
Deidara loved to play pranks on Itachi. It was so fun to see the older akatsuki-member swear when he walked right into one of Deidara's traps. Well, at least according to Deidara himsalf. Itachi did not agree. Not at all.

Deidara sat, hunched down behind a corner, observing a door. He had been sitting there for about an hour.
"What are you doing?" A voice behind him asked.
"Waiting for Itachi no Danna to open the door." the boy answered.
"Really now"
Deidara stiffed. Then he turned his head. "H-hi, Itachi no Danna..." He sweatdropped.
Itachi bent down tso that he was eyelevel with Deidara. "When will you stop playing pranks on me?" he asked.
"Um... Deidara did not really know what to say, so then he just stuttered out: "Not until you die"
Itachi raised an eyebrow. "If you say so." He stood up, grabbing Deidara by the pony-tail. "Then it's my turn to play pranks on you"
"WHAT?!" Deidara bursted, walking backwards, unable to do anything else.
Itachi opened a door, and pulled Deidara with him inside of the room. The door was closed, and Deidara landed on a bed. They were in Itachi's room?! "Wait! What are you planning to do?!" Deidara backed a little.
"Nothing..." Itachi said. Then he quickly leaned forward and pressed his lips against Deidara's. Deidara's eyes widened, then his eyelids fell down and he answered the kiss.

The following morning, Deidara felt pains in his whole body.
He was not able to play any pranks on Itachi for a whole month, since every day, Itachi was getting his way with him, as revenge for all the pranks Deidara had made under all the past years.