"Amber, could you please stop that?" Link said irritably, swatting Amber's face away. She had been nibbling on his ear for a good five minutes, and he was getting sick of it; not to mention somewhat grossed out. They were on a bench outside Corny's dressing room, whiling away the time before Velma could take him home. Amber leaned back and crossed her arms, pouting.

"Oh, don't act like such a four-year-old."

"Who pissed in your cornflakes this morning?" She said haughtily as she stood.

"Let me know when it's time to go!" Link called after her as she stalked away. He should probably feel bad about offending his girlfriend, but he was in a bad mood, and he knew she would come back. He wasn't sure why he was in such a bad mood. She was definitely part of it; that much he knew for certain. He stood and wondered what to do to occupy his time. He began to wander in the general direction of the front doors to the studio.

Outside he leaned against the front of the building, watching the cars pass by. When a city bus stopped to drop off a passenger, he scanned the windows of the bus lazily. He perked up a bit when he saw the big girl from school; Tracy, was it? She was laughing heartily, evidently very amused by something; Link wished he knew what. He found himself wishing he was beside her in the bus seat, laughing and grinning as she did. He imagined what it would be like to go steady with someone like her; someone so…different…from other girls.

When the bus began to drive away, he walked briskly down the sidewalk, following it. Somebody on the bus pointed at him, and the girl turned, giving him a moony glance. He grinned goofily, stopping to run a hand over his smoothly gelled hair. He watched as she rode away, certain that she would be in his dreams tonight.