
I do not own the characters of Harry Potter, these belong to that wonderful author JK Rowling and the various publishing companies used to publish her works. I am however borrowing them, no not to make money but for fun and fun only. Now Eva, Mary and Robert Hope are mine, I based them off my older sister and her twin children. They like me love Harry Potter. I changed their names to protect their innocence? Or something like that…


It's a short time after the war with Voldemort and Snape has chosen to go to America for a conference. For reasons that will be explained Remus Lupin and Sirius Black go with him. They visit Wal-Mart one day. What chaos can these three men get into in such a place like Wal-Mart? Read to find out…

Chapter One:

Starting Out:

Severus Snape had not ever traveled that much outside the United Kingdom and certainly not to the States, as he referred to America. It was a shock to him to find out how big the country really was. What annoyed him was how it seemed every American he came in contact with liked to remind him how large the nation was by having the nerve to compare European nations to the size of one of their states. Mostly the western ones as these were the largest in the nation. He had taken a muggle flight from England as it was not possible to Apparate over 500 miles tops. Most witches and wizards could Apparate 100 miles at most, Snape was closer to 250. Never mind all that, he was here, in a state called Colorado which he knew meant colorful from the Spanish.

The conference and home he was staying in more than made up for the fact he had two traveling companions he was not too pleased about at first. That is until Sirius Black told them he had some cousins that lived in downtown Denver on capital hill and would not mind them staying. That was why Severus Snape woke on a fine early summer day in a richly decorated room in a four poster bed with green curtains. As it was warm our tall ivory skinned potions master was clad only in a pair of black silk shorts. He was lean, with good muscle structure and though his black hair hung lank to his shoulders and his nose was a bit large he was a good looking man. Good teeth and soulful black eyes rounded out the man.

He went through his morning routine and dressed carefully in muggle attire. Another reminder he was no longer in Europe where the Wizarding world and the muggle world were clearly divided. Here robes and such were reserved for school and work, not everyday wear and Snape had only one pair of jeans, his heavy black buckled dragon skin boots would have to do and one of his pressed button up white shirts would pass. He even tied back his hair as it seemed it was more acceptable here too. He walked down stairs to the large kitchen, complete with magical and muggle stuff side-by-side. He sat at the table, ladled out a large portion of the oatmeal, dumped sugar on it and milk and began to eat.

"Morning professor, sleep well?" A young looking woman with dark brown hair and green eyes asked him.

"Yes, thank you." Snape said.

"Morning Severus." Another man said coming into the room. "Morning Eva."

"Morning Lupin." Snape said

"Good Morning Remus." Eva Hope said.

Remus Lupin was a contrast to Snape, he was shorter, a bit stocker and was a little tanned too. He had some faint scars on his face courtesy of Grayback, curly trimmed reddish-brown hair and small mustache and blue eyes that could turn amber. He was clad in jeans, leather boots and a light long sleeved blue buttoned tee. Another man came into the room and moodily took a seat at the table. He too was clad in jeans, boots and a black tee that showed off his strong body. He had long curly near black hair, and mustache that made him look very much like a darker haired version of James Hetfield, lead singer of Metallica. He had a cross tattoo on his left forearm and there was a thorn band tattoo peaking out under his tee on his right bicep. This was Sirius Black, one time convict, wrongly convicted and sent to the worst prison in the world, Azkaban.

"Morning mutt." Snape said.

"Sod off," Sirius snapped at Snape then to Eva his cousin "Morning Eva."

"Morning Sirius, here is your coffee, sleep well?" Eva said poring him a cup, and handing it over.

"Yea, don't see why I must get up so early." Sirius whined.

"It is now eight in the morning." Snape informed him. "I normally get up at six, this vacation is softening me, I cannot see how eight is late."

"I was out late." Sirius said.

"I don't want to know what you were doing." Remus said. "Really I don't."

"Okay, fine, it's something virgins do not want to here." Sirius said.

"I am not a virgin." Severus said timing that as Sirius was taking a sip of coffee causing Sirius to gag on his coffee. "Do not worry I used protection."

"Okay enough of that talk." Eva said. "The children do not need to hear that."

"Nor do I." Remus said sternly.

At that moment two teens bound into the room. They had their mother's wavy dark brown hair and their father's blue eyes. The girl's hair was long and tied back and she was clad in the "uniform" of the muggle world, jeans, a red tee shirt and sneakers. Her brother was clad in jeans and sneakers and black Metallica tee shirt. They sat at the table clearly enjoying the three European wizards. They were twins and in their sixth year of magical school which meant they were old enough to get a muggle driving license.

"Hey you guys ever been to a Wal-Mart?" Mary the oldest twin asked.

"Yea its wicked fun." Robert said grinning. "There is lots of stuff even we in the magical world cannot get."

"I have been to one, years ago." Remus said. "It was interesting."

"I have not but have heard about them." Snape said.

"So have I, I say we go, you Sev need more muggle clothes, you cannot go around the way you are dressed." Sirius said.

"Stop calling me Sev." Severus snarled at him then added. "What is wrong with what I am wearing?"

"You look like a pirate." Mary said.

"We can help, don't worry I think I know your style." Robert said.

"And that would be?" Severus asked a bit irked at the casual attitude these teens took with him, then again everyone in America was so rude, they just chatted one up and gave no thought to title or rank.

"Dark colors, I would say mostly black and green." Eva said.

"Its open now, why don't we go after breakfast?" Robert said.

"Better make sure Sirius has his pot of coffee." Remus said as Sirius gave him a rude sign (which puzzled the children, why was Remus giving the peace sign backwards?) "That was not nice Siri."

"Oh shut up you prat." Sirius growled sipping his coffee.

In the end it was closer to lunch time that they headed out. As Remus could drive very well, both in English cars and the more common American/ European way he drove. Eva called shotgun and that meant she got the front passenger seat. She flipped through the CDs and took out a Green Day one and put it on and turned it up. Snape actually liked this as did Sirius. In no time, with careful directions from Eva Remus had driven west through downtown Denver and to the nearest Wal-Mart. He parked the car and Snape felt nervous as he saw the very large building. This was a Wal-Mart? It was so, so big! Eva and Roberts grinned behind him, they had brought him to a super Wal-Mart and clearly he was amazed at the large low structure before him with the blue Wal-Mart sign with the red lettering below that said "always low prices always". He took a deep breath and started to wall toward the front doors wondering what he had got himself into…

So what do you think? I live in Colorado and this just came to me. I tried to show as much of the cultural differences between the English and us Americans. It is in no way to put down the British but hopefully makes a point, just cause we speak nearly the same language does not mean we are the same culture-wise. More to come as Severus has yet to see the inside of the Wal-Mart. Next Chapter will deal with unruly children, mistaken identity and samples...