Disclaimer: See Chapter One

I decided not to leave you hanging on for too long!

Final Chapter!


Catherine POV:

'SOFIA. HOW THE HELL COULD YOU?' I could see Sara lunging towards her as soon as we entered the interrogation room at the police station; I managed to grab her wrist though and made her turn round to look at me. This seemed to calm her down, but I know I'm seething too.

I mean how could Sofia do this? She's been acting like our friend the entire time, when obviously all she wanted to know were our plans or something but I still don't know what for. Well now's the time to find out, I guess.

I take Sara's hand in mine, and lead her to sit down. I squeeze her hand as we sit down to calm her down and then Brass leaves the room, so it's just the three of us. I dropped Lindsey off at Nancy's before coming here, but she was shocked. Lindsey really liked Sofia. As I'm the calmest out of the two of us I decide to talk first.

'Sofia, why did you do this?' Sofia looks down at her hands that are leant against the table.

'I suppose I should be honest.' I give her a nod as Sara just shoots daggers at her; I squeeze her hand again, 'because I love Sara.'

'What how can you love me Sofia? I mean, I know we had that one drunken kiss like two years ago, but that meant nothing. We both agreed.' Sara looks over at me a bit worried, but I just give her a small smile letting her know I'm fine with that.

'I know Sara, but the more I've got to know you the last couple of years the more I've wanted to get to know you properly and be with you. Then you were with Grissom so I thought there was no chance. But then I caught you and Catherine kissing, and I thought it could happen between us.'

'What, so you thought you'd try and kill the love of my life?' I take a gulp, and I thought Sara never spoke about her feelings at work.

'No, I mean I don't know. You were always on my mind so I wanted to try and get Catherine out the way not to necessarily kill her.' She looks at me now, 'I never wanted to kill you, just scare you away.' I have to smirk at this.

'Well as you can see it didn't work. Sara and I love each other and there is not one damn thing that could break us up. You know how hard we've worked for this, but we've made it to the other side. I for one couldn't be happier.'

'Me neither,' Sara pipes up.

'I'm sorry guys, I really am. I know how stupid it was but I was just jealous of you Catherine, jealous of your relationship with Sara. I hope one day you can find it in your hearts to forgive me.'

'More chance of hell freezing over,' Sara spits back. 'BRASS!' Brass pears his head through the door. 'Can you take her away now please?' As Brass takes her arm and walks her out, Sara gets tight in her face.

'If you ever, ever, mess with my family again, I will make sure you never walk this earth again. Understand?' Sofia gives no reply. 'I said, DO YOU UNDERSTAND?' Sofia nods meekly as she's led away by Brass as Sara just takes me in her arms and holds me.


I can't believe she tried to mess with my family. We've just got back from the police station and when we got back to Nick's we found a huge bouquet of flowers from all the guys at work, just telling us they're thinking of us.

I can't believe one drunken kiss lead to all this. I mean Cat could have been killed. Lindsey could have lost her mother; I could have lost my lover. We've had to change our flights to Florida so we're going in a couple of days instead.

But right now there's no where else I want to be. Lying in bed with Catherine, her head snuggled under my neck, as I just listen to her breathing even out as she falls asleep. I never thought you could have so much love for one person, but now I do. How did I cope without this in my life before?

Without Lindsey in my life? Our daughter.

My Family.


Hope you like the ending, please review x

Special thanks to thelittlestspark, for your great reviews, and to everyone for their reviews.

Let me know if you want me to do a sequel!!

Heidi xxxxxx