Author's Note: Finally, chapter 5! So far, I think this is my favorite chapter (besides the first one, of course). Have a happy read.

"Wow, did I really do that?" Detective Robert Goren asked himself for the gazillionth time that day.

He was still amazed at himself. Had he really asked his partner, his best friend, to spend the rest of her life with him in wedded bliss? He almost couldn't believe it.

He had always been shy, a little awkward. In his younger years, being so brilliant and a bit odd had not given him many friends, so he learned to keep to, and only count on, himself. As he got older, being single and the epitome of the tall, dark, and handsome stranger fortune tellers were so fond of describing bestowed upon him many dateable women (women like Alex's friend Vivian who, after somehow finding out he was proposing to Alex, had appeared at his door one night, and had begged him, "Marry me, Bobby! I love you! Marry me!"), but none who gave him the respect and love (not lust) he so wanted. None, that is, until Alexandra Eames.

If someone had told him during those first few weeks of being partners that he would end up falling head over heels in love with her, and proposing marriage, he would have had a good laugh. Sure, he had found her attractive then (no sense in denying it), but she seemed, as so many of his girlfriends past had, to find him a bit too intelligent and eccentric for his taste (though later, she did tell him he was an "acquired taste").

He couldn't remember when things had started to change. Maybe it was around the time that Alex had been a surrogate for her sister. Did he realize then, when she was gone and "replaced" (for a bit) with someone else, that he needed her? That she was the best thing that had ever happened to him? Or maybe it was during the Nicole Wallace debacle. She reached out to him, she wanted to help him; he could see the pain in her eyes. She hadn't given up on him.

A good sign, possibly? He thought to himself. That I can't remember when I fell in love with her, that it feels like I've loved her forever?

Maybe he had loved her forever. He would never admit it to anyone, but he believed in soul mates. He guessed Alex was a half of his soul that had broken off at the beginning of life and that both of them were trying to find each other again. It made complete sense to him. He had never told Alex this, though. He was a bit afraid she would laugh: the great intellectual Bobby Goren, waxing spiritual! But he couldn't help it, the explanation was perfect!

Running a hand through the panther-colored curls that graced his head, he sat roughly down on the couch. This has got to be the longest day of my life, he thought, sighing. Maybe I should have waited around while she read the sonnet. But he knew he had done it the right way, the only way. She probably would have freaked if he had kept all six feet four inches of himself there. Oh my God, the nervous, harried thoughts going haywire, what if she says no? I'll never be able to work with her! She'll get a restraining order against me because I'll keep asking her! She can't say no! She can't say no!

He tapped his long fingers on his knee. Damn it! He thought, a bit scared. Quickly untangling his legs from each other, he almost jumped off the couch and started pacing. I will not call her. I will not call her. He was glad no one was here to see the normally perfectly collected detective reduced to a puddle because of Alexandra Eames. He checked his watch: 8:15 pm. It was already starting to get dark outside. Alex was taking much longer than he, who knew her so well, had expected. But what if she didn't respond at all? What if…

Shut up, Goren! He told himself. She is going to respond! He remembered that moment, a few nights ago, when he had made up his mind to ask her to marry him. They were laying on his bed, curled in each other's arms, quietly enjoying the others proximity. Alex had snuggled closer to his broad chest and let out a warm whisper, "I want to be here forever." As you wish, he'd thought, and smiled. His heart rate returned to normal and his scrambling thoughts moved at a more sluggish pace as he remembered that night. He remembered her lips on the thick tendons of his neck (the neck she never missed a chance to call "nibble-able"), his hands on…

The opening and closing of his mail slot startled him from his reverie. A bit confused, he ambled to the door to find a large white envelope with "For Bobby" written on it on the floor. That's it, he thought, realizing what he was looking at. He took a deep breath and, with slightly shaking hands, tore open his fate.

It was a sonnet, just like the one had had left her. It was not as carefully printed as his had been, but he thought it was the most beautiful handwriting he had ever seen. He sat down, steadying his hands, and began to read.


I never expected this day to come,

Didn't think you'd get down on your knee.

So I was ultimately struck dumb,

At the time you proposed to me.

You know me well; you've given me space,

Our years of friendship have taught you that.

You know I would never proceed in haste,

Never would answer right off the bat.

Even though I have done this once before,

With you this decision is not tough.

Only because I love you so much more,

Just being partners is not enough.

Here is my choice, to the one I love best,

The answer to your question is, "Yes!"



That last word resounded through his astonished brain. She said…she's…she's going to be my…my wife. An enormous smile spread over his face at that last bit. His joy was too much to handle. Striding quickly, he opened his door.

Alexandra Eames sat on the porch steps, facing the street. Apparently she hadn't heard the door open, so he was able to study her for a bit. She looked somewhat tense. Her small fingers tapped her knee like his had done in his nervousness. The moonlight made her glow and intense love bubbled up inside him.

"Alex," he said softly, but just loud enough for her to hear him. She jumped a little and turned around.

She took in his huge, graceful frame, the boyish smile on his face, and the love in his brown eyes and was once again reminded why she had fallen in love with him and had ultimately agreed to grow old with him.

"Bobby," she said just as softly. Neither moved.

"You said yes," he said, with pure wonder. She smiled a little and nodded. Suddenly he strode across the porch and gathered her up in his arms. "You said yes," he whispered again, into her hair. "Tell me again."

She smiled. "Yes," she said, her warm breath caressing his skin. "Yes, Bobby Goren, I will marry you." Bobby could not stop a wide smile as he buried his face in Alex's hair.

"As you wish," he whispered. "As you wish."

Note: Yay, they're getting married! Haven't written the next chapter yet; I'm still trying to figure out if it's going to be a wedding scene or something leading up to that. And I want your reviews!