All right, after much debating, I've finally decided to go with what my reviewers wanted and make another Train/Doctor fic. Yay…

Well, I don't really feel like talking much today, so here's the first chapter of BONAM NOCEM (Good Night)!! Enjoy, because it's been a long time coming. (grins)

Disclaimer: Yeah yeah, I think we ALL already understand that I do not own Black Cat and probably never will. Happy now?

Chapter One: Confrontation

By: Asura Mori

Operation Room. Those two words alone made Train and Eve stop to stare at the door before them, wondering what kind of new horror could be waiting for them. Of course, they already knew who was behind that door, but besides that, they were fairly clueless. But after what that man had done, they both knew that there was no turning back. Doctor would pay for what he had done to their comrades.

Train gave the door a quick glance over, looking for any signs of outwardly traps, then turned to survey the rest of the hallway, kinda hoping for another way upstairs to Creed. But upon further inspection, although he had already guessed that it would be the case, he found the door in front of them to be the only way up. He glared at the door in front of him and Eve, his golden gaze narrowing as he muttered to his blonde companion.

"You ready, lil' princess?"

"It's not about whether I'm ready or not." Eve stated, looking over at the brunette unblinkingly, "Creed is past this point and he is our goal. We can't let a leech like Doctor stand in our way." Train grinned at the other sweeper's words, glad that she was as focused as he was. "True." Was all he said as he stretched his arms over his head, preparing himself for the inevitable battle.

Neither sweeper said anything more as they walked forward, with Train in the lead and Eve following closely behind, as the huge doors opened before them. Train glanced only once over his shoulder to look at Eve, before walking through the door with his calm gait. After Eve came in behind him, the two doors closed with a great clamor, making Train raise an eyebrow.

"You know." He said nonchalantly, his golden gaze fixing on the man who stood before him, "They have stuff for rusty doors like that." "Thanks for that information, Train Heartnet." Doctor smirked, his hands placed casually in his pockets as he looked over the brunette and Eve, "Although I doubt it's needed, of course."

Eve glared at the other man over Train's shoulder, reeeeeally wanting to wipe that smirk off of the Doctor's face. Train glanced over his shoulder at Eve, realizing that she was about to lose her cool. "But that's not why we're here." Train said as he drew Hades, his engraved pistol, and pointed it at Doctor, "Tell us where Creed is."

"He's on the top floor, of course. Just as he told you earlier when you entered this place." Doctor pushed his glasses up as he talked, his eyes running down the brunette's body more than once, "Although… you will have to beat me just to get to him." "Which shouldn't be too hard." Eve commented dryly, tired of the formalities.

"Calm down, Eve." Train muttered softly, only so his blonde companion could hear, "He'll pay for what he did, in due time. Don't rush things." "Ah, yes, Eve." The pink-eyed girl turned to regard the snickering Doctor, "I thank you for coming so willingly to me. I can't wait to dissect you and see what makes you tick."


Doctor glanced over at the angry brunette, his smirk only widening. "Yes," he stated calmly, not really worried about the gun pointed his way, "As you know, I am a scientist, and Eve fascinates me. She produces nanomachines inside her own body and can transform her body at will. It's absolutely breathtaking. And I want to know how she does that." "Thus the dissection…" Train muttered darkly, very close to pulling the trigger and ending all of this, "But I won't let that happen."

"You?" Doctor grinned as he ran his eyes over the brunette again, "What can you possibly do to stop me in my own territory?" "Wipe that smirk right off your face, for one." Eve snarled, walking out from behind Train to glare at Doctor, "And make you realize the real meaning of 'pain'."

Silence filled the room at this declaration. Train grinned at Eve, proud of her for speaking so boldly, while Doctor stared in stunned silence. "You would make me understand the meaning of pain?" he finally asked, pushing his glasses up with two fingers as he gazed at the blonde, "You, who can't do anything in my territory?"

"We'll see about that." Eve muttered darkly, making Train's grin widen, "Train, let's take this freak-show out." "With pleasure." The brunette replied, cocking his gun at the unmoving Doctor. "Show's over, freak. We have an appointment with Creed that can't be missed and, fortunately, you're in our way. Thus, we're gonna have to kind of… take you out."

"Just try."

To be continued…

A.M.: At the last second, I decided to make this story into two (maybe more, but I'll explain that later) chapters. The fact is, the scene coming up for Train and Eve would just take way too long for one chapter. So, I split it. (grin grin) Well, this makes the story more anticipatory and gives me a little more to do. Sorry for not writing as often these days. I've kinda been busy with schoolwork and impending doom. (shudders)

For those of you who have read AETERNA NOX, no, I haven't given up on it. It's just reeeeeally hard for me to come up with a good plot for it, but I might be switching quite a few things. For one, I'm thinking about taking the whole nanomachine thing out. It's just kinda of annoying and doesn't suit my purposes for the story. I mean, who wants to read about a grown man taking advantage of a ten-year-old boy. (shivers) I don't think so. So, I'm changing quite a few things, but I AM NOT GIVING UP ON THE STORY!! Oh, and another reason it's taking me so long is 'cause I'm gonna put all the chapters up at once. Sorry for the delay.

Oh, and for that reviewer who now hates me on CHRISTMAS NEKO, up yours. I have the right to write anything I want, or so says the First Amendment. And if you didn't even like that kind of thing, then why the hell did you read it? (shrugs) Hey, if you wanna hate on someone, go ahead, but say it to someone who actually cares.

Anyway (getting away from flamers), hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter of BONAM NOCEM!! Stay tuned for the next chapter. Oh, and (maybe) disregard the thing about two chapters. Who knows? Maybe there will be more. I might just decide to go ahead on to the fight with Creed and more so. Maybe. So, love you guys and sorry the chapter was so short. As I said earlier, not a lot of time these days.

One more thing (yeah, I realize that you guys are getting tired of these public service announcements, but please bear with me): I've posted some of my own work on deviantart. If you're interested, please look up the user asuramori. If that doesn't work, look for a cosplaying picture of Edward and Havoc. That should work… hopefully… If you do drop by, please leave a comment and you're user name on fanfiction, so I can PM you back and thank you properly. Thank you!!