Gibbs sat in the bland room, looking at his once subordinate and possible future superior and tried not to think about that too much, because it made his head spin. He had asked Jenny, if he would be allowed back, should his team accept. She had told him that NCIS had enough team leaders, but should he wish, and Tony accepted, there was still a spot open for a field agent on his old team.

"You want me to hire you?" Tony said eventually, breaking the silence that had begun to dominate the room.

"Yes, but first I have something to tell you, something that I should have told you before I left but I think when I have finished, you will understand why I couldn't. At least, I hope you will." Gibbs paused, waiting for a sign that Tony wanted him to continue. At the younger agent's nod, Gibbs took a calming breath and began his story.

"Sixteen years ago my wife and daughter were murdered." When Tony opened his mouth to interrupt Gibbs spoke a little faster. "I know you already know this but please let me tell this my way. You can question me afterwards if you till need to.

"I was in the Gulf at the time, fighting in Desert Storm. Only days after I found out I was caught in an explosion and went into a coma. I didn't want to wake up from it DiNozzo. I could have fought, I knew I needed to fight but I didn't want to. I had nothing left to wake up for, except I needed to know that their killer was caught before I could leave. I failed to protect them; I owed them justice.

"NCIS couldn't get the murderer because he moved to Mexico. I didn't care about legalities or making sure he was arrested; I wanted justice for my family. Actually, I wanted revenge. I found out who had killed my girls and I hunted him down. When the bullet hit him all I felt was pain, overwhelming pain.

"When I got home, I made sure all of my affairs were in order and I took my pistol for a walk to the beach." Gibbs paused, when he heard Tony's gasp. He looked Tony in the eye before continuing.

"When I woke up from the last coma, just before I left, it was like I had just found out that they had died again. Then I learnt that 15 years had passed, that I had had another 3 wives, that I'm head of a team of agents, that terrorists flew commercial airliners into the world trade centres, the pentagon and a desert, and that bureaucrats would still rather let good men die than allow certain secrets to become known.

"I wanted nothing more than to take my gun for another walk, and this time I would've made sure that I finished the job." Gibbs paused, giving Tony a chance to say something. Tony remained quiet so Gibbs continued in a quiet voice.

"A suicidal agent is a danger not only to himself but to everyone around him. I couldn't put you or anyone else on the team in that kind of danger." Tony nodded slowly.

"Are you still suicidal?" He asked Gibbs. Gibbs shook his head, deciding it was best for all concerned that he never mention the thoughts that he had had in the warehouse. In any case, if he was given the job then it would be the truth because he would have something, someone, well several someones to live for. This time he wouldn't forget rule 48 or that rule 24 doesn't count between friends.

Tony opened the drawer in the desk and pulled out a gun and badge, Gibbs' gun and badge. He handed slid them across the table and said, "well it just so happens that I need a new agent on my team. You'll do, welcome back Gibbs."

Gibbs grinned, "thanks DiNozzo," he said softly.

"Just remember next time that technically I'm your superior now. I figure that makes us equals at least. That means rules 41 and 43 don't exist between us anymore. You have a problem, you come and talk to me. Hold on, Ducky was never your subordinate, you could have talked to him."

Gibbs smiled, "Ducky understood."

"Ye, he probably did. Come on, it's camp fire time."

The End