Disclaimer: I don't own Akatsuki or Naruto. Akatsuki and Naruto are a copy right of Masashi Kishimoto. They belong to him and the Anime corporation. This story is completely fan-made, and is in no way associated with Masashi Kishimoto or the Anime corporation. There. Now no one can sue me.


Hi. I'm Maddie. I'm your typical North American 10th grader. My hair is dark brown and shoulder length. And my eyes are brown. I have a normal body type too. I don't have huge boobs, but I do have them, my butt is like a bouncy castle, and I have a squishy stomach. But I love everything about myself. So, I'm here today to tell you the story of the hardest week of my life: The week Akatsuki came for a visit. I swear, it was like having to baby sit 10 kids that were VERY good at escaping. And I had to hide them from my sister. How do you hid 10, fully-grown, S-rank criminals?! They don't like being told what to do, especially if the person talking is a 15-year-old girl. Ok, hope you find the toughest 7 days of my life amusing!

I slowly opened my eyes, letting them adjust to the light. "Mmm… Maybe I'll sleep for just a little longer. It IS summer vacation." I mumbled into my pillow. I rolled over and gaped at what I saw. 10 people, 9 guys and 1 girl, all standing around my bed, watching me. If I hadn't just woken up, I probably would have had a more logical reaction. But I did the first thing that came into my head. "AHHHHH!!" Scream my ass off. All the people jumped back. They all started talking, but they must have been speaking a different language, cause it sure wasn't English. I pulled my blankets up over myself, leaving only my head uncovered. Who are these people? I thought for a moment. Then I saw what they were wearing. Long, black coats with red clouds on them. "Oh. My. Frickin'. Gosh. You're the Akatsuki! The frickin' Akatsuki is in my room!" I said, not believing what I saw. They stopped talking when I said their name. I sat up and said, "I've got to be dreaming." I pinched my face then started hitting my head while saying, "I'm dreaming. Wake up. They can't be real. I must be going crazy or something."

I stood up and walked over to whom I knew was Pein. I was about to poke him when he grabbed my arm, stopping me from touching him. I screamed again and yanked my arm back. They covered their ears and started talking again. I'm guessing they were speaking Japanese, but I knew they were saying for me to stop screaming. Itachi, the only one who hadn't said a thing, walked over to me and looked me in the eyes. He's trying to use his sharingon on me I thought. "Your sharingon won't work. We don't have freaky powers in my world. Well, we have some, but not sharingons." I explained after a few moments. Itachi looked puzzled when nothing happened. He grabbed Kisame, pulled him closer to himself, and glared at him. After a few seconds, Itachi let go of Kisame and started saying things. I didn't understand what he was saying, but I had a strong feeling he was swearing. I looked at them and saw BIG differences. Zetsu was no longer black and white and he didn't have his Venus flytrap thing either. He looked like a normal person. And Kisame wasn't blue anymore and he didn't have his sword. "You guys are normal now!" I said, looking at everyone. They just stared at me. "Do any of you speak English?" I asked, hoping for a miracle. "Sure we do. It's one of the most known languages." Pein said. "Ok. Good. Now- Hidan!! Don't!" I yelled, grabbing Hidan's hand. He was about to stab himself. "Hidan, in my world, Jashin doesn't exist. If you get stabbed, you bleed and you don't heal. And you're not immortal." I explained.

"Fuck! Why should I listen to you, bitch?" he said. "Because this is my house, motha fucka! And if you don't like it, you can get the fuck out!" I said, my patience running thin. Hidan turned to walk out of my room. "No. Don't. If anyone sees you, we'll all be in deep crap." I said, standing in front of my door. "WHAT THE HELL, UN?!" Deidara said, looking at his hands. "People in my world don't have mouths on their hands." I said. "B-But this means I can't blow stuff up. MY ART, UN!" he said, sitting on my bed. "HA! See? What you believe to be "art" doesn't even exist here." Sasori said. "Sasori, your human now, and your puppets don't exist either. Our puppets are entertainment for children, not weapons of mass destruction." I explained. Sasori pouted a little and Deidara laughed and said, "Ha! You entertain children, un!" "Umm… what's your name?" Konan asked. "Oh! I-I'm Maddie." I stumbled, almost forgetting my own name. "Ok, Maddie, how did we get here?" she asked. "How am I supposed to know? I'm 15. I don't even know what I want to do with my life." I said. "You don't know what you want yet?" Tobi asked, looking at me weird. I took his mask off and said, "Yeah. See, kids and teens here go to school. It's like ninja academy, but we're there till we're 18. Then we can choose if we want to learn more." I explained. "Wow. How pointless." Kisame said. "Well, our world is bigger then yours. And there's a lot more things here." I said.

Just then, the phone rang. "Ok, stay here." I told them. I ran to my sister's room and dove for the phone. "Hello?" I answered. "Yeah, hey Maddie." It was my BFF, Andrea. "Oh. Hey, Andrea!" "Hey, you're going to Jessie's party, right?" "Yeah." "Good. Cause I'm going to need some help. See, there's-" "This guy. And you can't stop thinking about him. And you know you've said this before, but you really do love him." I said. Andrea is my BFFL, and she's great and all, but she's a little boy crazy. Ok, a lot boy crazy. "Ha ha! You know me well." She laughed. "I should. I've known you since elementary." "Yeah. The simple days." "Yeah. 'K, I know you're not going to believe this but… Akatsuki is in my bedroom." "Huh?" Andrea isn't really a HUGE anime fan, but I'm converting her. "The Akatsuki. From Naruto." "Maddie, are you ok?" "No! The frickin' Akatsuki is in my bedroom! Andrea, I've lost it!" "Ok, calm down. I'm coming over." "'K. See ya." "See ya." She said and hung up.

I sighed and walked to my bedroom. "Hey, guys? My friend is- oh shit." I cursed when I didn't see them. I ran downstairs to the kitchen and guess what I saw. 10 people digging through my fridge and cupboards. "Don't eat all my food!" I said, my voice an octave higher then normal. That happens when I start to worry. And my stomach does back flips. "What? We were hungry." Deidara said, his mouth full. "Careful, you'll choke if you keep stuffing your faces." I warned them. Konan squealed and yelled, "CHOCOLATE!" "Hey! Don't touch my chocolate!" I said. She took a piece and popped it in her mouth, moaning happily. "'Ight, guys. A friend of mine is coming over. Please, if you all are real, don't be a pain." I said and rubbed my temples. They all nod and keep eating. What if they eat all the food? How am I going to explain that to Kathleen? She'll kill me. I thought. Kathleen, my sister, is nice, but I don't know how she would react if I told her 10 imaginary characters ate all our food.

There was a knock at the door. "Hey, Andrea!" I said, pulling her into a hug. "Hey, Maddie." She said, hugging back, "Here's my… problem." I said, walking to the kitchen. "Maddie, why are there 9 guys are your kitchen?" Andrea asked. "That is the Akat- Wait. 9 guys? Where's Konan?" I asked, looking around. "Went to go find paper." Sasori said. "She's still in the house though, right?" I said. They nodded and then I said, "Good. So, this is the Akatsuki." "Wow, lots of guys. When did they get here?" Andrea asked. "A few minutes ago. I really need your help." I said, putting an arm around her shoulders. "Mmm… Okay. But first, they need better clothes." She said, looking at the guys. "What's wrong with our clothes?" Itachi asked. "Practically everything. 'K, get rid of those robes." Andrea said, putting her hands on her hips. The guys take off their robes and drop them on the floor. "Ok, you're going to have to change EVERYTHING." Andrea said. "Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you!" I squealed.