Chapter ten: Joys of wedding bells.

Amy Rose stood staring at herself in the mirror, she sill just couldn't quiet believe that today was her big day, today was the day that she finally married the love of her life, Shadow the hedgehog.

True to his word Shadow had brought the young pink hedgehog a lovely engagement ring, it was a simple gold band topped with a deep red ruby heart, with two small jet stones spears each side of the heart.

The young pink hedgehog had lots of butterfly's in her tummy but she found that she was truly happy today.

Sally smiled at her. "You look so beautiful Amy." The squirrel princess breather softly admiring Amy's dress.

Amy smiled back at her, the young hedgehog had to admit her bridal dress was lovely, the dress was long and white, with floating skirts that were embroidered with a delicate pink flower pattern, the white bodice clung to her figure making the most of it.

The white vale, was also embroidered with pink flowers, the gauzy material fell to about her waist and covered the happy pink hedgehog's face delicately.

Among her now longer pink quills sat a simple silver tiara topped with a few pink pearls and in her hands the young pink hedgehog held a bouquet of white and pink flowers.

The happy pink hedgehog had chosen Sally and Rouge were her two brides maids, unlike most brides maids they were both dressed in taste full pink dresses.

Shadow had surprised absolutely every one and chosen Sonic as his best man, when he had been asked about this, the dark hedgehog had simply stated that the blue hero had helped him and Amy come together, so he felt that it was fitting for Sonic to be his best man.

Both Sally and Amy had agreed that the blue hero looked very smart in a double of Shadows suite, the only difference to Sonic's outfit was that it made out in white and dark blue materials instead of Shadow's jet blacks and ruby reds.

Rouge smiled at Amy softly. "You look absolutely beautiful today Amy. I still find it hard to believe that you both beet us to the alter."

Amy smiled widely at the white bat. "Yes, well, I don't think Sally will be that far behind me."

Sally blushed slightly at this. "Now Amy don't go making assumptions."

The young pink hedgehog coughed slightly, in order to hide a small laugh and changed the subject of the conversation. "I heard Tails say earlier that Robotnic is here."

"Yes he has arrived, and I have to say that for once in his entire life the doctor is actually behaving rather well." Rouge said quietly to Amy.

"Well, it wasn't my decision to invite him to the wedding. Shadow invited him, he said something about the doctor being the only family he really had. I didn't want Shadow's side of the church to be completely empty, so I told him to do what he felt was right."

"That sounds like a wise decision to me." Rouge said with a small nod of approval.

"I can't help but wonder what on Mobius Shadow threatened Robotnic with, in order to get him to come to the wedding and behave?" Sally asked them both with a small laugh.

"What ever it was I betting that it was probably very painful." Amy said with laughter in her green eyes.

There was a polite knock on the door, Rouge opened the door and Sonic's head came round the door, he smiled softly at Amy, his eyes fell on Sally and the smile widened. "Well ladies, it's time to begin."

Sally looked up into his handsome emerald green eyes ringed by the blue mask and couldn't help but sigh ever so slightly, the sapphire blue hedgehog looked so dashing today.

"Thank you Sonic." Amy said softly, the blue hedgehog vanished, as the organ began to play Amy took a deep breath and stepped out onto the isle.

Calmly she walked to the end of the isle, were her dark hero was waiting for her, when she reached the dark hedgehog's side, carefully Amy drew back her vale.

Quietly the dark hedgehog reached out, gently Shadow took the young pink hedgehog's hand in his own, slowly the red and black hedgehog looked down at her, Amy's soft green eyes met his warm red one and the two hedgehogs smiled at each other softly.

With a smile at the obviously happy couple, the old owl minister began his service. "Dearly beloved. . ."

With strong and clear voices both of the hedgehogs repeated their vows, gently Shadow slipped a gold ring onto Amy's finger and she softly placed one onto his.

With a large happy smile the minister spoke. "You may kiss the bride."

Elegantly, Shadow swept off his black top hat, slowly he leant down, the young pink hedgehog leant up and they met in a soft kiss.

The church erupted into cheers, Amy and Shadow drew apart from their kiss, they were both so happy.

Turning side by side, the two hedgehog's looked at their friends, they were all smiling back at them, evidently contented to see them so happy with each other, even Robotnic was clapping, and for a moment Amy though that she saw the ghost of a golden haired girl sitting in the pews smiling at them also.

Amy turned to look at Shadow and the look in his ruby red eyes, as they met her jade green ones confirmed that he too had seen Maria and knew that she was happy for him.

Side by side, the dark hedgehog and the pink walked down the isle, they got to the church steps were there friends threw confetti all over the pair of them.

As the black hedgehog and the pink hedgehog laughed at their friends, they noticed Sonic and Sally leaving the church arm in arm.

Shadow winked at Amy, she caught this wink, the young pink hedgehog looked down at her bouquet and with a wide smile called out. "Sally catch!"

Sally looked up surprised, she cupped her hands, just in time for Amy's bouquet of flowers to land in her hands.

Blushing brightly the squirl princess looked at the young pink hedgehog, Amy winked at her once, before Shadow swept her up into his arms.

Sonic looked down at the flowers she held. "Doesn't that mean, that you'll be the next one to get married?"

Still blushing brightly Sally looked up into the blue hero's emerald green eyes. "Yes, it does. . . but that doesn't mean we have to. . . that you should feel that you have too. . ." She stuttered, blushing an even deeper shade of red.

Sonic caught Shadows eye as he held Amy in his arms and the older male winked once before, he set off at a run carrying his new wife with him, to which ever honey moon destination the new couple had chosen.

The blue hero looked back to Sally, who was standing beside him still blushed a deep shade of red, and spoke to her softly. "And who said I don't want to marry you?"

Sally looked up at him shocked, and Sonic pulled her close to him. "Marry me Sally Acorn?" He asked her softly a note of tenderness in the blue hero's voice.

Sally smiled widely at him. "Yes Sonic, I will marry you." With an equally large smile, Sonic lowered his lips to Sally's and they held each other in a tight embrace.

((yay all done. That was interesting if short. . . only written one other wedding scene before, this didn't come out to badly I hope. I hope I see you all for the next fic!))