Title: Cross My Heart
Pairing: Blair/Chuck
Rating: T
Summary: "Spotted: B & C leaving JFK airport with more than matching clothes. Is that a gold ring on your ring finger, B? And it seems that C has one too. Could it really be? Are our former queen and UES's notorious playboy...married?"

Spotted: Apparently black is back, as are C & B who were spotted leaving JFK airport early this morning in matching black coats and sunglasses. How was the trip, C & B? Eventful?

We're sure it was, considering the gold bands around C and our former queen B's ring finger. Yes, you've heard correctly, Upper East Siders. It seems our former queen and the devil, himself, are now bound by eternal matrimony? But how long is eternal?

And can this really be – dare I say it – love? Or merely the biggest sham to rock the Upper East Side. Either way, I love a good scandal. And this is already beginning to be the scandal of the year.


Gossip Girl

Serena van der Woodsen screamed.

No, she stopped breathing, fell off her chair, and then screamed.

"Serena, what the- " Dan Humphrey practically sprinted into his bedroom, half expecting to see his girlfriend being attacked by a bald headed vigilante with a bad odour, but instead he found her on his bedroom floor, breathing heavily.

"Dan," she said slowly, still trying to regain her breath. "Look. At. The. Computer. Screen."

He did what she asked and saw that it was Gossip Girl, his favourite blog of all time considering how many times he knew that he and his relationship with Serena was mentioned on it.

"Serena, you know better to read Gossip Girl. It's just some depressed and anti-social girl who has nothing better to do than write about the lives of- "

"Dan," she said firmly, her eyes still locked on the computer screen. "Just read it."

This time he did actually look it and saw that Gossip Girl's entry for today was about Blair and Chuck returning from their getaway. He remembered hearing about it from Serena, when she had started worrying about her best friend travelling to the other side of the country with Chuck. Dan couldn't even remember why they were going to Nevada, simply remembering that it had something to do with Bass Industries and Eleanor Waldorf's fashion live.

Before he read the page, though, he caught a quick glance at one of Blair's fingers and began to pray that the blog wasn't going to be about what he thought it would be.

He was wrong.

"Oh. shit." was all he could mutter.

Dan shook his head, blinking vigorously at the computer screen. It couldn't be true, could it? Blair. And Chuck? Blair and Chuck? Blair and Chuck…married?

He turned to Serena, who was dialling furiously on her phone, no doubt trying to ring the Waldorf residence.

"Dan, it can't be true…can it?" she mumbled in a tiny voice after receiving a busy dial tone for the millionth time. He walked over to her and wrapped his strong arms around her shaking figure and kissed the golden hair on her head.

"It's probably not. It could be a joke…after all, it is Blair and Chuck," he argued, even though, he didn't believe his own words.

"But, Dan, it's Blair and Chuck. They're not even going out! This doesn't make sense. They were still at each other's throats before they left and now they're…ma-married?" she stumbled at her last words, still unable to wrap the thought around her head. Her best friend, Blair…was married? This couldn't be true. No, it wasn't true. Definitely not. It was Blair that they were talking about. And besides, Blair would've told her or at least mentioned it to her that she had married Chuck.

Chuck. Enough said.

"Listen, Serena, we're not gonna know the truth until you talk to Blair herself," Dan said, trying to soothe Serena.

"You do know what this means, though?" Serena said silently, looking up at Dan, the worry evident in her eyes.

"Yep, the Upper East Side is now screwed."

Jenny Humphrey stared at her phone in disbelief. Alright, she had to be dreaming. Maybe even hallucinating. What she was seeing could not true.

Blair and Chuck?

No way in hell. They weren't even dating! Last she heard they still weren't talking after last year when their affair had blown up in their faces. Now that Hazel was the new queen bee, Blair Waldorf had slowly disappeared into the crowd of common students and was only known as the 'the former queen'. So, how on all that was genuine Prada, could they be…married?

This had to be some cruel joke. Some sad attempt of Blair's to try to regain her throne again.

"Jenny, earth to Jenny."

"What, huh?" Jenny looked up to find her boyfriend looking at her concern about what she was looking at. She quickly put her phone in her coat pocket and gave him a forced smile. "What'd you say, Nate?"

"Um, just what was on your phone? It looked pretty important," Nate Archibald said as he entwined his fingers with hers and gave her one of his puppydog smiles.

"Oh, it was nothing. Just Dan telling me to but milk. He's too busy with Serena to go across the street and buy it," she laughed, although her attempt quickly died. Nate sensed that something was wrong, but felt that he shouldn't say anything more. After all, he figured she'd tell him in her own time…at least that's how it was like with Blair. With Blair, she'd pout and look sullen and no matter how many times he'd ask her what was wrong, she'd say, "Nothing, Natie." Half the time, she'd tell him what was actually wrong, the other times, he had to hear it from Serena.

But with Jenny, things had been different…for the most part. When they had gotten together, a few months after the whole Blair and Chuck affair, he had found that the blonde haired beauty was different to what he had expected.

Jenny had been bubbly and lively and more importantly, real. Not to say that Blair wasn't real, but with Blair, Nate couldn't help but feel that underneath all of her perfected exterior, there was a girl that Blair was afraid to show to him and the rest of the UES.

But with Jenny, he had also found that as every day went by, there were parts of Blair popping up in her personality. And truth be told, he didn't know how to deal with. One time, when Jenny had suddenly called him, "Natie", he had flinched unexpectedly and tensed under her grip. Jenny had noticed it as well and from that day on, she never mentioned Blair's beloved nickname for him. They had just imagined that it had never happened.

"Earth to Nate."

Nate shook out of his daze and found Jenny smiling at him, wondering what was going on through his head.

"Oh hey, we better finish eating lunch," he said, picking up his fork and digging it into his spaghetti. "Don't wanna miss our movie."

"Yeah, okay," Jenny said, a bit deflated. There was something bugging Nate. And the fact that he wasn't telling her annoyed her. Because the minute that she and Nate had gotten together, she had made a promise to herself that she would be a better girlfriend than Blair ever was. Right now, though, it looked like Jenny was losing.

Nate's phone began to vibrate on the restaurant table and he picked it up, eager to break the tension that was beginning to form between him and Jenny.

When he saw the text, his mouth dropped, as did the spaghetti on his fork right onto his pants. Jenny knew exactly what he was looking at and watched his face turn from surprise to confusion to pure anger.

"What the f-?!"

The door to the hotel suite swung open and in walked in a young man with a tired, but nonetheless devilish grin on his face. He took off his coat and hung it on the back of a chair, surveying his room.

"Home sweet home," he said to himself. He looked behind at the young woman who stood in his doorway, unsure whether to enter or not. She wore a coat to match his and had her shiny, chocolate hair in a bun to match Audrey Hepburn's classic style.

"You can come in, Blair. After all, this is now your home as well," he said, with his eyes crinkling as he watched her roll her eyes in true Blair fashion and strode into the room, holding her head up high.

"My home…" she said, a hint of uncertainty lingering in her voice but that was quickly removed when she removed her coat and stared at Chuck with menace written in her eyes. "Yes, now that it is my home, I'm afraid we're going to have to redecorate everything. Geez, Chuck, you'd think you'd have better taste."

"I'm afraid I've got none of that. Sadly, it shows with women as well," he replied. "Anyway, welcome home, Mrs Bass."

AN: Okay, well, hi! This is set about a year after A Thin Line Between Chuck and Nate, so they UES'rs are in their senior year, with the exception of Jenny. Blair didn't leave and isn't really on friendly terms with Nate and Chuck, more so Nate, though. More questions will be answered throughout the story, though, so um, yeah.

Anyway, that was the first chapter. Hope you enjoyed it! I've tried to stick to close to the characters as possible, and am really sorry if some seem sorta OOC. If there's any problems, just ask, and I'll try to explain it :)

Hopefully you like it so far!