Under Pressure

Chapter 18

Disclaimer: I own nothing of Ashes to Ashes or even Life on Mars, it all belongs to the BBC and Kudos.

This is the final chapter but there will be an epilogue to this.

NB: There is smut included in this chapter.

Reviews or criticisms are always welcome and greatly appreciated!

Alex smiled at Caera who was propped up in the hospital bed, watching as Alex cuddled her little one with a natural skill. She wondered sometimes if there was more to this woman who sat there, gazing down at the bundle in her arms. Little baby Dairmuid Glenn was asleep currently, his little faced crunched up and his tiny fists curled. He was barely three days old and already Alex got the feeling he was going to be a charmer when he grew up. He had his fathers deep brown hair, but it was the way that he seemed to gaze at Alex earlier on that took her breath away.

His eyes were full of innocence and purity… and knowledge. She wanted to laugh and quip how babies knew everything at birth but as they learned to speak the knowledge left them. But she felt that now perhaps wasn't the time for one of her 'fruitcake' moments, especially when Gene had commented on taking her to the ward where she truly belonged.

"His Daddy says he has fighting fists." Caera sighed but a smile played on her lips.

Alex chuckled and glanced out into the corridor through the glass pane in the door; Gene and Martin stood chatting, both relaxed and laughing. Despite Gene's first comments about coming to see the baby he seemed relaxed though he had been adamant that he didn't want to hold Dairmuid.

"So what about you two then?" Caera watched Alex as she gently swayed back and forth, the maternal urge to rock kicking in.

"Who two?" Alex lowered herself into the plastic chair, careful not to upset Dairmuid. She twisted her body and placed him back into his cot, stroking his soft skin before tucking his blue blanket around him.

"You and DCI Hunt of course."

Alex laughed and shook her head.

"What on earth gave you that idea?" Alex hoped that her skin hadn't flushed red when Caera made it clear who she was talking about. There was no denying that something, of which she couldn't define, was going on between them. They weren't a couple but then she got the feeling that Gene wouldn't have been too impressed if she shagged some other bloke. They had developed a routine where after Luigi's she would either invite him back to her flat or on the odd occasion they would end up back it his house.

"Oh… you know… just a woman's intuition." Caera looked at Alex knowingly before letting the matter rest. Clearly there was more going on there than she knew but sooner or later Alex would end up telling her, Caera knew these kinds of things. "So what happened with Rex and Mike then?"

"They've both been charged with various accounts of kidnapping, attempted murder, murder, blackmail… the list could go on forever not including the previous crimes that they are going to also be trialled for." Alex glanced at Dairmuid who was still sleeping and sighed. "I just… I just wish Isabelle hadn't have gotten so mixed up in all of this. I mean she was shot and nearly died and now… I wish I could have done more."

"What more was there that you could do Alex?"

Alex shrugged unable to articulate what she was exactly thinking and feeling.

"It's just the fact that her own father tried to kill her and now she has to pick up the pieces of her life living with that fact. I know it is... I mean I know she must be… oh Caera it's awful… just awful." Alex faltered unable to say what she wanted.

Caera reached over and squeezed Alex's hand, they shared a look of mutual understanding and Alex was thankful for this woman's calming influence and nature.

Dairmuid stirred at that moment and Caera sighed reached across to pick him up. She huffed as the covers began to slip and she looked at Alex in hope that she would help. Alex chuckled gentle scooping up the baby, at that moment the doors of the room clattered open and Gene huffed at the sight of his DI who was cooing over Dairmuid once again.

"Come on Drake we've got a job to get back to." Gene lowered the tone of his voice, making sure that he didn't disturb the baby. He watched as Alex carefully handed Dairmuid to his mother and stroked his head once before picking up her jacket off of the back of the chair.

"Let me know when you're home Caera and I'll come over and see you."

"That would be lovely Alex… by then we'll both be wanting adult conversations."

Alex laughed as they headed out to the corridor, Gene huffing at Caera's comment.

"Was she insinuating that I was a child!"

"No! Of course not Gene!" Alex smiled, she was unable to contain her mirth which played in her eyes as they walked back through the corridors to the exit.

"Bloody woman 'n bloody baby talk." Gene muttered under his breath good naturedly as they got into the Quattro. Alex shut the passenger door and fiddled with her hair which had been blown about in the breeze.

"Where to now Gene?"

"Luigi's… I'm bloody starvin'"

Two weeks later...

Alex slotted the key into the lock of her front door and twisted it, bumping the door open with her hip and waiting till it swung open before she stepped into her flat.

Her arms were full with bags of groceries that she had just bought and struggled up the stairs to get back to her flat. It was little over two weeks since Caera had gone home with her little one and the whole team had been invited to Baby Dairmuid's christening. The team had all enjoyed themselves thoroughly getting absolutely wasted and joining in with the merriments. They had all certainly deserved a little joy after hearing that Mike Ripley had managed to wrangle his way out of some of his convictions claiming he had been blackmailed and forced into it by Tony Hayler; Rex was also trying to play that card.

The words of Alfie had come back to haunt Alex as the truth about Lola had been finally revealed. Apparently she was the illegitimate child of a well renowned crime lord who had taken it upon himself to make Tony, Mike and Alfie's lives a living hell after they had all shunned Lola. She had been the mastermind behind it all and the men were mere play things to her. Rex was the biggest fool of all as his house abroad had been bought for him by Lola's father but now that his baby girl was dead he held no ties to that fool and pulled out all his funding into Dreams.

Whatever happened Mike and Rex would loose a lot of money but she was pretty sure that they would soon be back on their feet and making more money whatever way they could… unless she got them both convicted.

Alex wasn't due in work until early afternoon, so knowing that she had to do it sooner rather than later, Alex had traipsed down to the local grocers and stocked up. She had slowly been getting more of an appetite; admittedly she had never really been one for eating three meals a day instead she tended to eat a larger lunch and graze around it on healthy foods. Gods knew what the 1980s would do to her figure with the shocking amount of wine and pasta she was consuming at Luigi's.

That was why she had made an effort to stock up on some healthier options maybe even giving her a chance to make up some salads for at work. Although Alex had to admit that she indulged in a few of her favourite naughty foods including a can of condensed milk. As a child she could remember her Mum sometimes buying a can and curling up on the sofa after a hard case, eating from the tin with a spoon. Alex would sometimes be allowed to join her Mum, curling up beside her and loving the sickly sweet taste.

Dumping the bags somewhat unceremoniously onto the kitchen counter Alex frowned as she became aware of the sound of running water. She was pretty adamant that she had turned off the shower this morning before going out. Turning on the heel of her boots she strained to listen for the sound again. Now that she concentrated it was obvious someone was in her flat and in the shower.

Her heart began to pound.

Tucking her keys into her back pocket, Alex grabbed the first thing that came to hand which was a dirty saucepan off of the kitchen hob and crept her way back into the hallway. She could hear it more distinctly now, the sound of the shower running and someone clearly was using it as she could hear the bath creaking under the mystery person's weight. Alex knew that the bathroom lock didn't work anymore, having broken it one night when she had been rather drunk and stumbled into the bathroom to throw up and somehow broke the lock in the process.

Cautiously she pushed the handle of the door down and let the door swing open gradually.

Whoever was in the shower clearly hadn't heard Alex enter the room; Alex positioned herself in front of the bath, the saucepan poised and ready for action. With one hand she whipped back the shower curtain.



Alex dropped the saucepan to the floor sending the last of its sticky pasta and tomato sauce contents across the lino.

"GENE?" Alex's hands flew up to cover her mouth which hung open as she gawped at her naked and rather wet DCI. The shower was still running over his body as she found herself unable to tear her gaze away, watching a trail of bubbles that made their slow path down his back. Alex certainly couldn't help herself as her gaze trailed down his form taking in and appreciating the sigh before her.

"What the hell are you dong in my flat? And for that matter where did you get a key?"

"What does it blood look like! Havin' a shower! Now are you goin' to pass me a towel Bolly... or do you want t' 'elp scrub my back?"

Alex felt her skin flush red and warm with embarrassment as she stumbled back against the towel rail, she grabbed the first towel that came to hand and held it out for Gene, her eyes focused on the ceiling now. She hadn't expected him to be in her flat at this time of day.

"Preferably somthin' thats not the size of a bloody handkerchief Drake."

Alex glanced down at the scrap of towel in her hand and dropped it to the floor before holding out another, large towel this time. Her gaze had settled back on his torso as Gene turned the shower off and wrapped the larger towel around his waist. Alex found herself once again lowering her gaze and admiring his firm buttocks that she had often had the pleasure of gently squeezing as they…

"Are you 'ere to lend a 'and Bolly or just to appreciate the view?" Gene's gruff tones broke her train of thought and Alex's gaze snapped back up to meet Gene's, a smile lingering on her lips. For the moment Alex was lost for words until Gene stepped out of the shower and placed his foot into a splattering of pasta and sauce. "Shit!"

Gene attempted to wipe his foot on the bathmat but the pasta remained stuck. Alex just rolled her eyes noticing that the bathmat would now need to be washed or replaced.

"What the hell did you make this bloody stuff with? Super glue?!" Gene grabbed at the smaller towel and wiped at his foot balancing against the wall.

"I'll get a cloth." Alex left him to his own devices and returned a few moments later with a dish cloth. Gene was still in the bathroom, now stood facing the mirror as he splashed on some aftershave; Alex was fairly sure he hadn't left a bottle in her flat since he had last stayed.

The towel remained firmly tucked around his waist which was a pity Alex thought to herself, she had rather been enjoying the view. Perhaps another time she would have 'scrubbed' his back but the shock of finding Gene stood naked in her shower had forced all thoughts out of her head for the moment.

"Always keep a bottle at work."

Alex knelt on the floor wiping up the remains of her weapon and dumping the now stained red dishcloth into the saucepan. She glanced up at Gene after his comment puzzled for a moment until he shook the bottle at her.

"Oh… and the clothes?"

"Same… always 'ave 'ad a spare suit at work; never know when you might need it."

"Why is it that you need a change of clothes? And again how did you get in? Clearly you didn't scale the wall and clamber through my window or kick the door down?"

Gene turned to face Alex.

"With a key off of Luigi of course Bols?" He seemed surprised by her being confused over how he had gotten into her flat. "Anyway whilst you've been relaxin' on your pert arse this mornin' me an the boys had a little run in with a few familiar faces. Got a tip off about someone doin' dodgy dealin's down at the fish market. Caught the lot of them red 'anded."

"And the reason for you needing to shower was?" Alex prompted.

"Well I went for one of the Stanley Boys and ended up followin' him into what I thought was an empty warehouse. Apparently it was where they stored the guts and leftovers of the fish."

"Ah… I get the picture." Alex chuckled at the thought of Gene covered head to toe in fish remains.

"Yeah well don't go havin' a laugh and a joke about it with Raymundo and that dipstick… they ended up in just a bad a state."

"They aren't here as well?"

"No! I bloody told them that we were using a uniformed officer's car to get back 'n that they could use the station showers." Gene strode past Alex and headed into her bedroom. She followed him into the hall but instead took the saucepan and its contents in the kitchen to be disposed off and cleaned up.

"So where's your precious Quattro then?" Alex called to him but got no response. Kicking off her boots, she grabbed a banana from the fruit bowl and wandered into her bedroom. Gene was stood barefoot with his trousers on but not done up, his hair was ruffled from where it was beginning to dry and he had pulled on a half buttoned shirt. It was a delightful sight and Alex stood admiring him from the doorway as she peeled her banana.

"Don't be such a bloody tease."

Alex raised an eyebrow, her mouth full from the bite she had taken from her piece of fruit. She quickly swallowed.

"I was doing no such thing… intentionally." She took another large bite before finishing it off and dropping the skin into the bin. Alex moved to stand in front of Gene, her body pressed against his as her hands went to straighten his collar. She breathed in his scent which despite the dunking in fish remains, still lingered. That smoky, earthy, tobacco smell that she knew so well.

Her fingers lingered against his cheek as his hands slid down her curve of her spine to rest on her 'pert buttocks'… which he often referred to.

She placed a chaste kiss on his chest, one hand trailing down his side to rest of his hip, playing with the fabric of his trousers.

"What time am I due into work?" She mumbled softly against his neck as she kissed lightly, slowly working her way up to his jaw line. Her fingers already undoing the few buttons of his shirt.

"Whenever the man in charge is done with you." Gene tugged at her hair, forcing her head to tilt back. He kissed her forcefully, letting out a moan as he felt Alex tug at the waistline of his trousers, letting it fall to the floor before stroking his length through the material of his boxers. Alex soon pushed them down his hips as well and trailed her nails back up his stomach and chest, delighting in the fact that his muscles twitched in pleasure.

"Won't anyone notice that you've been gone a while?" Alex whispered against his lips, gasping as Gene pulled forcefully at the buttons of her jeans whilst she forcefully dragged his shirt off, not caring that it was clean on. All she wanted now was to feel Gene's hands on her body.

"I'll take as long as I bloody well like." Gene bit her bottom lip as he pushed the zip of her jeans down and turned his attentions to her jacket which was quickly thrown across the room. Kicking off his trousers and boxers from around his ankles, Gene scooped Alex up and dropped her onto the bed earning a yelp of surprise from Alex. She struggled to sit up but Gene held her still as he made quick work of her jeans pulling them down to reveal the scrap of lacy black fabric.

She groaned in frustration as he kissed his way up her leg, working from her ankle up to the top of her thigh. He never quite touched her where she wanted or needed it most, so instead Alex felt that burn of longing building up. Her top was hurried off and chucked to the corner of the room along with her bra leaving Alex with only her lacy black underwear on… if you could really call it that.

"Gene… I need… oh gods I need you to touch me."

He grinned to himself as he kissed the inside of her thigh, nipping at the flesh. He pulled her underwear off agonizingly slowly. In frustration Alex hands pressed into the duvet cover now found themselves tangled up in his hair. Suddenly Gene stopped his ministrations and caught her wrists. He forced her hands back up above her head and pinned them there with one hand whilst the other tweaked her nipple.

"Keep them here or else I'll cuff you to the bed." His voice was serious but Alex could see the longing and desire in his eyes. Oh she wouldn't put it past Gene to cuff her to the bed but for once as much as she wanted him to do it she was eager to touch his body at some point. She watched as he worked his way back down her body, kissing in the valley between her breasts before moving down to place heated kisses on her stomach.

Alex's body arched under her touch, as Gene's fingers traced a teasing line down the side of her stomach and over her hips.

"Please! Gene…. Please." Her tone was pleading and Gene could tell that she was struggling to stop herself from moving her hands from above her head. Her fists gripped the duvet tight.

"Please what Alex?"

"Gods Gene just… please just." Her moan was breathy as he ran one finger over her clit before pushing just the tip inside. Alex's hips arched up at his touch, craving more.

"Gene please I need you!" Alex gasped out her plea, a groan of pleasure quickly following as Gene slipped two fingers into her, gently pumping in and out.

He couldn't wait to hear her say the words and so his mouth descended lower over her wet lips, his tongue brushing against her clit. Alex moaned in pleasure her hips bucking until he placed his hands firmly on her hips to keep them still. Gene continued to pump his fingers in and out of her whilst his tongue swirled around her clit earning whimpers and moans. He was hard enough as it was without her moaning his name every second.

"Gene oh yes! Oh Yes!"

Gene sucked at her clit, working his fingers faster now as he massaged and stroked her to her peak. Alex felt her body tense up before the waves of pleasure from her orgasm made her writhe on the bed, barely able to contain the scream that built in the pit of her stomach. He licked at her clit until he felt her body relax, he flexed his fingers smelling and tasting her still in his mouth. He made his way back up her body, Alex laid there a contented smile on her face as she breathed heavily, her chest rising and falling.

She turned her head to look at him and sighed out a breathy 'oh.' Alex rolled onto her side and gently pushed Gene onto his back as she moved across to straddle his hips. Her body was still shaking from the orgasm but she needed to feel him inside of her desperately now.

She slid herself down his length, her head thrown back in rapture as he filled her, her body still tight from her orgasm. Rolling her hips she started a slow pace and was relieved when Gene held her hips steadying her as she began to build up the pace.

"So tight Alex! Gods! That's fuckin' good!"

Alex's hands were splayed across his chest, her hips moved up and down drawing his length out of her before forcing it in, the pace beginning to build more and more. Alex arched her back and sighed in pleasure as she felt her heart pound in her chest.

"Oh Gene! So good!"

Gene's touch seemed fevered against her skin as he massaged her hips, meeting each of her thrusts with his own. Alex's moved one hand to squeeze and massage at her breast, a sight that Gene could get enough of as Alex seemed lost in the moment. He was close and was barely holding himself back, each thrust bringing him closer to the edge.

"Don't stop! Uhh!"

"Fuck yes Alex! Gods I'm gonna cum." He thrust up harder unaware of the nonsense of pleas and murmurs that spilled out from Alex's lips. She was in ecstasy and Alex felt her body reaching the peak once more. It was Gene who brought her to it as he came. They had lost their rhythm as their bodies thrusted together, Gene felt the waves of his orgasm crash over him and let out a half groan half cry of pleasure, his body shaking as he pumped short hard thrusts in and out of her body. Alex tensed around his length and they both were lost for the moment.

Alex slumped forward against Gene's body, both of them hot and sweaty from their impromptu session. He kissed the corner of her mouth unable to do much as at that moment. Alex's legs felt like jelly so she didn't even bother to try and move until Gene grunted at her and gently rolled her over to her side. She wrapped an arm around his chest and lay there content to listen to the pounding of his heart.

They lay there for a few minutes before Gene stretched his arms and glanced at his watch which still remained on his wrist.

"Reckon I need another shower now."

"Same here… have we got time?"

"I told you already Bolly, I'm the Guv 'n what I say goes." Gene rose from the bed and Alex immediately missed his warmth. She rolled over to her front and watched Gene as he retrieved his clothes from the floor, he stopped and barely hid the lust filled gaze that settled on her body. Her back was uncovered, but the duvet was tucked around her hips and curved over her arse leaving little to the imagination. Alex's breasts were forced up as she lay on her front watching him and Gene almost groaned at the sight.

"You gonna keep me company in the shower then?"

Alex smiled and nodded, moving her feet as he dumped his pile of clothes on the end of the bed.

"In a moment." She stretched languorously watching Gene's naked form as he left the bedroom.

The whole not knowing wasn't so bad sometimes; at least that way she never felt trapped in a relationship. But there were moments, like just then, when a part of her longed to be able to call him her own. Pushing the thoughts aside Alex rose from the bed and headed to the bathroom, eager to join Gene before the hot water ran out... like last time.

Monday morning came round quickly and the team soon had a new case to deal with. Gene came crashing out of his office, a cigarette between his lips and his black coat billowing out behind him.

"Drake! Raymundo! Dipstick! Get your arses into the car pronto!"

"Where we goin' guv?" Chris asked as he leapt from his seat and followed behind.

"Round my mothers for tea 'n cakes Chris!"

"Really?" Chris looked hopeful then and earned a look of contempt from Ray.

"No you moron!" Gene barked out as they stormed their way through the building. "There's a bank robbery goin' down right this minute 'n if we're bloody quick enough we might catch the bastards red handed!"