

It's been 11 days since I last felt your cool lips,

Since you stroked my face with your finger-tips.

Each song that plays appears to have worth,

But all I can do is sit here in mirth.

Is it coincidence or a sign?

I'm not going to lie, I'm not doing fine.

I don't understand and you won't explain,

Yet I go over that one moment again and again.

You say 'Time will heal all',

But what happens with every call?

With every message I receive?

For a moment it's you…or so I believe.

Who knows maybe our feelings are alike,

All I know is my heart has been impaled on a dull pike.

It could be that you were right,

But did you keep my feelings in sight?

It's alright to argue and doubt,

That's how we resolve and figure issues out.

Instead surrender was preferred,

And after 6 days you were already cured!

SCREAM AND HATE! That's all I want to do,

However the problem is that I still love you.

I can say I want to be your friend,

But I want it to be more in the end.

Life seems to be on a down-ward slope,

But I'll take those songs as 'signs' of hope.

For now though it's you that I miss,

I wish once more for a single kiss.