself with Nate." Blair said knowingly. Serena remained silent.

Her silence basically told Blair everything she needed to know. It basically told her everything she already knew.

"You and Nate are going to be so happy together, Blair. I had my chance…" Serena replied, pretending to be happy for them. She had been doing it for some time now, why stop now? "Everything is working out just as we planned, B. You and Nate are getting married, I'm the maid of honour and you're both going to have beautiful children. Then we'll vacation together in the summer and-

"S, stop. You're rambling. And that's not convincing me that you're happy for me and Nate." Blair interrupted abruptly.

"You're standing here in your wedding dress and you're saying you're prepared to marry a man who your best friend is in love with?" Serena said in utter disbelief. "Don't drag up the dreaded triangle of drama when you're trying on dresses Blair." Serena said, practically eating Blair's head off.

Blair hastily went back into the dressing room and she must have got out of that dress quicker than when she said yes to Nate's proposal. Serena was still on the other side of the curtain.

"The truth is, S, the reason I've dragged the so-called dreaded triangle of drama is because I'm not prepared to marry a man who is clearly in love with my best friend." she said, her voice cracked. She swung back the curtain and it only revealed a completely dismantled Serena Van der Woodsen, slumped into a chair crying her eyes out.

Blair decided it was time.

"S…I had to see for myself." She put her hand delicately on Serena's face. "I know it's messed up how...I'm trying on dresses and whatever, but I needed to know. I needed to know exactly how much you love him. And clearly you love him very much." Blair said comforting the taller girl.

"It only took you about two years to realize, B." Serena smiled bashfully and Blair smiled back. They both busted into laughter. How messed up was this?

"I'm not marrying him." Blair said, and the conviction in her voice was enough for Serena to know she was being honest. "It seems ever since I've meet Nate I've been trying and giving him everything I can to make him love me the way he loves you…" Blair trailed off. "I'm done. I can't spend the rest of my life with someone who doesn't want me. S, he wants you, he's always wanted you." Blair was on the verge of tears; Serena instinctively flung her arm around the other girl, trying to console her. Not only was Blair telling Serena the truth, she was facing it for herself, for the first time. "S, I don't know what we're doing." She said her voice barely audible.

"We have to stop this." Serena said bluntly. "Because it's not just you we're hurting, it's not just me and it's not just Nate. This is hurting all three of us, B." She said sadly.

Serena was telling the truth. And the truth hurt, because all of them had been living a lie.

And the truth is harder than any lie.