To Claim a Prince

Marth's life in the mansion becomes more hectic as the dance approaches. As his relationships with others in the mansion form, he begins to question himself..

It was early, as usual. The prince lied awake on the far corner of his bed, near the faint light from his reading lamp. His fiddled with his glasses, somehow unable to keep himself from being distracted. He placed his book down on the other side of his bed, closing his eyes.

Something about the two resting bundles on each side of him told him not to get up. It was too peaceful. His red headed friend was hidden under layers of large blankets, silent. Ike's face poked through an opening, along with his hand that gently curved around it. Marth starred, intrigued by his now peaceful- friend?

Could Marth call the warrior his friend now?

A small whimper could be heard from the fellow bluenette as he turned. "What are you starring at highness?" he mumbled from the opposite direction. Marth gasped. "Hah, not call me that. After all, why would a prince bother to stare at a lowly peasant" he joked. "Marth might, but a prince wouldn't" he said quietly. The two smiled.

Yes, Marth was certain it would be safe to call him that.

Ike gathered the blankets, tossing them carelessly into a pile at the foot of his bed. He stretched slightly, eyeing the weather outside from the small opening in between curtains. "So...are y'know...still sore?" he asked, starring at the new bandages the boy must have already put on his face this morning.

Marth nodded. "I'll be okay. I think all I need is to ice my shoulder" he said quietly.

Ike smirked. 'He's cold enough already' he thought to himself with a prolonged sigh. "I'm still taking up my offer on training you to use your left hand later if you'd like" he noted lowly.

Marth blinked rapidly. "Sure, I suppose that's an offer I could use now..." he said in disbelief of the casual...caring invite. He glanced at the ground, listening to a strange clicking noise from the back of his mind.

Suddenly, both boys shot up from their beds, both directing their attention to the door. Ike glanced at Marth, who only shrugged. They both steadily advanced towards the moving doorknob. As they got closer, the door thrusted open quickly, causing both the duo to jump back in fright.

Roy was standing at the door way, chuckling at his frightened roomates under his breath. "Oh you guys are awake?" he asked, tossing his key as he casually walked into the room.

"What was your first clue?" Ike asked sarcastically, heading back to his bed after seeing there was nothing more to the scene. "How the hell did you get over there? We thought you were that pile there on your bed"

Marth pulled off the sheets to Roy's bed, revealing two pillows that replaced the lump that he thought was Roy. He groaned.

"I should have known. Pillows don't snore" Ike mumbled angrily. Roy chucked a pillow at the boy's head.

"Roy, if you don't mind me asking, where have you been? You're neverup this early" Marth asked.

The general crossed his arms. "Wouldn't you like to know?" he said mischievously with a grin, green eyes glittering playfully.

"So did you ask Peach yet?" Ike asked, arms placed on the back of his head as he lied on his bed.

Roy's eyes widened, his tan face flushed. "H-How did you know about Peach!?" he stuttered.

Ike did a half shrug, rotating his body with a chuckle. "It's really obvious" he said carelessly. Marth gaped. Roy had been his friend for over five years now, and he still has yet to pick up the boy's crush. He frowned.

"Lucky guess" Roy growled.

"So did you actually ask her to the dance?" Marth asked.

"Erm...well not exactly" Roy said, fiddling with his fingers.

"What do you mean not exactly?" Marth asked, eyebrow raised.

Roy dropped his hands to his sides. "Well I had it all planned out to ask her this morning, because I know she wakes up early too, but Samus thought I was trying to like...catch her without her suit on or something since I was just standing outside their room. Turns out Peach was already gone and I got chased around the upper hallway by a beam whip while being called a pervert" Roy sighed.

A slight sympathetic silence took over before Ike abrubtly cracked up in the red head's face. "Isn't that a great picture?" Ike thought out loud in between his fits of laughter. Roy pouted.

Marth caught himself smiling as well, but saved the laughter at the cost of looking rude. He was truly smiling from watching Ike's face light up so much- a rare sight- it reminded him of Pit goofy innocent smiles.

"Why would you wake up so early for Peach, but won't bother to roll out of bed until we pommel you?" Ike said with a scoff.

Roy smiled goofily. "Simple, she's a girl, duh"


Roy sighed. "Whatever guys, you wouldn't understand" he said. Marth and Ike rolled their eyes simultaneously. "Anyways" Roy continued with an uplifting fist pump. "I have a plan B for this!" he exclaimed eagerly.

"Glad to know" Marth replied with a small fake smile.

"What about you Marth?" Roy asked, traveling across the room to knudge the prince with his elbow. Marth rubbed the spot his friend bumped him with, looking at unease.

"What about me?" the prince asked. Marth knew perfectly well this was the part of his week where Roy would be more than determined to find out who he was interested in going to the dance with.

Well he was getting nothing. The prince is a rock.

Roy winked. "Oh I see, you're just upset because no one will ask you to the dance with your wonderful prince charming face all taped up like that" he teased.

"Please do not wink at me, it's frightening" Marth mumbled.

"See what you have done now Ike? You have ruined Marth's chances in finding a proper date" Roy said in a fake accent.

Ike sent a piercing glare at the young general. "That is none of your business" he snarled.

"Geez sorry, I didn't mean to bug you-"

"It's okay Roy" Marth spoke up suddenly. "Ike and I are even now. He had to wear a bandage on his nose his first day, and now I do on my face. What goes around comes around I suppose"

Roy smirked. "Interesting"

Ike got up from his bed, advancing to his pile of clothes to fish out a casual red shirt. He flipped off his shirt as if he were pealing a banana and placed on his shirt just as quickly. "I'm going" he announced, sending Marth one last look before he left. "After lunch?" he asked.

Marth grinned, nearly forgetting about the training they were to do later. "See you then" he replied.

Marth had the morning to roam aimlessly, but that wasn't something an orderly prince really enjoyed doing. He decided to set his coarse towards the dining area, where breakfast was being prepared.

As expected, not many were up and moving at this hour. Lucario was found sitting on a chair, only half awake. Marth was curious whether or not the aura Pokemon ever truly got a good nights sleep. Captain Falcon could also be heard in the gym, a habit he picked up on every Tuesday morning.

Marth walked down the hallway, snaking through the identical pathways to the stairs. With nothing else to do, the prince retreated to the mansion's library. The library was a dusty old room, often ignored by many, save a few of the humanoid smashers who didn't mind the stench of moth balls. The librarian was a scrawny ill-looking lady. Marth would always politely greet the woman, but always had to wonder if she was even alive.

To the bluenette's surprise, there was another occupant in the room- Princess Zelda.

The princess instantly noticed Marth's presence, and welcomed him with a warm smile. "Good morning" she greeted, anxiously gesturing for Marth to come sit with her.

"Good morning princess, I was not aware you were always up so early" Marth greeted, taking the empty chair across from her.

Zelda smiled, placing her book down down on the table and gently put her intertwined fingers on top of it. "I'm usually not, but this morning I was awaken by a rather angry Samus..."

Marth chuckled. Zelda giggled.

"Well I apologize for my friend" Marth said.

Zelda waved her hand. "It's not a bother really. I actually feel bad for the poor boy, getting chased by an angry bounty hunter can't be enjoyable I'd imagine" she said with another controlled giggled. "It's a shame he has such rotten timing. Peach really likes Roy"

"Well that's a relief. I don't know what I'd do if I had a depressed roommate to deal with. I would not like to see him upset over such trivial events such as a dance" Marth said, leaning back into his chair.

"Do you usual come in here?" Zelda asked. Marth could have sworn he saw her attempting to bat her eyelashes at him. The prince fixed his eyes on anything but the princess. "Oh here and there" he replied, adjusting his gaze to a thick cloud of dust that suddenly rose in the air.

He sat up, squinting in the direction of the falling books and accumulating dust. A loud sneeze could be heard from the distance, to which Zelda now placed her attention on. Pit came soaring over the shelf with a book in hand, looking triumphant as he gracefully landed. He sniffed slightly, coming on to another sneeze.

Marth immediately stood from his chair, much to the unnoticed chagrin of the princess.

"Bless you" Marth said with a grin. "Good morning"

"Oh Marth!" he exclaimed happily, dropping his book in which Marth politely offered to pick up before it was already snatched by the stumbling angel. "Are you always in the library this early?" he asked, still flustered.

Marth gazed around casually. "Oh I'm just making my rounds" he responded with a grin. "What are you doing?" he asked.

Pit spun around to face the adjacent shelf. "I was just picking up a few books to research on medical care and such, it's not big deal" he answered, picking up the clutter of books. "Speaking of which, would you like me to get some ice for your shoulder? The First Aid room isn't open yet, but I have a key now" Pit suggested.

"Ah, thank you Pit. I appreciate it"

"No way!"

Marth smirked. "And that's was only when I was five"

"I can't really see you doing that..." Pit said, absently wrapping Marth's shoulder. "Is this too tight?"

"No" Marth replied. "What are you saying, you do not believe me?"

"I'm not saying that by any means! It's Not just singing, but winning singing competitions?"

"Yes I always wanted to sing, but I told you, it was when I was five. Royal duties took over later on. I don't really like to sing much anymore, I think my singing voice is too feminine" Marth said, no type of emotion passed through his words.

"That's a shame" Pit said, taking a tone of pity and envy at the same time. "It must be hard placing all of your duties before your hobbies" he said. "I guess that's why they need great noble people like you for the job"

"You're missing my arm Pit" Marth noted, changing the subject. He placed his hand over Pit's smaller hand, guiding it towards his shoulder. Pit blinked, his tape roll was moving in the opposite direction of the wound. "Oops" he said goofily, re-taping the shoulder with a red face.

"Why don't we get some food?" Marth suggested. Pit seemed to have shied away, stuttering a few times before he got out a coherent sentence. "Yes, food sounds nice right about now"

Pit allowed Link to join their table, to which Marth was still on good terms on from after their fight.

"How's your arm?" Link asked, biting on an apple.

Marth cranked his neck to his right. "It's been better, thank you"

Pit happily munched on some Wheaties (breakfast of champions!) as he instructed the prince. "Please leave the ice on for another twenty minutes or so. I know the ice is cold, but it will be better if you keep it on a little longer"

"It's not that cold at all, I'll be fine. Thanks again" Marth said.

Link tossed the core of his apple in the trash behind him as an alarming tone buzzed through the house. The large projection screen in the room lit up. Link sighed, placing his brown boots on the foot rest in front of him.

Battle One winners: Marth and Ike
Battle Two winners: C. Falcon and Samus
Battle Three winners: Peach and Lucario

"Well that's a disappointment to look at" Link said quietly. Marth nodded sympathetically. "I wonder what's worth watching today" the blond swordsman thought out loud, gazing into the flashing lights emitting off the screen.

Battle One: Roy and Pit VS. Fox and Zelda"Ah" Pit gasped.

"Your turn" Link smiled, patting him on the back. "You'll do great Pit, I'll be there today. Go get them"

Pit gave a queasy smile, looking up at Marth. "Will you be there too?" he asked.

Marth's shoulder throbbed, it was beginning to numb. He cupped his hand around the angel's. Pit shuddered from the temperature difference. The prince was icy beyond reason, but his smile was warming to the look. "Of course I'll be there" the prince assured.

"Okay, I didn't want to pressure you to go or anything..." Pit said shyly.

Marth waved his hand. "It's automatic for me to attend for you Pit, don't worry so much"

Pit smiled. "Alright then, I'm glad" he said, turning to depart. "Wish me luck!" he said with a wave.

The intensity of the match seemed to be lower then usual. Everyone had something on their mind, and it was no longer about who won what match. Roy's thoughts were lost in thinking of his mushroom kingdom princess. Fox was reportedly having troubles telling Falco his true feelings, and Zelda was trying too hard to impress Marth, to which the oblivious prince didn't quite notice. Pit seemed nervous out of his mind, constantly looking around as he fought.

Marth was captivated by the angel's fight. It wasn't a fight really, the way he battled... was a performance. It was an exquisite dance of purity and beauty. And those wings...what did the prince like so much about the luminous wings? What was it about the angel that drew Marth in so much to the point that he couldn't concentrate?

"Go Pit!" Link called. Pit looked up to the source of the yell, locking eyes with Marth as he did. The prince starred speechlessly, his mind filled with unspeakable thoughts. Marth snapped out of his thoughts once he saw the angel get attacked from behind with a blast by Zelda, accending him to the air with a few feathers left behind.

Even when he got knocked out, he did it beautifully.

"Pit..." Marth whimpered, unheard behind the loud screams of the smashers.

Marth shook his head vigorously. 'Why am I thinking like this so suddenly? Have I felt this way all along? Is my reason for not being excited for the because I prefer men? Could it be?'

The audience went through several fits of cheering and applause in waves. Roy and Zelda were the two left remaining, in which Roy had already easily finished the princess off. Marth clapped absentmindedly.

"Well that was a good match, very fair. Roy has improved nicely since last year" Link noted. Marth nodded in agreement although he really wouldn't have known with his mind floating elsewhere.

The two swordsmen made their way to the stadium's exit, where they met up with their two victorious friends.

Pit smiled brightly, face red. Marth was shocked to see how happy he was even though he was the first to be knocked out. The others were talking about the match, but the bluenette only paid attention to what he found important. He watched Pit happily describe his fight in detail with various examples of his moves with the flailing of his hands.

"Congratulations" Marth said quietly, standing noticeably close to the angel. Pit gulped. "Thanks, but it was really all Roy this time" he said.

"Don't be so modest, you did great" Marth promised.

"If you say so" Pit said, a surge of feeling honored flowed through him. His large blue eyes peeked to his left, where Roy was found gathering attention from the other smashers. Then there was him, Pit, alone...with Marth that is.

Marth intially smiled, content with his red head friend getting the attention for once instead of him. His smile faded as he observed the angel. Did no one simply appreciate him as much as he did?- not that he worshipped him or anything.

It was just like the first day he met Pit, he was alone.

The more Marth pondered over the subject, the more he realized that that was the only common trait Ike and Pit shared. It was always easier for the prince when it was just him, Roy and Link. They were all alike, there was no confusion.

"Ike!" Marth screamed suddenly.

His cry provoked the attention from a few of the passerbys, earning him perplexed glances. Pit waved a hand in front of Marth's pale face.

"Marth are you okay? Y-you just randomly yelled Ike's name" Pit asked.

"I was supposed to meet him today, it slipped my mind. I must go find him" he said, rushing to leave the grounds.

'Oh I hope he's still there...I can't believe I would forget so easily!' he though as he ran.

Dundundun. How will Ike react?
Goody goody Marth gets busted?
I'll try to get the next chapter in soon!
Thanks for reading :D
